Research Projects and Funding:
Current projects:
- NowCasting using Pedestrian Counts
- Fertility Decisionmaking
- Property Developers sustainability Decisionmaking - How does Green finance impact green investment
- Digital platforms and residential location choice
- Supporting Ageing well at home
Funded projects
- AHURI Data Project: Gendered housing opportunities and impacts
- CSIRO Data61 NGETGP: Developing Digital Capabilities to Support the Aged Care Sector (70-NGET-R2).
- Strata Communities Victoria: Research towards developing a pre-VCAT consumer agency akin to an "ombudsman office".
- Victorian Government: Digital Inclusion in Victoria – Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- REIA/REINZ: Exploring blockchain opportunities in the real estate sector
- Preventing Financial Abuse of Women: Safety by Design Principles – with Swinburne University
- National Measurement Institute: Exploring blockchain implications for NMI – $10,000.
- Reverse Mortgages and Ageing in Place: Research for Australian Senior Finance (Heartland)
- Good Housing Design: Research for Longevity Group Australia
- Age-Appropriate Housing Stock: Research for Longevity Group Australia
- Poverty Reduction for Single Parents: Role of family payments and child support. La Trobe University.
- Housing Policy for Economic Productivity: Multilevel governance and spatial perspective (AHURI) – $87,904.
- Social and Economic Value of Community Playgroups: Research for Playgroup Australia Limited – $36,916.
Key Activities:
Blockchain Enabled Business Major manager
Course Co ordinator: ECON1349 - The blockchain Economy