Mark Easton

Professor Mark Easton

Director, Advanced Manufacturing Precinct

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Profile photo of Mark Easton smiling towards the camera against an out of focus background of a RMIT campus

Contact details

STEM | School of Engineering

RMIT Centre for Additive Manufacturing

ARC Industry Training Centre for Lightweight Automotive Structures (ATLAS)

Phone: +61 39925 6278

Campus: Melbourne City


More information

Profile photo of Mark Easton smiling towards the camera against an out of focus background of a RMIT campus

Contact details

STEM | School of Engineering

RMIT Centre for Additive Manufacturing

ARC Industry Training Centre for Lightweight Automotive Structures (ATLAS)

Phone: +61 39925 6278

Campus: Melbourne City


More information

Prof Easton is passionate about seeing research and teaching being used in the real world. He has worked in research and management roles across academia and industry for over 25 years.


Professor Easton is currently the Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct at RMIT which brings together three facilities: Micro Nano Research Facility, Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility and the Digital Manufacturing Facility. The precinct is able to fabricate, manufacture and characterise materials, devices and components from the nano-scale to the metre scale. Prior to this he was the Associate Dean for Manufacturing, Materials and Mechatronics within the School of Engineering.

He is very interested in the intersection between industry and universities. Most of his career has been spent at either side of the intersection, working with industry focused research centres, industry which partners with universities or within universities that partner with industry. This fits very well with RMIT's culture of producing work ready graduates and translational research.

He is also the current Diversity and Inclusion advocate for Engineering. He realises that his is very fortunate to be given the opportunities that he has had in his career and life and thinks it is important for others to have similar opportunities. One of the attractive attributes of RMIT is its focus on these issues.


Industry experience

1999 - Research Engineer, Comalco Research and Technical Support (now Rio Tinto Alumininum)

2004 - Research Engineer, Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen, Austria

2012-2013 - CEO, CAST Co-operative Research Centre

2005-2012 - Program Manager, CAST Co-operative Research Centre



Mark Easton's research career has focused on processing of metals, particularly processes that involve solidification and mostly related to light metals, Al, Mg and more recently Ti. Currently, their work focuses primarily on additive manufacturing of alloys including the design of new alloys with exceptional properties and developing processing microstructure property relationships of current alloys.

Research keywords

Additive Manufacturing, Solidification Processing, Light Alloys, Lightweighting, Aluminium, Magnesium, Electron Microscopy

Research output summary








Supervisor interest areas

  • Additive manufacturing of metals
  • Metals in the circular economy,
  • Light metals, particularly aluminium and magnesium alloys
  • Solidification processing, e.g. casting, welding; Lightweighting Technologies

Supervisor projects

  • Grain refinement of laser surface remelted Al-alloys
  • Understanding the mechanism of cracking in additively manufactured and repaired ferrous alloys
  • Additive Manufacturing of Gradient Lattice Structures
  • Influence of Heat Treatment on the Bendability and Toughness of Additively Manufactured Al Alloys
  • Non-Destructive Evaluation of Laser Beam Welded and Brazed Joints.
  • Fatigue of Additively Manufactured Al-based alloys
  • Wire arc additive manufacturing of Al-based alloys

Feature publications

Additive manufacturing of ultrafine-grained high-strength titanium alloys

Nature, 576: p. 91-95

Zhang, D., D. Qiu, M.A. Gibson, Y. Zheng, H.L. Fraser, D.H. StJohn, and M.A. Easton. (2019).

Grain refinement of stainless steel in ultrasound-assisted additive manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing, 2021. 37, pp. 101632

C.J. Todaro, M.A. Easton, D. Qiu, M. Brandt, D.H. StJohn, and M. Qian. (2020).

Towards understanding grain nucleation under Additive Manufacturing solidification conditions

Acta Materialia, 195: p. 392-403

Prasad, A., L. Yuan, P.D. Lee, M. Patel, D. Qiu, M. Easton, and D.H. StJohn. (2020).

Key publications by year

  • S. Zhu, T. B. Abbott, J.-F. Nie, H. Q. Ang, D. Qiu, K. Nogita, M. A. Easton, Re-evaluation of the mechanical properties and creep resistance of commercial magnesium die-casting alloy AE44, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 2021, in press.
  • N. Balasubramani, G. Wang, M. A. Easton, D. H. StJohn and M. S. Dargusch, A comparative study of the role of solute, potent particles and ultrasonic treatment during solidification of pure Mg, Mg–Zn and Mg–Zr alloys, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2021. 9(3), p. 829-839.
  • A. Jones, M. Leary, S. Bateman and M. Easton, Effect of surface geometry on laser powder bed fusion defects, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2021. 296, p. 117179.
  • M. Benoit, S. D. Sun, M. Brandt and M. Easton, Processing window for laser metal deposition of Al 7075 powder with minimized defects, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021. 64, p. 1484-1492.
  • M. J. Benoit, M. Mazur, M. A. Easton and M. Brandt, Effect of alloy composition and laser powder bed fusion parameters on the defect formation and mechanical properties of Inconel 625, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021. 114(3-4), p. 915-927.
  • C.J. Todaro, M.A. Easton, D. Qiu, M. Brandt, D.H. StJohn, and M. Qian, Grain refinement of stainless steel in ultrasound-assisted additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, 2021. 37, pp. 101632.
  • C. Barr, R.A. Rahman Rashid, S.D. Sun, M. Easton, S. Palanisamy, N. Orchowski, N. Matthews, K. Walker, and M. Brandt, Role of deposition strategy and fill depth on the tensile and fatigue performance of 300 M repaired through laser directed energy deposition, International Journal of Fatigue, 2021. vol. 146, p. 106135.

