Associate Professor Kathy Smith
Associate Dean (Discipline) Partnerships
College / Portfolio:
Design and Social Context
School / Department:
DSC|School of Education
Bundoora West
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Research supervision
Associate Professor Kathy Smith is the Associate Dean (Partnerships) in the School of Education.
Kathy Smith is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Partnerships) School of Education within the College of Design and Social Context at RMIT University. Kathy's research and professional specialisations include primary education with a focus on science education, STEM education and teacher professional learning. Kathy began her career as a primary classroom teacher and has been involved in science education in a range of roles for the last 35 years. As a result of her experiences as a teacher, bureaucrat, consultant and academic, she is interested in challenging the assumptions, practices, and structures which make it difficult for teacher professional knowledge to inform educational discourse and her research has sought to elevate and amplify teacher thinking. Collaborative partnerships with schools, industry and academic researchers are the hallmark of Kathy's professional achievements to date, including collaborative research within a wide range of national and international educational settings. Kathy is presently the project lead on a large Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage project exploring problem based learning in STEM education. Kathy intends such research to be responsive to practitioner learning needs while also developing deeper insights about how school-based education can be enhanced through innovative pedagogical approaches.
- Primary Science Education
- Partnerships to enhance learning
- Teacher Professional Learning
- STEM Education
- Scientific Literacy
- Diploma of Teaching (Primary), Melbourne State College
- Bachelor of Education, Phillip Institute
- Masters of Education, RMIT University
- Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University
- 2023- present Associate Dean (Partnerships) School of Education, College of Design and Social Context RMIT University
- 2022 Associate Professor, Monash University, Faculty of Education
- 2016 – 2022 Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Faculty of Education
- 2006 – 2015 Science Education Consultant
- 2010 – 2012 Research Assistant, Monash University- Education Faculty
- 1995 – 2005 Manager Education Programs, Professional Learning Coordinator Monash Science Centre, Monash University
- 1990 – 1995 Sessional Lecturer, Science & Mathematics Method, RMIT University Faculty of Education
- 1980 – 1990 Primary Teacher, Department of Education Victoria
- 2020 Monash Vice Chancellor’s Early Career Research Award (HASS): rewarding continued, high quality research performance by researchers who, “demonstrate that they have achieved the highest levels of sustained record of excellence in research. The ECR Award is based on research achievements over the past five years”
- 2020 Dean’s Award Dean’s Award for Research Excellence by an Early Career Researcher.
- 2017 Deans Award for Partnership Development. Promoting collaboration with Catholic Education Melbourne to explore Creativity in STEM Education.
- 2014 Jeff Northfield Memorial Award for Teacher Research. Monash University: Awarded to a candidate who demonstrates an ongoing and current commitment to teacher research.
- 2003 Vice Chancellors Award for Exceptional Performance by General Staff Monash University: Recognised the exceptional performance of professional staff members who have performed above and beyond the normal requirements of their position, serve the strategic priorities of the University and demonstrate a commitment to service and engagement.
- 1991 Australian Postgraduate Research Award (APRA) Full time post graduate scholarship from RMIT University. 1991-1994: Awarded to students of "exceptional research potential".
