Strategic Problem Solving

$1200 $1600 $1200 $1200 $1600 $1600 $1600


Elevate your strategic thinking and drive success with approaches for effective problem solving while building a deeper understanding of your organisation’s strategy and your role within it.

Our Strategic Problem Solving course will help you to build the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will enable you to engage at a strategic level. Over 6 weeks you will practice identifying problems and synthesizing issue trees. You will use recognised strategic frameworks to complete analysis and develop solutions. Throughout the course you will build your capabilities in problem definition, communications and strategic analysis.


After completing an RMIT Future Skills course, you will earn an RMIT credential which can be validated, recognised and shared on social media platforms.


By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Describe your role within the context of an organisational strategy.

• Appraise an organisation’s strategy against recognised frameworks.

• Develop a problem statement and break it down into a prioritised issues tree for an organisational issue.

• Provide recommendations and associated rationale in response to the problem statement.

How does it work ?

Real world skills through a tangible project

Gain valuable, current experience evaluating a real world problem in your organisation, identifying critical issues, and articulating your recommendations in a final presentation.

  • You'll use the same framework as leading strategic thinkers to develop and justify your approach, so you can be confident in presenting actionable initiatives with key stakeholders.

When can I do it ?