  • Benoit, M., S. Zhu, T. Abbott, and M.A. Easton, Evaluation of the Effect of Rare Earth Alloying Additions on the Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Aluminum Alloy 7150 During Rapid Solidification. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2020. 50(10): p. 5213-5227.
  • Kim, M., S.D. McDonald, T. Abbott, M.A. Easton, Y. Ali, D.H. StJohn, and K. Nogita, A rational interpretation of solidification microstructures in the Mg-rich corner of the Mg–Al–La system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020. 844: p. 156068.
  • Zhang, D., D. Qiu, M.A. Gibson, Y. Zheng, H.L. Fraser, A. Prasad, D.H. StJohn, and M. Easton, Refining prior-b grains of Ti6Al4V alloy through yttrium addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020. 841: p. 155733.
  • Zhang, D., A. Prasad, M. Bermingham, C.J. Todaro, M.J. Benoit, M.N. Patel, D. Qiu, D.H. StJohn, and M.A. Easton, Grain Refinement of Alloys in Fusion Based Additive Manufacturing Processes. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020. 51: p. 4341-4359.
  • Wang, X., S. Yi, M. Easton, and S. Ding, Active gap capacitance electrical discharge machining of polycrystalline diamond. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020. 280: p. 116598.
  • Sun, S.D., D. Fabijanic, M. Annasamy, S.C. Gallo, I. Fordyce, M. Leary, M. Easton, and M. Brandt, The effect of pre-heat temperature on the microstructure and abrasive wear properties of laser metal deposited near-eutectic Fe-28Cr-2.9C alloy. Journal of Laser Applications, 2020. 32: p. 032008.
  • Prasad, A., L. Yuan, P.D. Lee, M. Patel, D. Qiu, M. Easton, and D.H. StJohn, Towards understanding grain nucleation under Additive Manufacturing solidification conditions. Acta Materialia, 2020. 195: p. 392-403.
  • Mazur, M., M. Benoit, M. Easton, and M. Brandt, Selective Laser Melting of Inconel 625 Alloy with Reduced Defect Formation. Journal of Laser Applications, 2020. 32(2): p. 0339_0501_000153.
  • Fordyce, I., M. Annnasamy, S.D. Sun, D. Fabijanic, S.C. Gallo, M. Leary, M. Easton, and M. Brandt, The effect of heat treatment on the abrasive and erosive wear behaviour of laser metal deposited Fe–28Cr–2.7C alloy. Wear, 2020. 458-459: p. 203410.
  • Bermingham, M.J., D.H. StJohn, M.A. Easton, L. Yuan, and M.S. Dargusch, Revealing the Mechanisms of Grain Nucleation and Formation During Additive Manufacturing. JOM, 2020. 72(3): p. 1065-1073.
  • Patel, M.N., D. Qiu, G. Wang, M.A. Gibson, A. Prasad, D.H. StJohn, and M.A. Easton, Understanding the refinement of grains in laser surface remelted Al–Cu alloys. Scripta Materialia, 2020. 178: p. 447-451.
  • Sun, M., D.H. StJohn, M.A. Easton, K. Wang, and J. Ni, Effect of Cooling Rate on the Grain Refinement of Mg-Y-Zr Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020. 51(1): p. 482-496.
  • Todaro, C.J., M.A. Easton, D. Qiu, D. Zhang, M.J. Bermingham, E.W. Lui, M. Brandt, D.H. StJohn, and M. Qian, Grain structure control during metal 3D printing by high-intensity ultrasound. Nature Communications, 2020. 11: p. 142.
  • Barr, C., S.D. Sun, M. Easton, N. Orchowski, N. Matthews, and M. Brandt, Influence of delay strategies and residual heat on in-situ tempering in the laser metal deposition of 300M high strength steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020. 383: p. 125279.

  • Zhang, D., D. Qiu, M.A. Gibson, Y. Zheng, H.L. Fraser, D.H. StJohn, and M.A. Easton, Additive manufacturing of ultrafine-grained high-strength titanium alloys. Nature, 2019. 576: p. 91-95.
  • Yang, E., M. Leary, B. Lozanovski, D. Downing, M. Mazur, A. Sarker, A.M. Khorasani, A. Jones, T. MacOnachie, S. Bateman, M. Easton, M. Qian, P. Choong, and M. Brandt, Effect of geometry on the mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V Gyroid structures fabricated via SLM: A numerical study. Materials & Design, 2019: p. 108165.
  • Papula, S., M.S. Song, A. Pateras, X.-B. Chen, M. Brandt, M. Easton, Y. Yagodzinskyy, I. Virkkunen, and H. Hänninen, Selective Laser Melting of Duplex Stainless Steel 2205: Effect of Post-Processing Heat Treatment on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Resistance. Materials, 2019. 12: p. 2468.
  • Sun, S.D., D. Fabijanic, M. Annasamy, S.G. Gallo, I. Fordyce, A. Paradowska, M. Leary, M. Easton, and M. Brandt, Microstructure, abrasive wear and corrosion characterisation of laser metal deposited Fe-30Cr-6Mo-10Ni-2.2C alloy. Wear, 2019. 438-439: p. 203070.
  • Bi, G., Y. Ham, J. Jiang, Y. Li, D. Zhang, D. Qiu, and M.A. Easton, Microstructure and mechanical properties of an extruded Mg-Dy-Ni alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2019. 760: p. 246-257.
  • Ang, H.Q., T. Abbott, S. Zhu, and M.A. Easton, An Analysis of the Tensile Deformation Behavior of Commercial Die-Cast Magnesium-Aluminum-Based Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2019. 50(8): p. 3827-3841.
  • Todaro, C.J., M.A. Easton, D. Qiu, G. Wang, D.H. StJohn, and M. Qian, Effect of ultrasonic melt treatment on intermetallic phase formation in a manganese-modified Al-17Si-2Fe alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019. 271: p. 346-356.
  • Strobel, K., M.A. Easton, M.D.H. Lay, P.A. Romestch, S. Zhu, L. Sweet, N. Parson, and A.J. Hill, Quench Sensitivity in a Dispersoid-Containing Al-Mg-Si Alloy. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2019. 50(4): p. 1957-1969.
  • Wong, C., K. Nogita, M. Styles, S. Zhu, D. Qiu, S.D. McDonald, M.A. Gibson, T. Abbott, and M.A. Easton, Solidification path and microstructure evolution of Mg-3Al-14La alloy: Implications for the Mg-rich corner of the Mg-Al-La phase diagram. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019. 784: p. 527-534.
  • Song, M.-S., R.-C. Zeng, Y.-F. Ding, R. Li, M.A. Easton, I. Cole, N. Birbilis, and X.B. Chen, Recent advances in biodegradation controls over Mg alloys for bone fracture management: A review. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2019. 35: p. 535-544.

