Dr. Caitlin McGrane
Research Fellow
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
School / Department:
DSC|School - Media & Communication
City Campus
- McGrane, C.,Hjorth, L.,Akama, Y. (2022). Careful attunements: the choreographing of care and affective witnessing through media practices during, and after, crisis In: Media, Culture and Society, 44, 303 - 322
- Kanai, A.,McGrane, C. (2021). Feminist filter bubbles: ambivalence, vigilance and labour In: Information Communication and Society, 24, 2307 - 2322
- McGrane, C. (2021). Towards an Affirmative Ethics of Women's Smartphone Uses in Victoria, Australia In: Australian Feminist Studies, 36, 82 - 97
- Zeffiro, A.,Hildebrand, J.,Frith, J.,Hjorth, L.,McGrane, C.,Weiss, A.,Goggin, G. (2020). Locative-Media Ethics: A Call for Protocols to Guide Interactions of People, Place, and Technologies In: JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY, 97, 13 - 29