Thank you for agreeing to provide content or participate in the provision or recording of content (Material) for RMIT University (RMIT/we/us).
You agree to the following:
- Material created by you – you give us a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable and royalty-free licence to use the Material created by you for the purposes in item 4 below. You promise you have the right to give us this licence (e.g. that you are the author/creator of the Material), & that the licence will not infringe any other person’s IP, or result in breach of any contract or law.
- Recording you feature in – if you appear in a recording of Material created or produced by us (including as a voice over, in photos, videos, comments, testimonials & other recorded content), we own all the intellectual property rights in the recording of the Material.
- Attribution – if agreed, the Material will include appropriate attributions to you (e.g. your name, profession or affiliation and experience). Otherwise, you consent to acts otherwise inconsistent with any moral rights (as defined in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)) you may have in the Material.
- How we use the Material (purposes) – we may publicly communicate, reproduce, broadcast or publish the Material (which may be reasonably edited, adapted or altered by us) as we see fit and in any medium. You agree that we may use the Material for any of our objects under our incorporating legislation, including teaching, learning, research & promotional activities.
- Privacy – our privacy policy (as set out on our website) will apply to any personally identifiable information contained in the Material (e.g. your name, image, profession). You agree that our privacy policy does not prevent the Material with personally identifying information being used for the purposes in item 4.
- No compensation - you agree you won’t receive any payment or fees in respect of the creation or our use of the Material unless agreed otherwise.
- No claims - to the extent allowed by law, you agree that we aren’t liable for any claim arising out of, or in relation to, the Material or its use, in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise. You agree you won’t make any claims against us in connection with our creation or use of the Material.
If you wish to withdraw your consent, contact