Associate Professor Karin Reinke
Associate Professor
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Science
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
Research interests
- Spatial data quality, uncertainty and issues of scale
- Vegetation assessment and monitoring using remote sensing and GIS
- Wild/Prescribed fire management applications using remote sensing and GIS
Primary supervisor
- PhD, 'Remote sensing of vegetation response to prescribed burning in a grassy dry forest of south-eastern Australia', Current student
- Masters by Coursework, 'Determination of NSC in C4 pastures through spectroscopy', Current student
- Masters by Coursework, 'GIS design for cultural assets and values in a changing landscape', Current student
- Masters by Coursework, 'Modelling tea-tree (Leptospermum laevigatum) distribution in Wilson’s Promontory National Park', Current student
- Masters by Coursework, 'A rapid assessment approach for estimating solar photovoltaic capacity of roof tops', Completed 2012
- Masters by Coursework, 'Newnes Plateau high altitude swamp monitoring using an unmanned aerial vehicle', Completed 2012
Secondary supervisor
- PhD, 'Validating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ’hotspots', Current student
- Jones, SD & Reinke, KJ (eds.) 2009, Innovation in Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry, Springer, Berlin, Germany.
- Reinke, KJ 2002, 'Communicating Thematic Uncertainty in Spatial Databases', PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne.
- Reinke, KJ 1996, 'The use of GIS in understanding the flight behaviour of wandering albatross', MAppSci thesis, The University of Melbourne.
Semester 1
- ENVI1096/1098 - Resource Management 1
Semester 2
- ENVI1100/1125 - Resource Management 2
- ENVI1192/1193 – Environmental Sustainability
Semester 1
- ENVI1096/1098 - Resource Management 1
Semester 2
- ENVI1100/1125 - Resource Management 2
- ENVI1192/1193 – Environmental Sustainability
- Bachelor of Applied Science, Deakin University, Australia
- Master of Applied Science, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- PhD, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Grad Cert in Tertiary Teaching and Learning, RMIT, Australia
- Interpretation Ranger, Department of Sustainability and Environment (Wilson’s Promontory National Park)
- GIS Officer, Australian Surveying and Land Information Group (Melbourne)
- Spatial Analyst, Bureau of Resource Sciences (Canberra)
- GIS Consultant, Geomatic Technologies (Melbourne)
- Spatial Analyst, Department of Sustainability and Environment (Melbourne)
- Chatzopoulos Vouzoglanis, K.,Reinke, K.,Soto-Berelov, M.,Jones, S. (2024). Are fire intensity and burn severity associated? Advancing our understanding of FRP and NBR metrics from Himawari-8/9 and Sentinel-2 In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 127, 1 - 11
- Valenzuela Quinteros, A.,Reinke, K.,Jones, S. (2024). A New Method to Estimate the Point Spread Function of Satellite Imagers From Edge Measurements In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 21, 1 - 5
- Meadows, M.,Jones, S.,Reinke, K. (2024). Vertical accuracy assessment of freely available global DEMs (FABDEM, Copernicus DEM, NASADEM, AW3D30 and SRTM) in flood-prone environments In: International Journal of Digital Earth, 17, 1 - 26
- Taneja, R.,Wallace, L.,Hillman, S.,Reinke, K.,Hilton, J.,Jones, S.,Hally, B. (2023). Up-Scaling Fuel Hazard Metrics Derived from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Using a Machine Learning Model In: Remote Sensing, 15, 1 - 36
- Chatzopoulos Vouzoglanis, K.,Reinke, K.,Soto-Berelov, M.,Jones, S. (2023). One year of near-continuous fire monitoring on a continental scale: Comparing fire radiative power from polar-orbiting and geostationary observations In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 117, 1 - 13
- Taneja, R.,Wallace, L.,Reinke, K.,Hilton, J.,Jones, S. (2023). Differences in Canopy Cover Estimations from ALS Data and Their Effect on Fire Prediction In: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 28, 565 - 583
- McGlade, J.,Wallace, L.,Hally, B.,Reinke, K.,Jones, S. (2023). The Effect of Surrounding Vegetation on Basal Stem Measurements Acquired Using Low-Cost Depth Sensors in Urban and Native Forest Environments In: Sensors, 23, 1 - 21
- Valenzuela Quinteros, A.,Reinke, K.,Jones, S. (2023). A New Methodology to Assess Spatial Response Models for Satellite Imagers Using the Optical Design Parameters of a Generic Sensor as Independent Variables In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1 - 10
- Hally, B.,Wallace, L.,Reinke, K.,Jones, S. (2023). A New Spatio-Temporal Selection Method for Estimating Upwelling Medium-Wave Radiation In: Remote Sensing, 15, 1 - 17
- McGlade, J.,Wallace, L.,Reinke, K.,Jones, S. (2022). The potential of low-cost 3D imaging technologies for forestry applications: Setting a research agenda for low-cost remote sensing inventory tasks In: Forests, 13, 1 - 27
Note: Supervision projects since 2004
8 PhD Completions and 1 Masters by Research Completions8 PhD Current Supervisions
Spatial analysis and animal telemetry, issues of spatial data quality, uncertainty and scale in environmental information, remote sensing and analysis of vegetation condition and wildfire.
- Soil Carbon Research. Funded by: Grantham Foundation Grant from (2023 to 2025)
- Natural Hazards Research Australia - Scholarship Agreement Top Up - Correcting vertical errors in a global Digital Evaluation Model, to derive a "bare earth" terrain surface for improved flood modelling in data-scarce regions. Student: Michael Meadows. Funded by: Natural Hazards Research Australia Contract from (2023 to 2025)
- Real time fire analytics. Funded by: SmartSat CRC from (2021 to 2025)
- Remote sensing of fuel to improve fire behaviour predictions in Mallee and Heathy shrublands (Candidate: Simeon Telfer). Funded by: CRC for Bushfires Scholarship from (2021 to 2024)
- Using earth observation to better understand the effects of aerial firefighting (Project code: BSF02). Funded by: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Contract from (2021 to 2028)