  • Zhang, D., S. Sun, D. Qiu, M.A. Gibson, M.S. Dargusch, M. Brandt, M. Qian, and M. Easton, Metal Alloys for Fusion‐Based Additive Manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018. 20(5): p. 1700952.
  • Wong, C., M.J. Styles, S. Zhu, D. Qiu, S.D. McDonald, Y. Zhu, M.A. Gibson, T.B. Abbott, and M.A. Easton, (Al,Mg)3La: a new phase in the Mg–Al–La system. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2018. 74(4): p. 370-375.
  • Barr, C., S.D. Sun, M. Easton, N. Orchowski, M. Matthews, and M. Brandt, Influence of macrosegregation on solidification cracking in laser clad ultra-high strength steels. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018. 340: p. 126-136.
  • Sun, S.D., D. Fabijanic, C. Barr, D. Liu, K. Walker, N. Matthews, N. Orchowski, M. Easton, and M. Brandt, In-situ quench and tempering for microstructure control and enhanced mechanical properties of laser cladded AISI 420 stainless steel powder on 300M steel substrates. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018. 333: p. 210-219.
  • Qiu, D., D. Zhang, M.A. Easton, D.H. StJohn, and M.A. Gibson, Refining As-cast β-Ti Grains Through ZrN Inoculation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018. 49(5): p. 1444-1449.
  • Zhao, J., M. Easton, M. Qian, M. Leary, and M. Brandt, Effect of building direction on porosity and fatigue life of selective laser melted AlSi12Mg alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018. 729: p. 76-85.

  • Wang, G., Q. Wang, M.A. Easton, M.S. Dargusch, M. Qian, D.G. Eskin, and D.H. StJohn, Role of ultrasonic treatment, inoculation and solute in the grain refinement of commercial purity aluminium. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7: p. 9729.
  • Zhu, S.M., T.B. Abbott, M.A. Gibson, J.F. Nie, and M.A. Easton, The influence of minor Mn additions on creep resistance of die-cast Mg–Al–RE alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2017. 682: p. 535-541.
  • Ang, H.Q., S. Zhu, T.B. Abbott, D. Qiu, and M.A. Easton, Strain-rate sensitivity of die-cast magnesium-aluminium based alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2017. 699: p. 239-246.
  • Ang, H.Q., T.B. Abbott, S. Zhu, and M.A. Easton, Anelasticity of die-cast magnesium-aluminium based alloys under different strain rates. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2017. 707: p. 101-109.
  • Todaro, C.J., M.A. Easton, D. Qiu, G. Wang, D.H. StJohn, and M. Qian, The Effect of Ultrasonic Melt Treatment on Macro-Segregation and Peritectic Transformation in an Al-19Si-4Fe Alloy. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2017. 48A(11): p. 5579-5590.

  • Sun, S.D., D. Fabijanic, A. Ghaderi, M. Leary, J. Toton, S. Sun, M. Brandt, and M. Easton, Microstructure and hardness characterisation of laser coatings produced with a mixture of AISI 420 stainless steel and Fe-C-Cr-Nb-B-Mo steel alloy powders. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2016. 296: p. 76-87.
  • Zhu, S., M.A. Easton, T. Abbott, M.A. Gibson, and J.F. Nie, The Influence of Individual Rare Earth Elements(La, Ce, or Nd) on Creep Resistance of Die-Cast Magnesium Alloy AE44. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2016. 18(6): p. 932-937.
  • Easton, M.A., S.M. Zhu, T.B. Abbott, M. Dargusch, M.T. Murray, G. Savage, N. Hort, and M.A. Gibson, Evaluation of Magnesium Die-casting Alloys for Elevated Temperature Applications: Castability. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2016. 18(6): p. 953-962.
  • Ang, H.Q., T.B. Abbott, S.M. Zhu, C. Gu, and M.A. Easton, Proof stress measurement of die-cast magnesium alloys. Materials and Design, 2016. 112: p. 402-409.
  • Leary, M., M. Mazur, J. Elambasseril, M. McMillan, T. Chirent, Y. Sun, M. Qian, M. Easton, and M. Brandt, Selective laser melting (SLM) of AlSi12Mg lattice structures. Materials and Design, 2016. 98: p. 344-357.
  • Zhu, S., T. Abbott, M.A. Gibson, J.F. Nie, and M.A. Easton, Age hardening in die-cast Mg-Al-RE alloys due to minor Mn additions. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2016. 656: p. 34-38.
  • Easton, M.A., M. Qian, A. Prasad, and D.H. StJohn, Recent Advances in Grain Refinement of Light Metals and Alloys. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 2016. 20: p. 13-24.
  • Strobel, K., M.D.H. Lay, M.A. Easton, L. Sweet, S. Zhu, N. Parson, and A.J. Hill, Effects of quench rate and natural ageing on the age hardening behaviour of aluminium alloy AA6060. Materials Characterization, 2016. 111: p. 43-52.

  •  Zhu, S.M., M.A. Easton, T.B. Abbott, J.F. Nie, M. Dargusch, N. Hort, and M.A. Gibson, Evaluation of Magnesium Die-casting Alloys for Elevated Temperature Applications: Microstructure, Tensile Properties and Creep Resistance. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2015. 46(8): p. 3543-3554.
  • StJohn, D.H., A. Prasad, M.A. Easton, and M. Qian, The Contribution of Constitutional Supercooling to Nucleation and Grain Formation. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2015. 46(11): p. 4868-4885.
  • Gao, X., Y. Zhu, M.A. Easton, B. Rinderer, M.J. Couper, and J.F. Nie, Characterization and Formation of Rod-Shaped(Al,Si)3Ti Particles in an Al-7Si-0.35Mg-0.12Ti(Wt Pct) Alloy. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2015. 46(8): p. 3723-3731.
  • Simanjuntak, S., M.K. Cavanaugh, D.S. Gandel, M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, and N. Birbilis, The influence of iron, manganese, and zirconium on the corrosion of magnesium: An artificial neural network approach. Corrosion, 2015. 71(2): p. 199-208.
  • Wang, F., Z.L. Liu, D. Qiu, J.A. Taylor, M.A. Easton, and M.-X. Zhang, The Influence of the Effect of Solute on the Thermodynamic Driving Force on Grain Refinement of Al Alloys. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2015. 46A(1): p. 505-515.

