Dr Shaun Cloherty
Shaun L. Cloherty is a Lecturer in the School of Engineering (Electrical and Biomedical Engineering). He holds a BE (Hons) in Aerospace Avionics (Queensland University of Technology) and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering (University of New South Wales). He has held research positions at UNSW (Sydney, Australia), the Australian National University (Canberra, Australia), the National Vision Research Institute (Melbourne, Australia) and Monash University (Melbourne, Australia). In 2016 he was a visiting scientist in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester (Rochester, USA). His primary research interests in systems neuroscience combine experimental and computational approaches to understand neural coding and information processing in the brain, and the neural basis of perception and behaviour.
Course Coordinator:
- EEET2394 Electronic Systems for Automotive Applications (UG)
- PhD, Biomedical Engineering (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
- BEng (Hons), Aerospace Avionics (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia)
- Choy, C.,Cloherty, S.,Pirogova, E.,Fang, Q. (2023). Virtual Reality Assisted Motor Imagery for Early Post-Stroke Recovery: A Review In: IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 16, 487 - 498
- Yip, H.,Allison-Walker, T.,Cloherty, S.,Hagan, M.,Price, N. (2023). Ocular following responses of the marmoset monkey are dependent on postsaccadic delay, spatiotemporal frequency, and saccade direction In: Journal of Neurophysiology, 130, 189 - 198
- McFayden, J.,Heider, B.,Karkhanis, A.,Cloherty, S.,Munoz, F.,Siegel, R.,Morris, A. (2022). Robust Coding of Eye Position in Posterior Parietal Cortex despite Context-Dependent Tuning In: Journal of Neuroscience, 42, 4116 - 4130
- Jung, Y.,Almasi, A.,Sun, S.,Yunzab, M.,Cloherty, S.,Bauquier, S.,Renfree, M.,Meffin, H.,Ibbotson, M. (2022). Orientation pinwheels in primary visual cortex of a highly visual marsupial In: Science Advances, 8, 1 - 12
- Hallum, L.,Cloherty, S. (2021). Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD) of achromatic, mean-modulated flicker in clinical assessment and experimental studies of visual systems In: PL o S One, 16, 1 - 19
- Rombauts, P.,Reddell, T.,Cloherty, S.,Peake, I.,Held, J.,Iles, G. (2021). Development of software tools for mission control operations training at RMIT In: Proceedings of the19th Australian International Aerospace Congress (AIAC 2021), Australia, 29 November - 1 December 2021
- Cloherty, S.,Yates, J.,Graf, D.,DeAngelis, G.,Mitchell, J. (2020). Motion perception in the common marmoset In: Cerebral Cortex, 30, 2658 - 2672
- Almasi, A.,Meffin, H.,Cloherty, S.,Wong, Y.,Yunzab, M.,Ibbotson, M. (2020). Mechanisms of Feature Selectivity and Invariance in Primary Visual Cortex In: Cerebral Cortex, 30, 5067 - 5087
- Yunzab, M.,Choi, V.,Meffin, H.,Cloherty, S.,Priebe, N.,Ibbotson, M. (2019). Synaptic basis for contrast-dependent shifts in functional identity in mouse v1 In: eNeuro, 6, 1 - 12
- Cloherty, S.,Ibbotson, M. (2019). Contrast-dependent phase sensitivity in area MT of macaque visual cortex In: Neuroreport, 30, 195 - 201
2 PhD Current Supervisions
- Decoding neuronal populations for visually-guided decision andaction (Administered by Monash University). Funded by: ARC Discovery Projects 2021 from (2021 to 2024)