Dr Samantha Grover
Senior Lecturer
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Science
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
Soil scientist, connector, creator; seeking sustainable solutions to social ecological challenges by combining technical innovation with deep stakeholder engagement.
I lead the Soil-Atmosphere-Anthroposphere Lab at RMIT University. Our research explores the interconnections between food, climate change and people. We collaborate with farmers, NGOs, industry, government and other researchers around the world to more sustainably manage landscapes. We focus on high carbon systems such as peatlands, regenerative agriculture and composting. As a soil scientist, I apply techniques from soil physics, soil chemistry and soil microbiology with micrometeorology to explore the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. I collaborate with economists, social scientists, policy analysist as well as other biological and physical scientists to generate whole-of-system knowledge. Through my teaching of Bachelors and Masters of Environmental Science, as well as my public engagement as a Superstar of STEM, President of Soil Science Australia, VIC, various Board and Committee roles and growing media profile, I communicate my research to create impact. As we enter the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, I aspire to make a nationally and internationally significant contribution to reversing climate change and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Leader, Soil-Atmosphere-Anthroposphere Lab
- Course Co-ordinator, The Soil Environment
I am working from home in line with COVID restrictions. I work part time and have two children in remote learning so my availability is varied in 2020.
- Bachelor of Arts (Melbourne), Bachelor of Science (Melbourne)
- Bachelor of Science Honours (La Trobe)
- PhD (La Trobe)
- Accredited Partnership Broker
- Certified Professional Soil Scientist
- Victorian President, Soil Science Australia
- TERN Ozflux Steering Committee
- International Mire Conservation Group Board member
- Birnbaum, C.,Wood, J.,Lilleskov, E.,Lamit, L.,Shannon, J.,Brewer, M.,Grover, S. (2023). Degradation Reduces Microbial Richness and Alters Microbial Functions in an Australian Peatland In: Microbial Ecology, 85, 875 - 891
- Rowland, J.,Walsh, J.,Beitzel, M.,Brawata, R.,Grover, S., et al, . (2023). Setting research priorities for effective management of a threatened ecosystem: Australian alpine and subalpine peatland In: Conservation Science and Practice, 5, 1 - 16
- Grover, S.,Tate, J.,Warren, C.,Venn, S. (2023). Nitrogen dynamics in alpine soils of south-eastern Australia In: Soil Research, 61, 560 - 568
- Treby, S.,Grover, S. (2023). Carbon emissions from Australian Sphagnum peatlands increase with feral horse (Equus caballus) presence In: Journal of Environmental Management, 347, 1 - 14
- Grover, S. (2022). Distribution, nature and threats to soils of the Australian Alps: A review In: Austral Ecology, 47, 166 - 188
- Beringer, J.,Moore, C.,Cleverly, J.,Grover, S., et al, S. (2022). Bridge to the future: Important lessons from 20 years of ecosystem observations made by the OzFlux network In: Global Change Biology, 28, 3489 - 3514
- Charzynski, P.,Urbanska, M.,Gadsby, H.,Grover, S., et al, . (2022). A global perspective on soil science education at third educational level; knowledge, practice, skills and challenges In: Geoderma, 425, 1 - 16
- Rawluk, A.,Sanders, A.,Yuwati, T.,Izazaya, N.,Yulianti, N.,Dyson, A.,Kunarso, A.,Farquharson, R.,Sinclair, A.,Young, F.,Grover, S., et al, . (2022). Finding Common Ground: Developing a Shared Understanding of Tropical Peatswamp Forest Restoration and Fires Across Culture, Language, and Discipline In: International Forestry Review, 24, 426 - 440
- Watmough, S.,Gilbert-Parkes, S.,Basiliko, N.,Lamit, L.,Lilleskov, E.,Grover, S. P., et al, . (2022). Variation in carbon and nitrogen concentrations among peatland categories at the global scale In: PLoS ONE, 17, 1 - 15
- Kunarso, A.,Bonner, M.,Blanch, E.,Grover, S. (2022). Differences in Tropical Peat Soil Physical and Chemical Properties Under Different Land Uses: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis In: Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22, 4063 - 4083
2 PhD Completions6 PhD Current Supervisions
High Carbon Soils: peatland restoration, organic recycling and regenerative agriculture
Soils and climate change are connected. The Soil-Atmosphere-Anthroposphere Lab explores these connections to solve environmental problems in urban, rural and global settings. Techniques from soil chemistry, physics and biology as well micrometeorological approaches are applied in field and laboratory experiments in Australia and overseas. Peatland restoration in Australia and Indonesia, recycling and upcycling of urban organic waste, urban greenhouse gas fluxes and agricultural practises that enhance soil health and increase carbon storage are current foci of the Lab. Highly motivated and talented students are welcome to apply for postgraduate research positions.
- Meeting the biophysical information needs of peatland restoration and management stakeholders to support improved and integrated decision making. Funded by: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Competitive Grants from (2024 to 2029)
- Carbon flux pathways: from ecosystem to the global carbon market. Funded by: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) (Generic CAT 2 scheme) from (2024 to 2026)
- Exploring the soil hydrological function of degraded and intact tropical peat swamp forest. Funded by: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) (Generic CAT 2 scheme) from (2024 to 2025)
- Soil Carbon Research. Funded by: Grantham Foundation Grant from (2023 to 2025)
- Reimagining restored landscapes and Invasive species in Victoria's National Parks. Funded by: Veski - Inspiring Women Career Recovery Grants from (2022 to 2023)