Dr. Yuriy Kuleshov
Adjunct Professor
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
City Campus
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Research supervision
2 PhD Completions7 PhD Current Supervisions
Climate: extremes and change, Climatology of tropical cyclones, thunderstorms and lightning, Seasonal climate prediction, Satellite remote sensing for application to studies of the environment and climate.
- Kelly, M.,Schwarz, I.,Ziegelaar, M.,Watkins, A.,Kuleshov, Y. (2023). Flood Risk Assessment and Mapping: A Case Study from Australia’s Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment In: Hydrology, 10, 1 - 32
- Schwarz, I.,Ziegelaar, M.,Kelly, M.,Watkins, A.,Kuleshov, Y. (2023). Flood Resilience Assessment and Mapping: A Case Study from Australia’s Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment In: Climate, 11, 1 - 20
- Do, C.,Kuleshov, Y. (2023). Multi-Hazard Tropical Cyclone Risk Assessment for Australia In: Remote Sensing, 15, 1 - 19
- Do, C.,Kuleshov, Y. (2023). Tropical cyclone multi-hazard risk mapping for Queensland, Australia In: Natural Hazards, 116, 3725 - 3746
- Bhardwaj, J.,Kuleshov, Y.,Chua, Z.,Watkins, A.,Choy, S.,Sun, C. (2023). Pairing monitoring datasets with probabilistic forecasts to provide early warning of drought in Australia In: Journal of Hydrology, 626, 1 - 13
- Berman, K.,Kuleshov, Y. (2023). Assessing Tropical Cyclone Risk in Australia Using Community Exposure–Vulnerability Indices In: Climate, 11, 1 - 32
- Nguyen, J.,Kuleshov, Y. (2023). Coastal Inundation Hazard Assessment in Australian Tropical Cyclone Prone Regions In: Hydrology, 10, 1 - 24
- Kaspi, M.,Kuleshov, Y. (2023). Flood Hazard Assessment in Australian Tropical Cyclone-Prone Regions In: Climate, 11, 1 - 27
- Takaya, Y.,Caron, L.,Blake, E.,Kuleshov, Y., et al, . (2023). Recent advances in seasonal and multi-annual tropical cyclone forecasting In: Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 12, 182 - 199
- Chua, Z.,Kuleshov, Y.,Watkins, A.,Choy, S.,Sun, C. (2023). A Statistical Interpolation of Satellite Data with Rain Gauge Data over Papua New Guinea In: Journal of Hydrometeorology, 24, 2369 - 2387