Course Title: Design interaction

Part B: Course Detail

Teaching Period: Term1 2022

Course Code: COSC6215C

Course Title: Design interaction

Important Information:

Please note that this course may have compulsory in-person attendance requirements for some teaching activities. 

To participate in any RMIT course in-person activities or assessment, you will need to comply with RMIT vaccination requirements which are applicable during the duration of the course. This RMIT requirement includes being vaccinated against COVID-19 or holding a valid medical exemption. 

Please read this RMIT Enrolment Procedure as it has important information regarding COVID vaccination and your study at RMIT:

Please read the Student website for additional requirements of in-person attendance: 

Please check your Canvas course shell closer to when the course starts to see if this course requires mandatory in-person attendance. The delivery method of the course might have to change quickly in response to changes in the local state/national directive regarding in-person course attendance. 

School: 515T Creative Industries

Campus: City Campus

Program: C6151 - Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media

Course Contact: Nat Bates

Course Contact Phone: +61 3 9925 4815

Course Contact Email:

Name and Contact Details of All Other Relevant Staff

Eneti Waretini

9925 4815

Nominal Hours: 40

Regardless of the mode of delivery, represent a guide to the relative teaching time and student effort required to successfully achieve a particular competency/module. This may include not only scheduled classes or workplace visits but also the amount of effort required to undertake, evaluate and complete all assessment requirements, including any non-classroom activities.

Pre-requisites and Co-requisites


Course Description

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to design and test interactions for interactive media products. It covers developing project requirements, generating ideas, and developing design concepts and specifications.

National Codes, Titles, Elements and Performance Criteria

National Element Code & Title:

CUADIG506 Design interaction


1 identify project requirements

Performance Criteria:

1.1 Discuss design briefs with relevant personnel to clarify production requirements

1.2 Discuss, with relevant personnel, the purpose of the interactive media product

1.3 Identify technical parameters of appropriate interactive media products, including format and delivery platform

1.4 Identify target audience and user characteristics to inform design of interactions


2 Generate ideas for interactions

Performance Criteria:

2.1 Research the delivery platform and analyse its potential for human-computer interaction

2.2 Generate a range of ideas for interactions to engage users

2.3 Evaluate new ideas and incorporate them as appropriate

2.4 Consult relevant personnel to confirm all options are considered

2.5 Select a systematic approach to interaction design that will meet creative, production and technical requirements specified in briefs


3 Draft interaction design specifications

Performance Criteria:

3.1 Draft design specifications for all interactive sequences

3.2 Select sequences as prototypes and demonstrate prototype interactions to relevant personnel using a wireframe

3.3 Conduct user experience tests with prototype interactive sequence

3.4 Use test results to measure user engagement and identify logical inconsistencies in design

3.5 Document all feedback and incorporate into draft design specifications


4 Finalise interaction designs

Performance Criteria:

4.1 Re-evaluate interactions on the basis of feedback from user tests

4.2 Discuss and confirm additional requirements or modifications to the interaction design with relevant personnel

4.3 Write final interaction design specifications to reflect all additional requirements or modifications

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course you will have the skills and knowledge required to research and generate ideas for interactions, to be able to draft design specifications, and understand the importance of user experience and testing.

Details of Learning Activities

This course consists of 2 Units of Competency that are clustered together for delivery and assessment. The other unit of competency in this clustered course is: BSBDES501 Implement design solutions

In class learning activities may include, but are not limited to:

• lectures and/or lab work
• teacher directed group activities and projects
• concept development of group and individual projects
• group discussions and class presentations
• peer and teacher feedback
• WIP (work in progress) reviews
• self directed online, library and industry research
• self directed project production work and reflection

Out of class activities may include, but are not limited to:

• maintaining secure daily backups of all assessment and project data to your RMIT OneDrive account
• accessing online tutorial resources
• self directed online, library and industry research
• self directed project production work and reflection
• class excursions to events and locations outside of RMIT

Teaching Schedule

Please note: While your teacher will cover all the material in this schedule, the weekly order is subject to change depending on class needs and availability of speakers and resources.

