Professor Robyn Martin
BSW (Curtin)
MSocSci (ECU)
Current and Recent Projects
2022: Black Rhinos: A Primary Prevention Program; VicHealth. $199,240. Team: Martin, Egan, Cunningham, Goff, O’Keefe, Kuyini.
2022: Family Carer Training Program: Tandem. $170,000. Team: Nipperess, David, Martin.
2022: Voices from the Margins: PlaceLab Melbourne. RMIT University. $20,000. Team: Martin and Martin (S).
2021: Experiences of police apprehension for psychosocial disability: a co-designed investigation. National Disability Research Program. $125,000. Team: Randall, Maylea, Hamilton, Nguyen, Martin, Thomas, Bashfield.
2020: Evaluation of the integrated chronic care program programs in North West Melbourne by NWMPHN. Funded by NEAMI and Co-Health ($95,000). Team: Maylea, Martin.
2019-2020: Enhancing the coordination of housing supports for individuals leaving institutional settings. Funded by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute for $536,766 ($124,070 for project I lead: Accommodation Transition: Improving Housing Outcomes for Young People Leaving Out of Home Care). [Category 1]. Team: Martin, Cordier, Jau, Randall, Thoreson, Ferrante, Chavulak, Morris, Liddiard, Mendes, Johnson, Chung.
2019: Evaluation of Alternatives to Suicide group, DISCHARGED. Funded by WA Mental Health Commission for $5000 [Category 2]. Team: Martin.
2019: Critical literature synthesis on community mental health support. Funded by Western Australian Association of Mental Health for $10,000. [Category 3]. Team: Martin.
2018-2019: Increasing the capacity of services to build safety in families reunifying after experiencing family and domestic violence. Funded by Department of Social Security for $59,000 [Category 2]. Team: Fernandes, Chung, Martin.
2018-2020: Women’s use of force: Funded by Department of Social Security for $56,000 [Category 2]. Team: Chung & Martin.
2017-2020: Transitioning from out of home care: A longitudinal population-based study. Funded by ARC Linkage, funded for $710,000 [Category 1]. Team: Chung, Cordier, Ferrante, Mendes, Thoresen, Martin, O’Donnell.
2016-2017: Critical literature review of the iatrogenic effects of antipsychotic drugs. Funded by Mental Health Australia for $15,586 [Category 3}. Team: Martin & Dorozenko.
- Cordier, R.,Chen, Y.,Chung, D.,Mahoney, N.,Martin, R.,Dorozenko, K.,Franzway, S.,Wendt, S.,Zufferey, C. (2024). The Long Shadow of Intimate Partner Violence: Associations of Mental and Physical Health With Employment, Housing, and Demographic Factors In: Violence Against Women, 30, 1300 - 1329
- Duncanson, K.,Gillieatt, S.,Mahboub, L.,Martin, R. (2023). Service Users in Social Work Student Supervision: A Scoping Review In: Australian Social Work, 76, 534 - 546
- Mahboub, L.,Martin, R.,Hodgson, D. (2023). A Program for Valuing Mental Health Lived Experience in Social Work Education In: Australian Social Work, 76, 441 - 454
- Mendes, P.,Martin, R.,Jau, J.,Chavulak, J. (2023). An analysis of the intersecting factors and needs that informed the experiences of young people transitioning from out of home care in the Australian states of Victoria and Western Australia In: Children and Youth Services Review, 149, 1 - 11
- Duncanson, K.,Gillieatt, S.,Mahboub, L.,Martin, R. (2023). The integration of service user perspectives in social work student supervision In: Social Work Education, , 1 - 17
- Whitehorne-Smith, P.,Martin, R.,Osh, D.,Abel, W.,Milbourne, B.,Smith, K.,Burns, S. (2023). A qualitative exploration of the health system responses to the screening and management of comorbid mental illness and chronic physical illness in Jamaica In: PLoS ONE, 18, 1 - 20
- Moran, R.,Martin, R.,Ridley, S. (2022). “It Helped Me Open My Eyes”: Incorporating Lived Experience Perspectives in Social Work Education In: Affilia - Journal of Women and Social Work, 39, 78 - 93
- Jau, J.,Mendes, P.,Chavulak, J.,Martin, R. (2022). The Housing Pathways and Experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth as They Transition from out of Home Care in Victoria and Western Australia In: International Journal on Child Maltreatment., 5, 319 - 336
- Martin, R.,Johnson, G. (2021). Accommodating transition: improving housing outcomes for young people leaving OHC In: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Melbourne
- Duff, C.,Randall, S.,Hill, N.,Martin, C.,Martin, R. (2021). Enhancing the coordination of housing supports for individuals leaving institutional settings In: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Melbourne
1 PhD Completions1 PhD Current Supervisions
- Nothing about us, without us: Lived experience participation in housing and homelessness. Funded by: Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute (AHURI) - Competitive from (2023 to 2024)
- Black Rhinos: A primary prevention approach. Funded by: VICHealth - Impact Research Grants from (2022 to 2024)
- Experiences of police apprehension for psychosocial disability: a co-designed investigation (administered by University of Melbourne). Funded by: National Disability Research Partnership grants 2021 onwards from (2021 to 2022)