36 results found for "public relations"
New report provides insights to Australian firms looking to explore Industry 4.0 opportunities in the Vietnam agriculture, logistics and education sectors
An increasing number of individuals and companies are now investing in Bitcoin, the world's largest and first fully-functioning cryptocurrency. But why?
RMIT showcases knowledge, research and ideas at Melbourne Knowledge Week
RMIT ABC Fact Check won a major award at the Global Fact Checking Summit in Rome last week.
RMIT experts say transparency will be crucial to adoption rates of the new COVIDSafe app
Big data means big opportunity, but what are the ethical implications of tapping into health data as a public resource?
Digital transformation: Key lessons from the pandemic
RMIT launches world-first short courses in VR and AR, powered by Amazon Sumerian
The Hon. Jaala Pulford joined RMIT’s virtual event: Transforming tomorrow: keeping pace with digital change.
From turning back the emissions clock to building more durable roads from old tyres, RMIT is tackling today’s challenges for a more sustainable world.
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