Dr. Alison Lugg
Honorary University Fellow
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
Bundoora East
- Entrepreneurial Futures: tracking the impact of the tech schools and 21st century employability skills on students, teachers, and school communities in northern and western regions. Funded by: Victoria Department of Education and Training Seed Funding for Strategic Research 2018 from (2018 to 2019)
- Lugg, A.,Quay, J. (2020). Curriculum in Outdoor and Environmental Education In: Encyclopedia of Teacher Education, Springer, Singapore
- Nguyen, L.,Chester, A.,Herbert, A.,Lugg, A. (2020). First year transition through a cultural lens: Face strategies of Vietnamese students. In: Student Success, 11, 82 - 90
- Lugg, A. (2019). Capturing complexity and collaborative emergence through case study design. An ecosocial framework for researching outdoor sustainability education practice. In: Research Methods in Outdoor Studies, Routledge, Oxon, United Kingdom
- Lugg, A. (2018). Becoming relational in outdoor education: Not just women's work In: The Palgrave International Handbook of Women and Outdoor Learning, Springer, Melbourne, Australia
- Hannon, J.,Hocking, C.,Legge, K.,Lugg, A. (2018). Sustaining interdisciplinary education: developing boundary crossing governance In: Higher Education Research and Development, 37, 1424 - 1438
- Hocking, C.,McCormack, S.,Nagpal, S.,Lugg, A. (2018). Achieving Both Breadth and Depth: How Sustainability Education Is Being Integrated Across All Undergraduate Courses at La Trobe University, Australia In: Sustainable Development Research in the Asia-Pacific Region, Springer, Melbourne, Australia
- Hoad, C.,Deed, C.,Lugg, A. (2013). The Potential of Humor as a Trigger for Emotional Engagement in Outdoor Education In: Journal of Experiential Education, 36, 37 - 50
- Lugg, A. (2012). Navigating Through New Terrain: Pre-service Teachers’ Journeys in Teaching ‘Sustainability’ In: Schooling for Sustainable Development, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands