Sam Goundar
Senior Lecturer, IT
College / Portfolio:
STEM College VN
School / Department:
VNM|School of Science,Engineering & Tech
Hanoi Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Goundar, K.,Sathye, M. (2023). Exploring Access to Financial Services by Visually Impaired People In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16, 1 - 7
- Rayapati, N.,Madhavi, K.,Natarajan, V.,Goundar, K.,Tangudu, N. (2023). Face Mask Detection Using Multi-Task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks In: Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, Warangal, India, 29/07/2022-30/07/2022
- Singh, K.,Goundar, K.,Chandran, P.,Agrawal, A.,Singh, N.,Kolar, P. (2023). Digital Banking through the Uncertain COVID Period: A Panel Data Study In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16, 1 - 17
- Yadav, J.,Misra, M.,Rana, N.,Singh, K.,Goundar, K. (2023). Blockchain’s Potential to Rescue Sports: A Social Media Perspective In: Distributed Computing to Blockchain, Elsevier, United Kingdom
- Kim, G.,Goundar, K. (2023). e-Governance and Blockchain-based Data Supply Chain for Used Cars In: Distributed Computing to Blockchain, Elsevier, United Kingdom
- Bouhassoune, K.,Goundar, K.,Haqiq, A. (2023). Blockchain for Smart Healthcare: a SWOT Analysis from the Patient Perspective In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Online, 12/12/2022-14/12/2022
- Bernabeo, A.,Goundar, S.,Nguyen, K.,Le, B.,Luong, Q.,Dinh, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence for Safety Related Aviation Systems: A Roadmap in the Context of Vietnam In: Information Systems Research in Vietnam, Volume 2, Springer , Singapore
- Manimaran, A.,Goundar, S.,Chandramohan, D.,Arulkumar, N. (2023). Application Areas, Benefits, and Research Challenges of Converging Blockchain and Machine Learning Techniques In: Integrating Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0 Innovations, Springer, Cham, Switzerland
- Arulkumar, N.,Manimaran, A.,Chandramohan, D.,Goundar, S. (2023). Internet of Things and Blockchain in Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions In: Integrating Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0 Innovations, Springer, Cham, Switzerland
- Tiwari, V.,Goundar, S.,Teja, K.,Agarwal, B.,Harjule, P. (2023). A Transparent, Distributed, and Secure Crowdfunding Platform Based on Blockchain In: Integrating Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0 Innovations, Springer, Cham, Switzerland
1 PhD Current Supervisions