Research interests
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Communications Technologies, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Professor Sabu John has over 155 published articles in journals and peer-reviewed conferences (6 book chapters (1 in print), 35 Journal articles and 120+ referred conference and other articles in the fields mentioned below) and has been involved in 3 patents, including the invention of the patented world’s first cricket bat with active vibration control.
His research interests include advanced composite materials, vibration control in smart structures, embedded communication devices in composite structures, and structural health monitoring of structures.
He has also undertaken work on signal processing and pattern recognition through artificial neural networks applied to feature detection in medicine and damage detection in large static and dynamic structures. He has worked on numerous funded projects in the aforementioned areas worth over A$3.25M.
Media involvement
As a result of patenting the ARC-funded world’s first Smart Cricket Bat with active vibration control in 2007 (Australian Patent number–2007901068), his work received national and international headlines in the electronic and print media. He has also commented on strategic manufacturing matters in the national media.
An abridged list of his media work is listed below:
National TV
Channel 9, The TODAY show – LIVE TV, 7.18am, 10 May 2007.
Channel 10, 5.30pm News – 8 May 2007.
Print and electronic media
‘Batsmen to get a better handle on Slogs’, The Australian – Page 3, 8 May 2007.
‘Its not Cricket as Australians invent better bat’, Britain’s Daily Telegraph – Front page 9 May 2007.
‘Bat’s the way I like it’, The Week Magazine – Printed 3 June 2007 (Mumbai, India).
‘Is that Cricket’, Physics World Magazine – Vol 20, No 6, June 2007, Page 3.
‘Getting a Grip’, The Engineer (UK) Magazine – 02 July 2007, Page 31.
Radio Interviews
BBC Radio 5 from London, UK – 1.40pm, 10 May 2007 (Melbourne time)
ABC (774 AM). Melbourne – 7.00am, 10 May 2007 with Red Symonds
3AW (694AM) (Melbourne’s highest rating morning show) with Neil Mitchell – 8 May 2007 at 11.15am.
ABC Country Queensland – 2.10pm, 10 May 2007.
ABC Newcastle, NSW – 10.10am, 9 May 2007.
ABC Adelaide – 11.00am, 8 May 2007.
ABC 612 – Brisbane. 2.30pm, 8 May 2007.