  • Zhang, B., S. Gavras, A.V. Nagasekhar, C. Caceres, and M.A. Easton, The Strength of the Spatially Interconnected Eutectic Network in HPDC Mg-La, Mg-Nd, and Mg-La-Nd Alloys. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2014. 45(10): p. 4386-4397.
  • Dai, J., M.A. Easton, M.-X. Zhang, D. Qiu, X.-Y. Xiong, W. Liu, and G. Wu, Effects of Cooling Rate and Solute Content on the Grain Refinement of Mg-Gd-Y Alloys by Aluminum. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2014. 45A(9): p. 4665-4678.
  • Easton, M.A., M.A. Gibson, S. Zhu, and T. Abbott, An a Priori Hot Tearing Indicator Applied to Die-cast Magnesium-Rare Earth Alloys. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2014. 45A(7): p. 3586-3595
  • Yang, K.V., C. Caceres, and M.A. Easton, Strengthening Micromechanisms in Cold-Chamber High-Pressure Die-Cast Mg-Al Alloys. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2014. 45(9): p. 4117-4128.
  • Zhu, S.M., J.F. Nie, M.A. Gibson, and M.A. Easton, On the unexpected formation of rare earth hydrides in magnesium–rare earth casting alloys. Scripta Materialia, 2014. 77: p. 21-34.
  • Zhang, B., A.V. Nagasekhar, X. Tao, Y. Ouyang, C.H. Caceres, and M.A. Easton, Strengthening by the percolating intergranular eutectic in an HPDC Mg–Ce alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014. 599: p. 204-211.
  • Wang, X.J., S.M. Zhu, M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, and G. Savage, Heat treatment of vacuum high pressure die cast magnesium alloy AZ91. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2014. 27(3): p. 161-166.
  • Gavras, S., M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, S. Zhu, and J.F. Nie, Microstructure and property evaluation of high-pressure die-cast Mg–La–rare earth (Nd, Y or Gd) alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014. 597: p. 21-29.
  • Zhang, B., A.V. Nagasekhar, X. Tao, Y. Ouyang, C.H. Caceres, and M.A. Easton, Strengthening by the percolating intergranular eutectic in an HPDC Mg–Ce alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2014. 599: p. 204-211.
  • Wang, F., D. Qiu, Z.-L. Liu, J.A. Taylor, M.A. Easton, and M.-X. Zhang, Crystallographic study of grain refinement of Al by Nb addition. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2014. 47: p. 770-779.
  • Gavras, S., M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, S. Zhu, and J.F. Nie, Microstructure and property evaluation of high-pressure die-cast Mg–La–rare earth (Nd, Y or Gd) alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014. 597: p. 21-29.
  • Gandel DS, Easton MA, Gibson MA, Birbilis N. CALPHAD simulation of the Mg-(Mn,Zr)-Fe system and experimental comparison with as-cast alloy microstructures as relevent to impurity driven corrosion of Mg-alloys. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2014;143:1082.
  • Dai, J., S. Zhu, M.A. Easton, W. Xu, G. Wu, and W. Ding, Precipitation process in a Mg-Gd-Y alloy grain-refined by Al addition. Materials Characterization, 2014. 88: p. 7-14.
  • Gandel, D.S., M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, T. Abbott, and N. Birbilis, The influence of zirconium additions on the corrosion of magnesium. Corrosion Science, 2014. 81: p. 27-35.

  • Gandel, D.S., M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, and N. Birbilis, Influence of Mn and Zr on the Corrosion of Al-Free Mg Alloys: Part 1—Electrochemical Behavior of Mn and Zr. Corrosion, 2013. 69(7): p. 666-671.
  • Gandel, D.S., M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, and N. Birbilis, Influence of Mn and Zr on the Corrosion of Al-Free Mg Alloys: Part 2—Impact of Mn and Zr on Mg Alloy Electrochemistry and Corrosion. Corrosion, 2013. 69(8): p. 744-751.
  • Zhu, S., M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, M. Dargusch, and J.F. Nie, Analysis of the creep behaviour of die-cast Mg–3Al–1Si alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013. 578: p. 377-382.
  • Sweet, E., M.A. Easton, J.A. Taylor, J. Grandfield, C.J. Davidson, L. Lu, M.J. Couper, and D.H. StJohn, Hot tear susceptibility of Al-Mg-Si-Fe alloys with varying iron contents. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2013. 44A(12): p. 5396-5407.
  • StJohn, D.H., M.A. Easton, M. Qian, and J.A. Taylor, Grain Refinement of Magnesium Alloys: A Review of Recent Research, Theoretical Developments, and Their Application. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2013. 44(7): p. 2935-2949.
  • Yang, K.V., M.A. Easton, and C. Caceres, The development of the skin in HPDC Mg-Al alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013. 580: p. 191-195.
  • Yang, K.V., C.H. Cáceres, and M.A. Easton, A microplasticity-based definition of the skin in HPDC Mg–Al alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013. 580: p. 355-361.
  • StJohn, D.H., M.A. Easton, P. Cao, M.J. Bermingham, and M. Qian, A Brief History of the Grain Refinement of Cast Light Alloys. Materials Science Forum, 2013. 765: p. 123-129.
  • Pucina, E., G. de Looze, D. Tomus, M.A. Easton, A. Schiffl, and D.H. StJohn, Practical Considerations on the Application of Ultrasonic Treatment to Mg-Al Shape Castings. Materials Science Forum, 2013. 765: p. 255-259.
  • Dai, J., S. Zhu, M.A. Easton, M.-X. Zhang, D. Qiu, G. Wu, W. Liu, and W. Ding, Heat treatment, microstructure and mechanical properties of a Mg-Gd-Y alloy grain-refined by Al additions. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013. 576: p. 298-305.
  • Zhu, S., M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, M. Dargusch, and J.F. Nie, Analysis of the creep behaviour of die-cast Mg–3Al–1Si alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013. 578: p. 377-382.
  • Tiedje, N.S., J.A. Taylor, and M.A. Easton, A new multi-zone model for porosity distribution in Al–Si alloy castings. Acta Materialia, 2013. 61(8): p. 3037-3049.
  • Zhu, S., J.-Y. Yao, L. Sweet, M.A. Easton, J.A. Taylor, J.A. Robinson, and N. Parson, Influences of Nickel and Vanadium Impurities on Microstructure of Aluminum Alloys. JOM - Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society, 2013. 65(5): p. 584-592.
  • Yang, K.V., M.A. Easton, and C.H. Cáceres, The Effect of Solidification Dynamics on the Formation of the Skin in Die Cast Mg–Al and Mg–RE Alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2013. 15(4): p. 302-307.
  • Chen, X.B., X. Zhou, T. Abbott, M.A. Easton, and N. Birbilis, Double-layered manganese phosphate conversion coating on magnesium alloy AZ91D: Insights into coating formation, growth and corrosion resistance. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2013. 217: p. 147-155.
  • Wang, F., Z. Liu, D. Qiu, J.A. Taylor, M.A. Easton, and M.-X. Zhang, Revisiting the role of peritectics in grain refinement of Al alloys. Acta Materialia, 2013. 61(1): p. 360-370.

