Dr. Seng Kok
Dean of Students
College / Portfolio:
International and Engagement VN
School / Department:
Pro Vice-Chancellor VN
Saigon South Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Duarte Alonso, A.,Bressan, A.,Vu, O.,Kok, S.,Atay, E. (2023). Integrating tradition and innovation within a wine tourism and hospitality experience In: International Journal of Tourism Research, 25, 169 - 182
- Vu, O.,Duarte Alonso, A.,Bressan, A.,Kok, S.,Nguyen, T.,Akbari, M.,Nguyen, H. (2023). Enabling environmentally sustainable practices in Vietnam through knowledge management: the case of TONTOTON In: Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 21, 1109 - 1123
- Duarte Alonso, A.,Vu, O.,Kok, S.,O'Shea, M. (2023). Adapting to dynamic business environments: a comparative study of family and non-family firms operating in Western Australia In: Management Research Review, 46, 755 - 775
- Han, J.,Kok, S.,McClelland, R. (2023). The impact of green training on employee turnover intention and customer satisfaction: An integrated perspective In: Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, 30, 3006 - 3019
- Akbari, M.,Kok, S.,Hopkins, J.,Frederico, G.,Nguyen, H.,Duarte Alonso, A. (2023). The changing landscape of digital transformation in supply chains: impacts of industry 4.0 in Vietnam In: International Journal of Logistics Management, , 1 - 33
- Dang, N.,Nguyen, T.,Kok, S.,Ha, V. (2023). Multi-level challenges in talent management in a post COVID-19 future: Examining the banking sector in Vietnam In: Cogent Business & Management, 10, 1 - 24
- Duarte Alonso, A.,Kok, S.,Vu, O.,O'Brien, S. (2022). Reconfiguring an established wine tourism destination: A dynamic capabilities approach. In: International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, , 1 - 30
- O'Shea, M.,Duarte Alonso, A.,Kok, S.,Vu, O. (2022). Entrepreneurial action and unprecedented uncertainty: The cases of New South Wales regional hospitality and tourism firms In: Tourism and Hospitality Research, 22, 362 - 375
- Sakellarios, N.,Duarte Alonso, A.,Kok, S.,O'Brien, S.,Fillis, I.,Vu, O. (2022). Resilience and coping with a long-term crisis: The cases of Cypriot and Greek micro and small firms In: European Business Review, 34, 605 - 623
- Aliakbari, R.,Nguyen, K.,Van Houdt, K.,Kok, S. (2022). Fundamental Concepts of Lean and Agile Manufacturing In: Lean Supply Chain Management in Fashion and Textile Industry, Springer, Singapore
3 PhD Completions3 PhD Current Supervisions