Professor Dean Hanlon
Professor, Accounting
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
COBL|Accounting, Info Sys & Supply Chain
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Chen, C.,Hanlon, C.,Khedmati, M.,Wake, J. (2023). Annual report readability and equity mispricing In: Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 19, 1 - 21
- Hanlon, D.,Khedmati, M.,Lim, E.,Truong, C. (2023). Boardroom backscratching and stock price crash risk In: Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, , 1 - 41
- Evdokimov, E.,Hanlon, C.,Lim, E. (2022). Do Generalist CEOs Magnify Boardroom Backscratching? In: Journal of Business Ethics, 181, 221 - 247
- Davern, M.,Gyles, N.,Hanlon, C.,Potter, B.,Subramanian, R. (2022). The Horizons of Financial Reporting – Part 1 (Preparer Perspectives) In: CPA Australia Melbourne, Australia
- Davern, M.,Gyles, N.,Hanlon, D.,Frick, T. (2020). AASB 16 Leases: Investor Perspectives In: CPA Australia Melbourne, Australia
- Hanlon, C.,Pinder, S. (2019). The impact of Australia’s income tax system on company ownership structure In: Australian Tax Forum, 34, 810 - 830
- Hanlon, C.,Khedmati, M.,Lim, E. (2019). Boardroom backscratching and audit fees In: Auditing, 38, 179 - 206
- Davern, M.,Gyles, N.,Hanlon, C.,Pinnuck, M. (2019). Is Financial Reporting Still Useful? Australian Evidence In: Abacus, 55, 237 - 272
- Hanlon, C. (2019). Mandatory accounting change and debt covenant violation: Additional evidence from SFAS 150 In: Australian Journal of Management, 44, 355 - 387
- Davern, M.,Gyles, N.,Hanlon, C.,Shah, F. (2019). Implementing AASB 16 Leases: Are preparers ready? In: CPA Australia Melbourne, Australia
- The determination of cos of capital for accounting standard-setting purposes. Funded by: Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) from (2022 to 2023)
1 Masters by Research Completions