Associate Professor Konrad Peszynski
Research Interests
Dr Peszynski's specific research interests include supply chain management and associated technologies, eBusiness, eProcurement and the social aspects of information.
His PhD titled “Power and Politics in a System Implementation” was awarded in 2006 at Deakin University (Victoria, Australia). His PhD had a strong focus on the social issues surrounding systems implementation. The study aimed to identify the role of power and politics in systems implementation.
Since joining RMIT, Konrad has been involved in the School of Business IT and Logistics and teaches into the Masters of Strategic Procurement, Masters of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Masters of Business (Information Technology) and the Masters of Commerce.
He has successfully supervised PhD candidates and Masters of Research candidates as either the senior supervisor or the associate supervisor. Konrad is currently the Higher Degree by Research Coordinator in the School of Business IT and Logistics.
Research Projects
- January 2010 - December 2010, Business Value of Web 2.0 within Australia in 2010. Project conducted by Professor Mohini Singh, Professor Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Dr Konrad Peszynski, and Dr Paul Cerotti, University Research Seed Funding
- January 2010 - June 2010, Solutions to delivery optimization and cost issues in the company's Bayswater hub and spoke structure.
- January 2007- December 2007, E-business assimilation and its effects on the growth and export performance of Australian horticulture firms. RMIT Emerging Researcher Grant.
- October 2006 -December 2007, E-business assimilation and its effects on the growth and export performance of Australian horticulture firms. RMIT Emerging Researcher Grant, Joint project with Konrad Peszynski.
- 2014 – Teaching Excellence Award - Priority area – High impact strategies for progression, retention and attainment, Higher Education - For sustained excellence through student-centred teaching that engages students to promote high levels of attainment in the discipline of supply chain management.
- 2008 - Best Paper Award - ACS Environmental Sustainability in ICT Molla, A, Cooper, V, Corbitt, B, Deng, H, Peszynski, K, Pittayachawan, S, & Teoh, S Y (2008). E-readiness to g-readiness: developing a green information technology readiness framework. Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Christchurch, New Zealand.
- 2006 - PhD Thesis nominated by the School of Information Systems at Deakin University for the ACPHIS (Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems) medal for best Australian PhD in Information Systems.
- 2004 - Received the inaugural Vice-Chancellors Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching and Learning at Deakin University.
- 2004 - Nominated for the Australian Awards for University Training for an innovative and practical approach to team teaching in large, first year classes.
- ISYS2394 – Globalisation and Business and Information Technology
- INTE1208 – eProcurement and Supply Chain Technologies
- ISYS2381 – Business Globalisation (Canada)
- Master of Business Information Technology (MBIT), Deputy Program Director, School of BIT&L, RMIT
- Deputy Study Tour Director, School of BIT&L RMIT
- Teaching and Learning Committee Member, School of BIT&L, RMIT
- RMIT Research Committee Member, as a researcher with an emerging record of excellence in research
- PhD, Information Systems (Deakin University, Australia)
- MEd, Teaching (RMIT University, Australia)
- BCA (Hons), Information System (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
- BSC, Psychology (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
Education Integrator, GS1 Australia, 2005-2006
Current Teaching Responsibilities
- INTE1208 – eProcurement and Supply Chain Technologies
- ISYS2394 – Globalisation and Business IT
- ISYS2380/ISYS2381 - Business Globalisation: A Study Abroad - Canada
Past Teaching Responsibilities
- OMGT2088 – International Logistics
- ISYS2396 – Professional Business Practice
- ISYS2391 - Strategic Information Systems and Accounting
- ISYS2396 - Enterprise Systems
- Member of the Australian Computer Society (MACS)
- Member of the Association of Information Systems (MAIS)
- Member of the Supply Chain and Logistics Alliance of Australia (SCLAA)
- Tharapos, M.,Peszynski, K.,Lau, K.,Heffernan OAM, M.,Vesty, G.,Ghalebeigi, A. (2023). Effective teaching, student engagement and student satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from business students' qualitative survey evaluations In: Accounting & Finance, 63, 3173 - 3192
- Siawsh, N.,Peszynski, K.,Vo-Tran, H.,Young, L. (2023). Toward the creation of disaster-resilient communities: The Machizukuri initiative – The 2011 Tohoku Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 96, 1 - 21
- Gyarmathy, A.,Peszynski, K.,Young, L. (2020). Theoretical framework for a local, agile supply chain to create innovative product closer to end-user: Onshore-offshore debate In: Operations and Supply Chain Management, 13, 108 - 122
- Jovanovic, N.,Zolfagharinia, H.,Peszynski, K. (2020). To Green or Not to Green Trucking? Exploring the Canadian Case In: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 88, 1 - 25
- Siawsh, N.,Peszynski, K.,Young, L.,Vo-Tran, H. (2019). Exploring the role of power on procurement and supply chain management systems in a humanitarian organisation: a socio-technical systems view In: International Journal of Production Research, , 1 - 27
- Hallock, D.,Thai, V.,Peszynski, K. (2019). Enablers of logistics cluster benefits; An exploratory study In: Proceedings of the 41st Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF 2019), Canberra, Australia, 30/09/2019-02/10/2019
- Chhetri, P.,Nkhoma, M.,Peszynski, K.,Chhetri, A.,Lee, P. (2018). Global logistics city concept: a cluster-led strategy under the belt and road initiative In: Maritime Policy and Management, 45, 319 - 335
- Carlton, D.,Peszynski, K. (2018). Situational Incompetence: The Failure of Governance in the Management of Large Scale IT Projects In: IFIP WG 8.6 International Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2018 Portsmouth, UK, June 25, 2018 Proceedings, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 25 June 2018
- Hallock, D.,Thai, V.,Peszynski, K.,Chhetri, P. (2018). Antecedents and Outcomes of Logistics Cluster Benefits-a Delphi Panel Method In: Proceedings of the Australian Transport Research forum (ARTF 2018), Darwin, Australia, 30 October - 1 November 2018
- Bolt, A.,Cerotti, P.,Peszynski, K. (2017). Normative ethics in early colonial Australia and the country's first libel case In: Freedom to Libel? Samuel Marsden V Philo Free: Australia's First Libel Case, Bolt, Sydney, Australia
23 PhD Completions and 1 Masters by Research Completions3 PhD Current Supervisions
- Digitisation for Safe Workplaces (VHESIF Pool 1). Funded by: Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund (VHESIF) - Pool 1 from (2021 to 2025)