Dr. Son Nguyen
Senior Program Manager, Accounting and Law
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law VN
School / Department:
VNM|The Business School
Saigon South Campus
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Research supervision
- Nguyen, S. (2023). Smart contracts and Consumer protection in Australia In: Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 30, 85 - 110
- Nguyen, S. (2023). Consumer Protection Against Unfair Contract Terms in the Age of Smart Contracts In: Federal Law Review, 51, 487 - 508
- Nguyen, S. (2018). Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts Between WTO and RTA Dispute Settlement: Toward an Interpretative Approach In: Bond Law Review, 30, 1 - 26
- Nguyen, S. (2018). Integration of Judicial Decisions in Multiple Proceedings before the WTO and RTAS: the Potential Relevance of Article 32 of the VCLT In: Canberra Law Review, 15, 90 - 124
- Nguyen, S. (2018). Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts Between WTO and RTA Dispute Settlement - Possible Roles for Article 31(3)(c) of the VCLT In: The New Law: Suggestions for Reforms and Improvements of Existing Legal Norms and Principles, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, Germany
- Nguyen, S. (2016). The applicability of comity and abuse of rights in world trade organisation dispute settlement In: The University of Tasmania Law Review, 35, 95 - 130
- Nguyen Tan, S. (2013). The applicability of Res Judicata and Lis Pendens in World Trade Organisation dispute settlement In: Bond Law Review, 25, 123 - 165
- Nguyen Tan, S. (2013). The applicability of RTA jurisdictional clauses in WTO dispute settlement In: International Trade and Business Law Review, 16, 254 - 294
- Nguyen Tan, S. (2008). Towards a compatible interaction between dispute settlement under the WTO and regional trade agreements In: Macquarie Journal of Business Law, 5, 113 - 135
Commercial Law, Contract Law, Tort Law, Australian Consumer Protection Law, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, International Trade Law, Dispute Setllement.
2 PhD Current Supervisions