Relevant Research and Project work
- ARC Linkage Project (190100282) - Exploring Problem Based Learning in schools. Smith, K., Berry, A., Mansfield, J., Corrigan, D., Waldon, S., Maynard, N., Ellerton, P., Ashleigh, D. Catholic Education Melbourne, Brisbane Catholic Education. 2020 -2022($422, 092.00)
- STEM Monograph Series – Integrated Science Learning in STEM. Berry, A., Smith, K. Stephenson, T. Department of Education and Training Victoria.2021 -2022 ($17,727.00)
- Renewal of Science Continuum Archive. Corrigan, D., Berry, A., Smith, K., Cooper, R., Carpendale, J. Department of Education and Training Victoria.2020 -2020 ($140,000.00)
- Leading School Based Change – The Knox School 2019 -2020. Smith, K., Mansfield, J., Adams, M. The Knox School Limited: ($113,00.00)
- STEM Academic Community –2018 Mid-Career research grant scheme. Primary Teachers’ Perceptions and Current Understanding of STEM Education: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Smith, K., Mansfield, J., George, S. ($9,000.00)
- BLCSI 2018: Building Leadership for Change through School Immersion 2018
Tudball, E., Ozzimo, C., Round, P., Lancaster, G., Sharma, U., Smith, K., Creely, E., Pruyn, M., Adams, M., De Bruin, K., Kalogeropoulos, P., Klooger, M., Rady, D., Subban, P. & Burke, G.Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission in Australia: AUD1,388,273.00 ($14,500.00 research allocation) 1/01/18 → 1/01/19 - External Evaluation of Explore Learning Sites Critical and Creative Thinking Collaborative Inquiry Project – Department of Education and Child development (DECD) South Australia. Pannizon, Smith, Kirkby, 2017 -2018 ($97,000.00).
- Transformation of the School Approach to Teaching and Learning project: Phase 4&5. Loughran, Smith & Mansfield, 2017 – 2018: ($50,000)
- Transformation of the School Approach to Teaching and Learning project: Phase 1 & 2 Loughran, Smith & Mansfield, 2017 – 2018: ($30,000)
- Deans Award for Partnership Development. Promoting collaboration with Catholic Education Melbourne to explore Creativity in STEM Education. 2017 ($10,000)
- Trinity Grammar: Understanding school based Professional Learning. Loughran, Cooper, Fitzgerald, Phillips, Smith. 2016; $30,000)
- Exploring quality teaching and learning (Primary). 2016. St Joseohs Primary School Hawthorn. ($25,000)
- Cirkony, C.,Rickinson, M.,Walsh, L.,Gleeson, J.,Salisbury, M.,Cutler, B.,Berry, A.,Smith, K. (2024). Beyond effective approaches: A rapid review response to designing professional learning In: Professional Development in Education, 50, 24 - 45
- Mansfeld, J.,Smith, K.,Adams, M.,Wan, L. (2023). Valuing COVID-19 as an opportunity to understand teacher agency In: Journal of Educational Change, , 1 - 24
- Smith, K.,Maynard, N.,Berry, A.,Stephenson, T.,Spiteri, T.,Corrigan, D.,Mansfield, J.,Ellerton, P.,Smith, T. (2022). Principles of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in STEM Education: Using Expert Wisdom and Research to Frame Educational Practice In: Education Sciences, 12, 1 - 20
- Cooper, R.,Fitzgerald, A.,Loughran, J.,Phillips, M.,Smith, K. (2020). Understanding teachers’ professional learning needs: what does it mean to teachers and how can it be supported? In: Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 26, 558 - 576
- Corrigan, D.,Smith, K. (2020). Complexity, Intellectual Challenge and Ongoing Support: Key Learning Conditions to Enhance Students’ Engagement in STEM Education In: Engaging Learners with Chemistry: Projects to Stimulate Interest and Participation, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom
- Smith, K.,Corrigan, D. (2020). Teachers’ Perceptions of the Values that Underpin Science as a Way of Thinking and Acting In: Values in Science Education, Springer, Switzerland
- Smith, K.,George, S.,Mansfield, J. (2020). What do primary teachers think about stem education? Exploring cross-cultural perspectives In: STEM Education in Primary Classrooms, Routledge, United Kingdom
- Smith, K.,Fitzgerald, A.,Deefholts, S.,Jackson, S.,Sadler, N.,Smith, A.,Lindsay, S. (2018). Reinvigorating primary school science through school-community partnerships In: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Formal and Informal Science Learning Opportunities, Springer, Switzerland
- Fitzgerald, A.,Smith, K. (2016). Science that matters: Exploring science learning and teaching in primary schools In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41, 64 - 78
1 PhD Current Supervisions