Professor James Scott
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Engineering
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
Areas of research and consulting expertise
- Radar warning receivers
- Nonlinear device modelling (GaAs FET and InP HBT devices)
- Computer-aided microwave measurement techniques
- Application of dual-gate FET circuits to high-speed fibre-optic systems
- High-speed digital applications of FET circuits
- High efficiency microwave power amplifiers
- Low-noise microwave amplifiers
- Wideband active antennas: GSM/PCS applications
- Dual frequency active antennas: GPS applications
- Computer optimisation of microstrip patch antennas, wideband passive circuits, multi-octave passive circuits.
- IEEE Colloquium on Teaching and Research in Microwave and Electromagnetic Engineering: An Australian Perspective, University of Technology, Sydney, 24th September 1999, “Teaching and Research in Microwave and Electromagnetic Engineering at the Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, RMIT University”.
- IEEE 1992 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, August 1992, Session Chair.
- March 1992. “Advanced RF CAE/CAD Tools in an Integrated Environment” for the IREE Melbourne Division. Invited lecture.
- B.Eng (Communication Eng, with Distinction), 1979, RMIT
- M.Eng, 1982, RMIT
- PhD, 2003, The University of Melbourne
Employment history
- 2003 - present, Discipline Director of Communication Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, RMIT.
- 2001 - 2003, Acting Discipline Director of Communication Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, RMIT.
- 1996 - 2001, Senior Lecturer, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, RMIT.
- 1987 - 1996, Lecturer, Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, RMIT.
- 1982 - 1985, Part-time tutor/demonstrator, Electrical and Electronic Eng. Department, University of Melbourne
- 1981 - 1982, Microwave and RF design engineer, Consolidated Technology (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.
- 1979 - 1981, Part-time tutor/demonstrator, Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, RMIT.
Affiliations and professional memberships
- Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Industry collaboration
- Advanced Communication Technologies Pty Ltd, WINET Project, 2000–2001: Development of Smart Antenna technologies for 3G Mobile Communication Base Stations. Smart Antenna Team Leader responsible for development of DSP algorithms, RF hardware and antenna designs for a Smart Antenna-enabled base station.
- MITEC Ltd, March 1997 - Feb. 1998: Consultant Design Engineer to MITEC Ltd, working on the design and fabrication of a microwave radar warning receiver under a sub-contract to British Aerospace (Australia).
- British Aerospace Australia, 1996–1997: ESM Hybrids project. Development of microwave receivers for Electronic Surveillance Measures applications for the RAAF.
- Department of Defence, 1995–1996: Defence Industry Development Grant to enhance RMIT’s capabilities in the design and fabrication of Microwave Hybrid Circuits.
- AWA Defence Industries, 1993–1995: ESM Hybrids project. Development of microwave receivers for Electronic Surveillance Measures applications for the RAAF.
Community interaction
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- Victorian Section Committee member since 1996
- Inaugural Chair of the Joint MTT/S-AP/S Victorian Chapter 1998
- Student Activities Chair 1999-present.
- 1991 - 1992, Secretary, Greensborough Hockey Club.
- 1989 - 1990, Committee Member, Greensborough Hockey Club.
- 1988, Secretary, Eltham United Hockey Club.
- Badal, M.,Scott, J.,Wang, K. (2023). Multimode optical phased array for parallel beam steering – feasibility study In: Optics Express, 31, 18907 - 18930
- Badal, M.,Ren, G.,Scott, J.,Wang, K. (2023). Silicon Integrated Adiabatic Asymmetric Taper-Based Mode Multiplexer and Converter In: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 35, 1423 - 1426
- Velez, P.,Munoz-Enano, J.,Ebrahimi, A.,Herrojo, C.,Paredes, F.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K.,Martin, F. (2021). Single-Frequency Amplitude-Modulation Sensor for Dielectric Characterization of Solids and Microfluidics In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, 12189 - 12201
- Coromina, J.,Munoz-Enano, J.,Velez, P.,Ebrahimi, A.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K.,Martin, F. (2021). Capacitively-Loaded Slow-Wave Transmission Lines for Sensitivity Improvement in Phase-Variation Permittivity Sensors In: Proceedings of the 50th European Microwave Conference, Utretcht, Netherlands, 12-14 January 2021
- Ebrahimi, A.,Coromina, J.,Munoz-Enano, J.,Velez, P.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K.,Martin, F. (2021). Highly Sensitive Phase-Variation Dielectric Constant Sensor Based on a Capacitively-Loaded Slow-Wave Transmission Line In: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 68, 1 - 13
- Ebrahimi, A.,Beziuk, G.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K. (2020). Microwave differential frequency splitting sensor using magnetic-LC resonators In: Sensors, 20, 1 - 11
- Ebrahimi, A.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K. (2020). Dual-Mode Resonator for Simultaneous Permittivity and Thickness Measurement of Dielectrics In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 20, 185 - 192
- Ebrahimi, A.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K. (2020). Microwave reflective biosensor for glucose level detection in aqueous solutions In: Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 301, 1 - 8
- Ebrahimi, A.,Tovar Lopez, F.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K. (2020). Differential microwave sensor for characterization of glycerol–water solutions In: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 321, 1 - 7
- Ebrahimi, A.,Scott, J.,Ghorbani, K. (2019). Narrow Bandpass Filters Using Microstrip Lines Loaded with Asymmetric Bandstop Resonator Pairs In: Proceedings of the 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2019), Paris, France, 1 - 3 October 2019
Note: Supervision projects since 2004
1 PhD Current Supervisions10 PhD Completions and 2 Masters by Research Completions
Microwave circuits, devices and systems.
- Trusted Scalable Effect Delivery by Expendable, Autonomous Swarms. Funded by: Defence CRC in Trusted Autonomous Systems - Contract from (2018 to 2022)