Mr. Fabian Cannizzo
Research Fellow
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
School / Department:
DSC|School - Media & Communication
City Campus
- Cannizzo, F.,Strong, C. (2022). New Normal or Old Problems? “Hibernation” and Planning for Music Careers in the Victorian Music Industries during COVID-19 In: Journal of World Popular Music, 9, 99 - 116
- Strong, C.,Cannizzo, F. (2021). Pre-existing conditions Precarity, creative justice and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Victorian music industries In: Perfect Beat, 21, 10 - 24
- Strong, C.,Cannizzo, F. (2021). Victorian Music Festivals 2018/19 In: Australian Festivals Associations Australia
- Strong, C.,Cannizzo, F. (2021). Waiting for a break: Barriers to career progression in a man's industry In: Women's Music for the Screen, Routledge, Abingdon, UK
- Strong, C.,Cannizzo, F.,Rogers, I. (2020). Career Paths: The Victorian Music Business Career Life Cycle In: Victorian Music Development Office Melbourne
- Cannizzo, F.,Strong, C. (2020). 'Put some balls on that woman': Gendered repertoires of inequality in screen composers' careers In: Gender work and organisations, 27, 1346 - 1360
- Ford, J.,Ison, J.,McKenzie, L.,Cannizzo, F.,Mayhew, L.,Osborne, N.,Cooke, B. (2020). What ongoing staff can do to support precariously employed colleagues: the Academic Precariat In: Australian Universities Review, 62, 57 - 62
- Strong, C.,Cannizzo, F. (2020). Understanding Challenges to the Victorian Music Industry During COVID-19 In: Victorian Office for Women, Victorian Music Development Office Melbourne, Australia
- Strong, C.,Brunt, S.,Cannizzo, F.,Montano, E.,Rogers, I.,Shill, G. (2019). Adapting the studio model for the Australian popular music education context In: Journal of Popular Music Education, 3, 293 - 308
- Strong, C.,Cannizzo, F. (2019). Qualified careers: gendered attitudes towards screen composition education in Australia In: Towards Gender Equality in the Music Industry, Bloomsbury Academic, New York, USA