How to complete the CASP form and action plan

Candidate Action and Support Plans (CASP) are tools used to help Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates to get back on track with their research.

Complete the CASP form and action plan with your supervisory team and HDR Delegated Authority (HDR DA) during your CASP meeting. 

The CASP Form (PDF, 375KB) covers why you have been nominated for action and support, what you think has been impacting on your research and recommendations for support from your school. The action plan details the actions you, your supervisors and your HDR DA need to take to get you back on track. 

Learn more about the action and support process

Your name, student ID and basic enrolment information. 

Information about the action and support meeting. Includes date, mode of the meeting, why you have been nominated for action and support and if you’ve had a previous CASP. 

This also includes the end date of your CASP. Your progress will be reviewed on this date. Your CASP end date is a maximum of 3 months from the date you develop your CASP for full-time candidates and a maximum of 6 months from the date you develop your CASP for part-time candidates. 

Complete in discussion with your supervisory team and HDR DA. Outline the issues you’ve faced during your candidature and the support you think you need to move forward with your research. 

Considering your discussions for Section 3, your supervisory team and HDR DA will make recommendations to help you. 

There are three parts - at least one part of this section must be completed. 

You aren’t required to follow the recommendations. However, if you don’t and are later referred to a College Review and Research Candidate Progress Committee (RCPC), you may be asked to explain why. 

Part A: Recommendations for school-based support 

If you’ve been nominated for action and support, your school must provide support to you. Some of this support could include: 

  • Increasing the frequency of your supervisory team meetings
  • Meeting with your HDR DA during your CASP period
  • Developing a communication plan. This is to make sure you and your supervisory team are on the same page about the mode of communication (e.g. email or phone/MS Teams), how often you’ll make contact and who is responsible for writing and sharing minutes of your meetings. 

Part B: Recommendations to vary candidature 

Making variations to your candidature may give you some time to get back on track. This could include: 

Talk to your Senior Supervisor and visit the Enrolment, leave and changes to candidature page to apply these changes. 

Part C: Recommendations for general academic and other support services 

Your supervisory team and HDR DA may recommend you access support services from RMIT. This could include academic support or wellbeing services, such as counselling, Equitable Learning Services, accommodation advice, financial advice and/or legal advice. These services are free and confidential and can, if appropriate, refer you to services external to RMIT. 

Your action plan allows you to show your progress at the end of your CASP period.

This is an example of an Action Plan (PDF, 143KB) and a template (DOC, 33KB) for you to use. 

An action plan must have clear, detailed, achievable and specific tasks with reasonable deadlines. One or more people must be assigned as responsible for each task. Anyone in your school or discipline should be able to understand the tasks required. 

When developing your action plan consider: 

  • How you and your team will meet the recommendations in Section 5
  • How you will work towards meeting the requirements of your HDR, such as milestones, ethics approvals and submission
  • When you need to provide work to your supervisors and when your supervisors need to provide feedback to you. 

If your action plan doesn’t include enough detail or fixed deadlines for tasks, you may be asked to revise it before it’s approved. 

If you are unclear about the tasks on your CASP, seek clarification from your supervisors and/or HDR DA as soon as possible. 

You, your supervisory team and your HDR DA must sign to state you are aware of and agree to the recommendations and action plan of your CASP.

You or your Senior Supervisor should send the completed CASP to Research Training Services via the Student Connect portal.


Need help? 

Submit an enquiry to the School of Graduate Research

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RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.