WeekTopicAssessment / Learning activities
Week 1  Course Intro Course introduction
Assessment review
Week 2 Creating survey questions Prep for AT2 - Part A
Week 3 Finalise AT2 - Part A Project Requirements AT2 - Part A, due 28/02/2021
Week 4

Case study research

User testing techniques

Prep for AT2 - Part B
Week 5 Finalise AT2 - Part B (Research and Investigate) AT2 - Part B, due 14/03/2021
Week 6 Create Lo-fi prototype Prep for AT2 - Part C
Week 7 Testing Lo-fi  prototypes Prep for AT2 - Part C
Week 8 Finalise AT2 - Part C (Low Fidelity Prototype) AT2 - Part C, due 04/04/2021
Week 9 Finalise AT1 Knowledge AT1 -Knowledge, due 11/04/2021
Week 10 Create Hi-fi prototype Prep for AT3 - Part A & B
Week 11 Hi-fi prototype continued... Prep for AT3 - Part A & B
Week 12 Testing Hi-fi  prototypes Prep for AT3 - Part A & B
Week 13 Implement testing results Prep for AT3 - Part A & B
Week 14 Finalise AT3 - Part A & B HiFi Prototype  &Testing AT3 - Part A&B, due 16/05/2021
Week 15 Finalise AT3 - Part C & D Finalise & Present AT3 - Part C&D, due 23/05/2021
Week 16 Assessment review - Review and rectify any assessment issues
Week 17 Assessment review - Review and rectify any assessment issues

Learning Resources

Prescribed Texts


Other Resources

Overview of Assessment

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, practical project work and through the application of learned skills.

Assessment Tasks

AT1: Knowledge Evidence

Completing the knowledge evidence question of this assessment will allow you to demonstrate the that you have the knowledge to take a design concept to implementation stage showing clear understanding of the processes and show understanding of human-computer interaction design including the processes needed to perform intensive user testing.

Due week 10

AT2: Interaction Prototype

Students will be given a set brief called “Interaction Design”.they will work with their teacher and peers to collaborate and develop an innovative interactive design solution for the problem that the brief presents. This brief will set out the requirements and purpose of the assessment that student must follow, including a problem to solve as the main focus of their interactive design solution.

Due week 9

AT3: Implement Interaction

In this assessment students will use the testing and feedback on their interaction solutions to finalise one single solution, test solution on target audience and finalise project implementation.

Due week 15

Graded assessment in this course uses the following grades:

CA - Competency Achieved
NYC - Not Yet Competent
DNS - Did Not Submit

Assessment Matrix

Assessment for this course is ongoing throughout the semester. Your knowledge of course content is assessed through participation in class exercises, practical project work and through the application of learned skills.

Other Information

Please refer to the RMIT student page for extensive information about study support, assessment, extensions, appeals and a range of other matters.

Your learning experience will involve class-based teaching, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises. You are strongly advised to attend all timetabled sessions. This will allow you to engage in the required learning activities, ensuring you the maximum opportunity to complete this course successfully.

Information about your studies:
You can access My Studies through the RMIT website for information about timetables, important dates, assessment dates, results and progress, Canvas etc.

Information on assessment including Special consideration, Adjustments to assessment, (eg. applying for an extension of time):

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism:
RMIT University has a strict policy on plagiarism and academic integrity. Please refer to the website for more information on this policy.

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:
Credit transfer is the recognition of previously completed formal learning (an officially accredited qualification).
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that allows you to demonstrate competence using the skills you have gained through experience in the workplace, voluntary work, informal or formal training or other life experiences.
Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) RCC applies only if you have previously successfully demonstrated competence in a unit of competency, and now require to be reassessed to ensure that the competence is being maintained.

Please speak to your teacher if you wish to discuss.

Course Overview: Access Course Overview