Chantal Crozet
Dr Chantal Crozet is a Senior Lecturer in French Studies and Intercultural Communication with RMIT's School of Global, Urban and Social Studies.
Research interests
- Intercultural language teaching
- Teaching verbal interaction and culture
- Religion(s), secularism and gender issues in contemporary France
- French popular songs as historical, societal and cultural discourse
- Discourse analysis
Grants and awards
2009 – Vice Chancellor Award for Community Outreach for convening the ANU Languages Ball
2006 – $40,000 grant from the University of South Australia, working as a consultant on a national project on Intercultural Teaching and Learning in Practice (ILTLP) funded by DEEWR
1998 – $14,000 from Small ARC grant with Dr. A.J Liddicoat for a project on emblematic gestures and proxemics in French conversation
1996 – $17,000 from Small ARC grant jointly with Dr. A.J Liddicoat project on the teaching of oral interaction in French
1996 – $5000 ANU grant for the development of career opportunities for women, for the collection of data on French conversation (in France) and attendance to the 5th Congress of Pragmatics in Mexico city in July 1996
1996 – ANU CEDAM grant with 3 IT experts from the MILL, for a multi-media pilot project on the production of a CR-ROM: ‘Converser en français’ for the teaching of French pragmatic norms in spoken language.
2005: PhD thesis (ANU), Language teachers & the teaching of culture: Insights into the interface between theoretical discourses, context and practice based on an Australian case study
1997: MPhil thesis (ANU), Teaching Verbal Interaction and Culture
Research supervision
PhD & MA
2011–2013:ANU, main supervisor of Mochamad Subhan Zein’s PhD thesis on English Language Education Policy in Indonesia. Award granted.
2008–2013: ANU, main supervisor of Emily Fong’s PhD thesis on English in China: language, identity and culture. Award granted.
2007: ANU, main supervisor of Emily Fong’s MA thesis Hong Konger or Chinese? Pre and Post-97 Hong Kong cinema. Award granted.
2005–2006: ANU, main supervisor of Lauren Gorfinkel’s Master thesis Developing Cultural Worldliness in English Language Teaching in China: Foreign, Motherland and Yunnan Discourses. Faculty of Asian Studies, ANU. Award granted.
French Honours
2012: ANU, supervisor of Geneviève Richards’ French Honours thesis on Les femmes françaises et l’Islam en France (French women and Islam in France). Award granted.
2012: ANU, supervisor of Sarah Batts’ French Honours thesis on Lediscours médiatique en France. Award granted.
2011: ANU, supervisor of Tom Yang’s French Honours thesis «France, ton image fout le camp » : Tensions sociales entre Français et Maghrébins et problématique identitaire dans l’Hexagone’. Award granted.
- Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) Linguistics, ANU, 2005
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Applied Linguistics, ANU, 1997
- Graduate Diploma in Education, UCAN (Languages Other Than English/ French & Spanish and English as a second language), 1989
- Bachelor of Arts in Modern European Languages (French, Spanish & Linguistics), UNE & UCAN, 1987
Professional interests
Melbourne Salon: French & Australian Dialogues
The Melbourne Salon is a joint venture between RMIT University, the Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations and the Alliance Française de Melbourne.
It is a place where curious and open-minded people can engage in French-Australian cross-cultural dialogues. Talks will usually be in English; you may participate in the subsequent discussions in French or English.
The Melbourne Salon aims to:
broaden understanding of French and Australian perspectives on contemporary topics through conversation, debate and discussion
draw participants from a wide range of backgrounds: parents, teachers, academics, journalists, writers, musicians, educationalists and others who share an interest in discussing ideas in a convivial atmosphere
Other professional interests:
- ALAA (The Applied Linguistics Association of Australia)
- AFTV (Association of French Teachers in Victoria)
- ASFS (Australian Society for French Studies)
- Australian Linguistic Society
- FACCI (French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
- FATFA (The Federation of Associations of Teachers of French in Australia)
- FFRAME (Forum Francophone de Recherche à Melbourne)
- ISFAR (Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations)
- Language and Society Centre
- LCNAU (Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities)
- Melbourne Discourse Group
- MLTAV (Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria)
- The Alliance Française Melbourne
2 PhD Current Supervisions4 PhD Completions
- Crozet, C. (2022). Journey into Indian Spirituality: A Westerner Perspective In: Language and Spirit, Springer, Cham, Switzerland
- Crozet, C. (2022). Convergence and Divergence on Gender Inclusive Language in France and Anglo/Australian Spheres In: The French Australian Review, 72, 86 - 114
- Crozet, C.,Mullan, K.,Qi, J.,Kianpour, M. (2021). Educating critically about language and intercultural communication: What and who is at stake? In: Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 3 , 1 - 26
- Crozet, C.,Diaz, A. (2020). Tertiary Language Teacher-Researchers Between Ethics and Politics, Routledge, Abingdon, United Kingdom
- Crozet, C. (2019). L'équilibriste (Tightrope walker) In: Critical Multilingualism Studies, 7, 44 - 50
- Florez, M.,Crozet, C. (2019). Concord or collision between Intercultural Competence and Interculturalidad? ¿Concordia o colisión entre competencia intercultural e interculturalidad? In: Matices Lenguas Extranjeras, 13, 208 - 228
- Crozet, C. (2018). Engagement politique et approche interculturelle, diffusion du français en milieu tertiaire non-francophone. (Political engagement and the intercultural approach, teaching French in a non-francophone tertiary environment) In: Penser les diversités linguistiques et culturelles - Francophonies, formations à distance, migrances. (Reflecting on linguistic and cultural diversities - Francophonies, distant education and migration., Editions Lambert-Lucas, Limoges, France
- Crozet, C. (2018). Insights into France's Relationship to Religion(s) and Spirituality In: The International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies, 16, 27 - 39
- Crozet, C. (2018). Globalization and culture In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, Switzerland
- Crozet, C. (2017). The intercultural foreign language teacher: Challenges and choices In: The Critical Turn in Language and Intercultural Communication Pedagogy, Routledge, New York, United States