  • Dai, J., M.A. Easton, S. Zhu, G. Wu, and W. Ding, Grain refinement of Mg-10Gd alloy by Al additions. Journal of Materials Research, 2012. 27(21): p. 2790-2797.
  • Tiedje, N.S., J.A. Taylor, and M.A. Easton, Feeding and Distribution of Porosity in Cast Al-Si Alloys as Function of Alloy Composition and Modification. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2012. 43(12): p. 4846-4858.
  • Zhu, S., J.F. Nie, M.A. Gibson, M.A. Easton, and P. Bakke, Microstructure and creep behaviour of high-pressure die-cast magnesium alloy AE44. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 2012. 43(11): p. 4137-4144.
  • Chen, X.B., H.Y. Yang, T.B. Abbott, M.A. Easton, and N. Birbilis, Magnesium: Engineering the surface. JOM-Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society, 2012. 64(6): p. 650-656.
  • Easton, M.A., H. Wang, J. Grandfield, C.J. Davidson, D.H. StJohn, L. Sweet, and M.J. Couper, Observation and prediction of the hot tear susceptibility in ternary Al-Si-Mg alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2012. 43(9): p. 3227-3238.
  • Gröbner, J., M. Hampl, R. Schmid-Fetzer, M.A. Easton, S. Zhu, M.A. Gibson, and J.F. Nie, Phase analysis of Mg-La-Nd and Mg-La-Ce alloys. Intermetallics, 2012. 28: p. 92-101.
  • Easton, M.A., M.A. Gibson, D. Qiu, S.M. Zhu, J. Gröbner, R. Schmid-Fetzer, J.F. Nie, and M.X. Zhang, The role of crystallography and thermodynamics on phase selection in binary magnesium–rare earth (Ce or Nd) alloys. Acta Materialia, 2012. 60: p. 4420-4430.
  • Yang, K.V., C.H. Càceres, A.V. Nagasekhar, and M.A. Easton, Low-strain plasticity in a high pressure die cast Mg–Al alloy. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 2012. 20: p. 024010.
  • Yang, K.V., C.H. Cáceres, A.V. Nagasekhar, and M.A. Easton, The skin effect and the yielding behavior of cold chamber high pressure die cast Mg-Al alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2012. 542: p. 49-55.
  • Xiao, W., S.M. Zhu, M.A. Easton, M. Dargusch, M.A. Gibson, and J.F. Nie, Microstructural characterization of high pressure die cast Mg-Zn-Al-RE alloys. Materials Characterization, 2012. 65: p. 28-36.
  • Xiao, W., M.A. Easton, S. Zhu, M. Dargusch, M.A. Gibson, S. Jia, and J.F. Nie, Casting defects and mechanical properties of high pressure die cast Mg-Zn-Al-RE alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2012. 14(1-2): p. 68-76.
  • Xiao, W., M.A. Easton, M. Dargusch, S.M. Zhu, and M.A. Gibson, The influence of Zn additions on the microstructure and creep resistance of high pressure die cast magnesium alloy AE44. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2012. 539: p. 177-184.

  • StJohn, D.H., M. Qian, M.A. Easton, and P. Cao, The Interdependence Theory: the relationship between grain formation and nucleant selection. Acta Materialia, 2011. 59(12): p. 4907-4921.
  • Sweet, L., S.M. Zhu, S.X. Gao, J.A. Taylor, and M.A. Easton, The Effect of Iron Content on the Iron-Containing Intermetallic Phases in a Cast 6060 Aluminum Alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2011. 42(7): p. 1737-1749.
  • Strobel, K., M.A. Easton, L. Sweet, M.J. Couper, and J.F. Nie, Relating Quench Sensitivity to Microstructure in 6000 Series Aluminium Alloys. Materials Transactions, 2011. 52(5): p. 914-919.
  • Easton, M.A., C.J. Davidson, and D.H. StJohn, Grain Morphology of As-Cast Wrought Aluminium Alloys. Materials Transactions, 2011. 52(5): p. 842-847.
  • Yang, K.V., C.H. Caceres, M.A. Easton, and M.A. Gibson, The skin effect in a high pressure die cast Mg-La alloy. Kovove Materialy, 2011. 49(3): p. 207-212.
  • StJohn, D.H., M.A. Easton, M. Qian, P. Cao, and M.J. Birmingham, Introduction to the Interdependence Theory of Grain Formation and its Application to Aluminium, Magnesium and Titanium Alloys. Materials Science Forum, 2011. 690: p. 206-209.
  • Gavras, S., S.M. Zhu, M.A. Easton, M.A. Gibson, and J.F. Nie, Effects of Heat Treatment on a High-Pressure Die-Cast Mg-La-Y Alloy. Materials Science Forum, 2011. 690: p. 210-213.
  • Easton, M.A., M.A. Gibson, M. Gershenzon, G. Savage, V. Tyagi, T. Abbott, and N. Hort, Castability of some magnesium alloys in a novel castability die. Materials Science Forum, 2011. 690: p. 61-64.
  • Birbilis, N., M.K. Cavanaugh, A.D. Sudholz, S. Zhu, M.A. Easton, and M.A. Gibson, A combined neural network and mechanistic approach for the prediction of corrosion rate and yield strength of magnesium-rare earth alloys. Corrosion Science, 2011. 53(1): p. 168-176.
  • Gröbner, J., A. Kozlov, R. Schmid-Fetzer, M.A. Easton, S. Zhu, M.A. Gibson, and J.F. Nie, Thermodynamic analysis of as-cast and heat-treated microstructures of Mg–Ce–Nd alloys. Acta Materialia, 2011. 59(2): p. 613-622.

