11 results found for "public relations"
Level of study
Diploma of Business (Public Relations) - RMIT University
Public relations (PR) specialists build brand reputation and maintain positive relationships with external clients, customers and stakeholders.
Diploma of Marketing and Communication - RMIT University
Enhance your skills by combining knowledge from the advertising, marketing and public relations industries.
Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication - RMIT University
Blend creativity with business to develop strategic thinking skills, and learn to craft creative and persuasive communication.
Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business - RMIT University
Turn your drive and ambitions into skill, and learn how to grow ideas into an exciting and functioning new business.
Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation - RMIT University
Prepare for university and take pathway to further education for those who haven't studied for some time.
Certificate IV in Project Management Practice - RMIT University
Future-proof your career with project management skills in demand in every industry.
Diploma of Information Technology - RMIT University
Learn about programming, web development (PHP and content management systems), operating systems, networking, database modelling and implementation.
Diploma of Logistics - RMIT University
Develop in transport and logistics planning, blockchain in supply chain management, and operations and risk management.
Advanced Diploma of Dental Prosthetics - RMIT University
This course will provide you with the knowledge and clinical and practical skills required for registration as a dental prosthetist in Australia.
Diploma of Accounting - RMIT University
Extend your accounting skills in our simulated practice firm environment and explore a range of specialisations.
1 - 10 of 11 results