Human Rights Led Practice




If you’re looking to work in aged or disability care, you’ll be working with some of the most vulnerable people in our society. Along with providing care, you’ll also responsible for upholding the basic rights and dignity of the people you care for – making it vital to understand how human rights principles interact with your job on a daily basis.

This course gives you an overview of human rights principles, and how they apply to the everyday aspects of a career in care. Along with getting an outline of human rights history, you’ll also learn about Australian state and federal legislation around human rights, and study techniques for taking a human rights–led approach to work in the care environment.

Skills and learning outcomes

  • Describe key milestones in human rights history
  • Identify and describe the three generations of human rights
  • Describe key features of human rights instruments (universal, indivisible, inalienable and inabrogable) and categories of human rights (positive and negative rights)
  • Identify federal and state legislation that upholds human rights
  • Apply models and approaches to using a human rights approach in practice (PANEL)
  • Identify the rights of others that service users work to protect


  • Introduction to human rights
  • The three generations of human rights
  • PANEL as a practical approach to human rights
  • Overview of the history of human rights
  • Charity, needs and rights-based approaches
  • Charter of Human Rights
  • Identifying discrimination
  • Advocating for human rights
  • Recognising that those we advocate for may be protecting the rights of others
  • The three components of empowerment – awareness, autonomy and communication
  • Right to complain
  • Mechanisms for complaints

How does it work ?

By completing online activities, the earner of this credential demonstrated an understanding of the recent history of human rights, and the federal and state legislation that upholds human rights in Australia. They also showed an understanding of practical approaches to applying human rights principals to care work.