  • Beggs, P., W. Song, and M.A. Easton, Failure modes during uniaxial deformation of magnesium alloy AZ31B tubes. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2010. 52(12): p. 1634-1645.
  • Easton, M.A., K. Strobel, S. Zhu, M.A. Gibson, and J.F. Nie, The Influence of Eutectic Morphology on the Impact Properties of High Pressure Die Cast Mg-Rare-Earth Alloys. Materials Science Forum, 2010. 654-656: p. 683-686.
  • Yang, K., A.V. Nagasekhar, C. Caceres, and M.A. Easton, The Skin Effect in an Mg-RE High Pressure Die Cast Alloy. Materials Science Forum, 2010. 654-656: p. 691-694.
  • Strobel, K., E. Sweet, M.A. Easton, J.F. Nie, and M.J. Couper, Dispersoid phases in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. Materials Science Forum, 2010. 654-656: p. 926-929.
  • Qian, M., P. Cao, M.A. Easton, S.D. McDonnald, and D.H. StJohn, An analytical model for constitutional supercooling-driven grain formation and grain size prediction. Acta Materialia, 2010. 58: p. 3262-3270.
  • Zhu, S.M., M.A. Gibson, M.A. Easton, and J.F. Nie, The relationship between microstructure and creep resistance in die-cast magnesium-rare earth alloys. Scripta Materialia, 2010. 63(7), pp. 698-703.
  • Easton, M.A., C.J. Davidson, and D.H. StJohn, Effect of Alloy Composition on the Dendrite Arm Spacing of Multicomponent Aluminum Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2010. 41A(6): p. 1528-1538.
  • Nagasekhar, A.V., C. Caceres, and M.A. Easton, Cross-sectional geometry and the intermetallics structure in a high pressure die cast Mg-Al alloy. Materials Science Forum, 2010. 638-642: p. 1579-1584.
  • Strobel, K., M.A. Easton, V. Tyagi, M.T. Murray, M.A. Gibson, G. Savage, and T. Abbott, Evaluation of the Castability of High Pressure Die Cast Magnesium Based Alloys. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2010. 23(2): p. 81-91.
  • Easton, M.A., D.H. StJohn, and E. Sweet, Grain Refinement and Hot Tearing of Aluminium Alloys - How to Optimise and Minimise. Materials Science Forum, 2010. 630: p. 213-221.

  • A. V. Nagasekhar, M. A. Easton, and C. H. Cáceres: 'Solute content and the grain structure of high pressure die cast magnesium-aluminium alloys', Adv. Engng. Mater., 2009, 11(11), 912-919.
  • M. Dargusch, M. A. Easton, S. M. Zhu, and G. Wang: 'Elevated temperature mechanical properties and microstructures of high pressure die cast magnesium AZ91 alloy cast with different section thicknesses', Mater. Sci. Engng. A, 2009, 523, 282-288.
  • S. M. Zhu, M. A. Gibson, M. A. Easton, J. F. Nie, and G. L. Dunlop: 'Primary Creep of Die-Cast Magnesium–Rare Earth Based Alloys', Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2009, 40(9), 2036-2041.
  • S. M. Zhu, M. A. Gibson, J. F. Nie, M. A. Easton, and C. J. Bettles: 'On the Creep Resistance of HPDC Mg-RE based alloys', Mater. Sci. Forum, 2009, 618-619, 453-458.
  • A. Schiffl and M. A. Easton: 'Influence of SiC particles on the grain refinement of an Mg-Al Alloy', Mater. Sci. Forum, 2009, 618-619, 445-448.
  • A. V. Nagasekhar, C. Cáceres, and M. A. Easton: 'Role of solute content on the intermetallic structure development in HPDC Mg-Al binary alloys', Mater. Sci. Forum, 2009, 618-619, 479-482.
  • A. Schiffl and M. A. Easton: 'Einfluss von SiC-partiklen und Gieβgeschwindigkeit auf die Korngröβ einer im Strangguss vergossenen Magnesiumlegierung HP AZ31', B H M: Zeitschrift fuer Rohstoffe, Geotechnik, Metallurgie, Werkstoffe, Maschinen- und Anlagentechnik, 2009, 154(5), 189-193.
  • T. Hilditch, D. Atwell, M. A. Easton, and M. R. Barnett: 'Performance of wrought aluminium and magnesium alloy tubes in three-point bending', Mater. Design, 2009, 30(7), 2316-2322.
  • N. Birbilis, M.A. Easton, A.D. Sudholz, S.M. Zhu, and M.A. Gibson, On the corrosion of binary magnesium-rare earth alloys, Corr. Sci., 51(3), (2009), 683-689.
  • T.L. Chia, M.A. Easton, S.M. Zhu, M.A. Gibson, N. Birbilis, and J.F. Nie, The effect of alloy composition on the microstructure and tensile properties of binary Mg-rare earth alloys, Intermetallics, 17, (2009), 481-490.
  • M. Liu, P.J. Uggowitzer, A.V. Nagasekhar, P. Schmutz, M.A. Easton, G.L. Song, and A. Atrens, Calculated phase diagrams and the corrosion of die-cast Mg–Al alloys, Corr. Sci., 51(3), (2009), 602-619.

