Dr Claudette Kellar
Research Fellow
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Science
Bundoora West
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Pettigrove, V.,Hassell, K.,Gough, C.,Hoskin, S.,Macmahon, D.,Myers, J.,Nguyen, H.,Walpitagama, M. (2023). Catchment sourcing urban pesticide pollution using constructed wetlands in Melbourne, Australia In: Science of the Total Environment, 863, 1 - 9
- Ranatunga, M.,Kellar, C.,Pettigrove, V. (2023). Toxicological impacts of synthetic pyrethroids on non-target aquatic organisms: A review In: Environmental Advances, 12, 1 - 12
- Subba, M.,Keough, M.,Kellar, C.,Hoskin, S.,Pereira Miranda, A.,Pettigrove, V. (2021). Potamopyrgus antipodarum has the potential to detect effects from various land use activities on a freshwater ecosystem In: Environmental Pollution, 287, 1 - 15
- Myers, J.,Kellar, C.,Ahmed, W.,Pettigrove, V. (2021). Long-term monitoring to assess the benefits of stream frontage management to ecological condition of the Campaspe River, Victoria Australia In: Proceedings of the 10th Australian Stream Management Conference, 2-4 August 2021, virtual, 2-4 August 2021
- Nan, B.,Su, L.,Kellar, C.,Craig, N.,Keough, M.,Pettigrove, V. (2020). Identification of microplastics in surface water and Australian freshwater shrimp Paratya australiensis in Victoria, Australia In: Environmental Pollution, 259, 1 - 9
- Hassell, K.,Kellar, C.,Townsend, K.,Arora, M.,Berg, K.,May, A.,Pettigrove, V. (2016). Assessment of impacts from a waste water discharge in a whole-of-catchment context In: Water E-Journal: Online Journal of the Australian Water Association, 1, 1 - 8
3 PhD Current Supervisions
- Investigating the relationship between aquatic pollution and the Australian native platypus. Funded by: Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment - Grant from (2024 to 2026)
- 2021/2022 Macroinvertebrate monitoring (led by GHD Pty Ltd). Funded by: Melbourne Water Corporation - Contract from (2022 to 2023)