Single courses

Experience RMIT without committing to a degree

Single courses are suited to those interested in expanding their knowledge or who are looking to up-skill for personal or professional reasons.


Browse by single course study areas


Semester 1 2025

Course Name Code Level Location Fees
Flight Instructor Training AERO3340 UGRD Point Cook $27,960
Flight Instructor Training AERO3341 UGRD Bendigo $27,960
An amazing uni-campus culture where I'm exposed to astounding students, supportive resources and overall, a great uni-vibe.

- Eamonn Wang

Frequently asked questions

To enrol in a single course, submit all relevant documents outlined below. Our team will be in contact with you to guide you through the process. 

  1. Collate the required documents for your application
    • A completed Single Course Enrolment Form
    • Evidence of prerequisites such as academic transcripts and/or statement of intention
    • Citizenship documentation such as a valid passport or birth certificate. A list of acceptable documents can be found here
    • A PDF of your online Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) check, not required for Australian citizens and permanent residency holders. 
  2. Submit your application and attach the required documentation above via email to After you submit your application you will be contacted to discuss your enrolment. This can take up to 72 hours. 

  3. If your application is successful you will be issued with a payment link to confirm your enrolment. You are required to make upfront and in full payment via Visa or MasterCard to secure your place.

Semester     Course list available  Enrolment period Class dates
Semester 1 2025 1 Nov 1 Nov–24 Feb 3 Mar–29 June
Semester 2 2025 1 May   1 May–14 July 21 July–16 Nov
Spring 2025 1 July 1 July–16 Nov 17 Nov–13 Feb
Summer 2026 1 Oct 1 Oct–2 Jan 2 Jan–13 Feb

A single course at RMIT University is a subject from an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program. A single course gives you an opportunity to experience the subject matter before committing to a degree, up-skill in a specific area and experience University culture. Single courses are offered during RMIT University's Semester 1, Semester 2, Spring and Summer semesters. Enrolments are accepted only during official enrolment periods. Participants are issued with an RMIT University Academic Transcript upon completion.

RMIT single courses are open to everyone aged 16 or over, excluding current RMIT students, students looking to do cross-institutional study and international students with limited study rights. If this is you there are alternative study options available that you can explore here

Some single courses may require a certain level of knowledge or prior study, therefore check for prerequisites before enrolling. Postgraduate subjects require you to hold a prior tertiary qualification that you will be asked to provide when you apply.

If a single course requires University approval, this means that there is an extra step in the application process. A statement outlining how you satisfy the entry requirements must be provided during the enrolment process, confirming that you satisfy the criteria or prerequisites necessary to undertake that particular single course. 

For single courses that require University approval, we will contact you to advise of the decision. A payment needs to be made once your application has been approved, and only then is your enrolment confirmed. You will be issued with a single course tax invoice, which doubles as confirmation of your  enrolment. Please check this to ensure all details are correct, including your name, as it will appear as is on your academic transcript. 


The following discounts are applicable to most of our single courses:

RMIT Staff 25%

RMIT Alumni 15%

Please contact us to determine if you are eligible for a discount. Discounts may not apply to all single courses. Proof must be provided at time of enrolment for a discount to be applied. Discount refunds will not be provided after online enrolment is processed. 


For individuals full and upfront payment is required to secure your place in the course. We accept Visa or MasterCard. Government funding and/or payment plans are not available.

For business

If you are enrolling yourself, a colleague or client into a course for professional development, RMIT accepts purchase orders or a letter of authority where a third party such as your workplace or training organisation is paying for single courses. Once the application is approved  send a purchase order or letter of authority on a company letterhead to  

Included in the documentation:

  • Name of learner 
  • Course name
  • Start date
  • Fee (please note our courses do not incur GST)
  • Name of person authorising the course enrolment
  • Company name
  • Billing contact details for invoice (ie: address, phone & email)

Once we have received the documentation an invoice will be sent to the billing email and our team will confirm the learner's place in the course. The invoice must be paid within 7 days.

We cannot accept cash, personal cheques, bank cheques, money order, or Diners and American Express cards.

On completion of a single course, RMIT University will issue an Academic Transcript. Your Academic Transcript can be used to apply for credit towards an award program. However, this is not an automatic process and conditions may apply. Accreditation or credit towards an award program are not automatic and students are advised to check with the relevant RMIT University School or Home Institution. 

Email to request a Request to Reissue your Single Course Results. An application fee may apply.  

myRMIT is a central point for you to easily access all the online information and services you need while at RMIT: your student email address, online learning resources, news and announcements, student gallery, forums, student classifieds and plenty more.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your RMIT ID and your password: Your username is your student number prefixed with an "s" (for example s123456) and your password is your date of birth in the format YYYYMMDD (for example, if you were born on 25 March 1976 your password would be 19760305). Please note, you will be prompted to change this when you log in for the first time. If you need to reset your password contact the ITS Service and Support Centre.
  3. Click on the Login button.
  4. Click on the Studies tab to access your online learning resources.

If you are having difficulties such as logging in, navigating your way through the system or courses not showing up in the Studies tab, contact:

Service and Support Centre

Phone: +61 3 9925 8888

Single courses range between $2,500 to $9,000 with the average fee approximately $3,500. This fee is a full-fee, upfront payment which is not eligible for HECS or Fee-HELP. Check the individual courses listed above for exact fees.

Single course students will not gain automatic entry into an award program or gain a degree through only completing single courses.

Single course duration is one full university semester. Check the higher education important dates page for more information.

RMIT’s timetabling system is called myTimetable You can view the public read-only version of myTimetable

Please enter the course code of the subject of interest, such as ARCH1001, and click search.

For help, view the Help: using the Read-only Timetable user guide (PDF 343.7KB)

RMIT University offers Equitable Learning Services (ELS) to single course students. ELS provides support and assistance to students with a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition, and primary carers of individuals with a disability.

As an RMIT single course student you are issued with a RMIT University student number. 

Following the Victorian Government's mandate to shut down all non-essential activity in response to COVID-19, student cards are not available from campus or by online submission at this time. If you are required to provide evidence that you are studying at RMIT, please download your Statement of Enrolment (SoE) via Enrolment Online.

For further information click here 

If your personal details change, let us know as soon as possible.

Click here to check and update your contact details


Visit the RMIT ID and Password page for further information and support

If you need to cancel your single course enrolment once your application has been approved and fees paid, you must advise us in writing and submit a Single Course Cancellation Form to This must be done before RMIT’s Census date to avoid financial penalty.

Deferments and transfers, including any requests to transfer to another single course or semester, will not be accepted.

Any personal or financial details which you provide to RMIT University when you register are used to process enrolments and course enquiries. RMIT Single and Short Courses are governed by the RMIT Privacy Policy. This policy affirms RMIT’s commitment to privacy and the responsible handling of personal, sensitive and health information.

RMIT values the privacy of every individual and is committed to the responsible handling of personal information. Refer to the RMIT Privacy Statement to understand how your data is protected.

It is important that you provide accurate information as personal information may appear on Certificate of Completion or your Academic Transcript. We may contact you to inform you about course cancellations, change of venue at your registered contact details. Where you have opted to receive information about upcoming events and courses we may to contact you with updates.

Single courses are being delivered remotely until the return to campus process is complete. Each course will have individual circumstances so please check RMIT Covid for details.

Other ways to study

Contact the Single Courses Team

aboriginal flag
torres strait flag

Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.