  • W.Q. Song, P. Beggs, and M.A. Easton, Compressive strain-rate sensitivity of magnesium-aluminium die casting alloys, Mater. Design, 30, (2008), 642-648
  • M.A. Easton, A. Beer, M.R. Barnett, C. Davies, G.L. Dunlop, Y. Durandet, S. Blacket, T. Hilditch, and P. Beggs, ‘Magnesium alloy applications in automotive structures’, JOM, 60(11), (2008), 64-69
  • D.H. StJohn, M.A. Easton, and M. Qian, ‘Controlling the semisolid grain size during solidification’, Solid State Phenomena, 141-143, (2008), 355-360
  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘Improved prediction of the grain size of aluminium alloys that includes the effect of cooling rate’, Mater. Sci. Engng. A, 486(1-2), (2008), 8-13.
  • S.M. Zhu, M.A. Gibson, J.F. Nie, M.A. Easton, and T. Abbott, ‘Microstructure analysis of the creep resistance of die-cast Mg-4Al-2RE alloy’, Scripta Mater., 58, (2008), 477-480.

  • D.H. StJohn, M.A. Easton, P. Cao and M. Qian, ‘New Approach to the Analysis of Grain Refinement’, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2007, 20(3) p. 131-135.
  • D.H. StJohn, P. Cao, M. Qian, and M.A. Easton, ‘A New Analytical Approach to Reveal the Mechanisms of Grain Refinement’. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2007: 9(9) p. 739-746.
  • M.A. Easton, C. Davies, M.R. Barnett, and F. Pravdic, ‘Effect of solidification grain refinement on the development of wrought Mg alloys’. Materials Science Forum, 2007. 539-543: p. 1729-1734.

  • M.A. Easton, J.F. Grandfield, D.H. StJohn and B. Rinderer, ‘The effect of grain refinement and cooling rate on the hot tearing of wrought aluminium alloys’. Materials Science Forum, 2006;519-521:1675-1680.
  • M.A. Easton, W.Q. Song and T.B. Abbott, ‘A comparison of the deformation of magnesium alloys with aluminium and steel in tension, bending and buckling’. Materials and Design 2006;27:935-946.
  • M.A. Easton A. Schiffl, J.-Y. Yao and H. Kaufmann, ‘Grain refinement of Mg-Al(-Mn) alloys by SiC additions’. Scripta Materialia 2006;55:379-382.
  • M.A. Easton, H. Kaufmann and W. Fragner, ‘The effect of chemical grain refinement and low superheat pouring on the structure of NRC castings of aluminium alloy Al-7Si-0.4Mg’. Materials Science & Engineering A 2006;420:135-143.

  •  D.H. StJohn, Q. Ma, M.A. Easton, Z. Hildebrand and P. Cao, ‘Grain Refinement of Magnesium Alloys’, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 36A (2005), 1669-1679.
  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘An analysis of the relationship between grain size, solute content and the potency and content of nucleant particles’, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 36A(7) (2005), 1911-1920.
  • M.-X. Zhang, P.M. Kelly, M.A. Easton and J.A. Taylor, ‘Crystallographic Study of Grain Refinement in Aluminum Alloys Using the Edge-to-Edge Matching Model’, Acta Materialia, 53 (2005), 1427-1438.

  • C. Smith, M.A. Easton, J.F. Nie, X Zhang, and M.J. Couper (2004), ‘The effect of Ti Content on the Mechanical Properties of an Al7Si0.35Mg Alloy’, Materials Forum, 28, 1222-1228.
  • M.A. Easton, H. Wang, J.F. Grandfield, D.H. StJohn, and E. Sweet (2004), ‘An Analysis of the Effect of Grain Refinement on the Hot Tearing of Aluminium Alloys’, Materials Forum, 28, 224-229.

  • M.A. Easton, T. Abbott and C.H. Cáceres, ‘The effect of microstructural features and defects on the ductility of high pressure die cast AS21, AM60 and AZ91’, Materials Science Forum, 419-422 (2003), 147-152.
  • T.B. Abbott, M.A. Easton and W. Song, ‘Mechanical Behaviour of Cast Magnesium Alloys’, Materials Science Forum, 419-422 (2003), 141-146.

  •  T.B. Abbott and M.A. Easton, ‘Properties of Magnesium Die Castings for Structural Applications’ Materials Forum, Vol 25, 2001, 181-201.
  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘A Model of Grain Refinement Incorporating the Alloy Constitution and the Potency of Nucleation Sites’ Acta Materialia, Vol 49(10), 2001, 1867-1878.

  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘The Effect of Grain Refinement on the Formation of Casting Defects in Alloy 356 Castings’ International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Vol 12(6), 2000, 393-408.
  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘The Partitioning of Titanium during the Solidification of Aluminium Alloys’. Materials Science and Technology, Vol 16(9), 2000, 993-1000.

  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘Grain Refinement of Aluminium Alloys. Part 1 - The Nucleant and Solute Paradigms - A Review of the Literature’. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol 30A, 1999, 1613-1623.
  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘Grain Refinement of Aluminium Alloys. Part 2 - Confirmation of, and a Mechanism for, the Solute Paradigm’. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol 30A, 1999, 1625-1633.
  • J.A. Taylor, D.A. Graham, and M.A. Easton, ‘Redistribution of Shrinkage Porosity in Eutectic Al-Si Alloy by Addition of Ti-B Grain Refiner’. AFS Transactions, Vol 186, 1999, 189-196.
  • M.A. Easton and D.H. StJohn, ‘The Origin of Equiaxed Crystals in Grain Refined Aluminium Alloys’, Aluminum Transactions, Vol 1(1), 1999, 51-58.
  • D.H.StJohn, A.K. Dahle, M.A. Easton, J.E.C. Hutt, and N.L.M. Veldman, ‘Solidification of Hypoeutectic Aluminium-Silicon Alloys’, Materials Forum, Vol. 23, 1999, 137-152.

Feature projects

ARC Training Centre in Lightweight Automotive Structures (ATLAS)

S Bateman, A Mouritz, M Easton et al (28)

2017 - 2022

Advanced Manufacturing of Medical Devices

Matthew Dargusch, David StJohn, Mark Easton, et al (14), ARC Research Hub

2017 - 2022

Design of tuneable microstructures for additive manufacturing

Mark Easton, David StJohn, Dong Qiu, Hamish Fraser, Mark Gibson, ARC DP

2016 - 2020

Key projects by year

  • Automated Integrity Assessment of Self-Piercing Rivet Joints: i4.0 Approach
    Co-Chief Investigator (CI)
    ARC LP190100165.
  • Modular Multiscale Modelling for Metal Additive layer Manufacturing
    Co-CI and RMIT lead.
    Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) - Beyond Europe program

  • Defence Materials Technology Centre
    Lead CI ‘Factory in a Box'

  • Process-Property Relationships for Additively Manufactured Al-Alloys
    CI. Ford University Research Program

  • ARC Training Centre for Lightweight Automotive Structures
    ARC IC160100032
    2016 – present
  • ARC Research Transformation Hub for Advanced Manufacturing of Medical Devices
    ARC IH150100024
    2016 – present
  • Additive manufacturing wear-resistant products for erosive environments

    ARC LP160100244
    2016 – 2020
  • Design of tuneable microstructures for additive manufacturing
    Lead CI
    ARC DP16100560
    2016 – 2020

  • High performance ultrasonically processed biodegradable alloy products
    Partner: Cook Medical Australia Pty Ltd.
    ARC LP15100950
    2015 - 2019
  • New Manufacturing Capability
    Defence Materials Technology Centre
    2015 – 2018

  • Australian Research Council ARC Linkage ‘High Performance Cast Magnesium Alloys’
    Partner: Magontec Pty Ltd.
    Lead CI
    ARC LP130100828
    2014 - 2019

  • Facility for the development of new lightweight extruded alloys and structures
    ARC LE110100115

  • A Novel Approach to Grain Refinement of Cast Metals
    ARC DP1095737

  • Grain Refinement of Mg-Al Alloys
    Project Leader
    CSIRO Flagship Cluster Project


2017 TMS Extraction and Processing Division Technology Award

Award date: 2018

Recipients: Easton Mark, Abbot Trevor, Matthew  Dargusch, GIbson Mark, Hort Norbert, Nie Jian-Feng, Zhu Suming

2012 TMS Light Metals subject award 

Award date: 2013

Recipients: Malcolm Couper, Mark Easton, Nick Parson, Lisa Sweet, John Taylor

GKSS Magnesium Research Award for ‘important contributions to the understanding of the relationship between nuclei and grain refinement for magnesium alloys

Award date: 2009

Recipients: Mark Easton

Key awards by year

  • Light Metals Luncheon speaker at the TMS Annual Meeting

  • Create the Future. Honourable Mention in Manufacturing/Robotics/Automation category. 

  • TMS Light Metals Division Magnesium Technology best student paper award (supporting author)
  • Outstanding Referee for Acta Materialia 

  • TMS Extraction and Processing Division Technology Award
  • Gifkins Lecture

  • Outstanding Referee for Acta Materialia 

  • TMS Light Metals subject award – Warren Peterson Cast shop for Aluminium Production for the paper “Chemical additions to reduce hot tearing in the casthouse”.
  • Best Paper of the Billet Process and Equipment Track at the conference Extrusion Technology 2012, “The Influence of Iron Content on the Tensile Properties and Anodizing Response of AA6060 Extrusions” (ET ’12).

  • Outstanding Referee for Acta Materialia 

  • 2010 Red Dot Award recipient (Dyson)
  • CAST commercialisation award: for his role in the commercialisation/licensing of Laser Assisted Joining

  • GKSS Magnesium Research Award for ‘important contributions to the understanding of the relationship between nuclei and grain refinement for magnesium alloys’
  • CAST commercialisation award: for his role in the commercialisation/licensing of AM-EX1

  • Honorable mention from the B-HERT awards and 50th Anniversary Vice Chancellor’s award for excellence in research from Monash University for magnesium alloy development work

  • Edgerton Award

  • Henry Marion Howe award: best paper in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
  • CAST commercialisation award: for his role in the commercialisation/licensing of AM-HP2

  • Madhu Nilmani award for best paper at the Eight Australasian Conference on Casthouse Technology
  • Gordon Dunlop Award for Scientific Excellence leading to a Commercial Application
  • CAST commercialisation award: for his role in the commercialisation/licensing of AM-lite
  • CAST commercialisation award: for his role in the commercialisation/licensing of AM-SC1 


  • ‘Automated Integrity Assessment of Self-Piercing Rivet Joints: i4.0 Approach’, ARC LP190100165, A Bab-Hadiashar, R Tennakoon, M Easton, R. Hoseinnezhad , A Mouritz , A Freis, G. Huff, 2020-2023.
  • ‘Modular Multiscale Modelling for Metal Additive layer Manufacturing’. Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) - Beyond Europe program. 2020-2022. Co-CI and RMIT lead.
  • Process-Property Relationships for Additively Manufactured Al-Alloys. Ford University Research Program, M. Easton, 2017-2022.
  • ARC Training Centre for Lightweight Automotive Structures, ARC IC160100032, 2017-2022.
  • ARC Research Transformation Hub for Advanced Manufacturing of Medical Devices, ARC IH150100024.
  • Additive manufacturing wear-resistant products for erosive environments, ARC LP160100244, M Brandt, M Easton, S Sun, M Leary, A Paradowska, E Humphries, 2016-2020
  • Design of tuneable microstructures for additive manufacturing, ARC DP16100560, M Easton, D StJohn, D Qiu, H Fraser, M Gibson, ARC DP, 2016-2020
  • High performance ultrasonically processed biodegradable alloy products, LP150100950, M Dargusch, D StJohn, M Easton, J Cairney, S Nabulsi, 2015-2018.
  • High performance cast magnesium alloys, LP130100828, M Easton, C Caceres, D StJohn, K Nogita, X-B Chen, T Abbott, R Schmid-Fetzer, M Gibson, 2014-2018.
  • Facility for the development of new lightweight extruded alloys and structures, ARC LE110100115, A Beer, M Barnett, J-F Nie, N Stanford, S Chan, M Easton, Q Ma, C Wen, C Davies, A Atrens, 2011
  • A Novel Approach to Grain Refinement of Cast Metals, ARC DP1095737, M-X Zhang, M Easton, D Qiu, J Taylor, X Xiong, 2011-2013

Public and media engagements

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.