Research interests
Relevant Research and Project work:
ARC Linkage Project (190100282) - Exploring Problem Based Learning in schools. Smith, K., Berry, A., Mansfield, J., Corrigan, D., Waldon, S., Maynard, N., Ellerton, P., Ashleigh, D. Catholic Education Melbourne, Brisbane Catholic Education. 2020 -2022($422, 092.00)
STEM Monograph Series – Integrated Science Learning in STEM. Berry, A., Smith, K. Stephenson, T. Department of Education and Training Victoria.2021 -2022 ($17,727.00)
Renewal of Science Continuum Archive. Corrigan, D., Berry, A., Smith, K., Cooper, R., Carpendale, J. Department of Education and Training Victoria.2020 -2020 ($140,000.00)
Leading School Based Change – The Knox School 2019 -2020. Smith, K., Mansfield, J., Adams, M. The Knox School Limited: ($113,00.00)
STEM Academic Community –2018 Mid-Career research grant scheme. Primary Teachers’ Perceptions and Current Understanding of STEM Education: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Smith, K., Mansfield, J., George, S. ($9,000.00)
BLCSI 2018: Building Leadership for Change through School Immersion 2018
Tudball, E., Ozzimo, C., Round, P., Lancaster, G., Sharma, U., Smith, K., Creely, E., Pruyn, M., Adams, M., De Bruin, K., Kalogeropoulos, P., Klooger, M., Rady, D., Subban, P. & Burke, G.Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission in Australia: AUD1,388,273.00 ($14,500.00 research allocation) 1/01/18 → 1/01/19
External Evaluation of Explore Learning Sites Critical and Creative Thinking Collaborative Inquiry Project – Department of Education and Child development (DECD) South Australia. Pannizon, Smith, Kirkby, 2017 -2018 ($97,000.00).
Transformation of the School Approach to Teaching and Learning project: Phase 4&5. Loughran, Smith & Mansfield, 2017 – 2018: ($50,000)
Transformation of the School Approach to Teaching and Learning project: Phase 1 & 2 Loughran, Smith & Mansfield, 2017 – 2018: ($30,000)
Deans Award for Partnership Development. Promoting collaboration with Catholic Education Melbourne to explore Creativity in STEM Education. 2017 ($10,000)
Trinity Grammar: Understanding school based Professional Learning. Loughran, Cooper, Fitzgerald, Phillips, Smith. 2016; $30,000)
Exploring quality teaching and learning (Primary). 2016. St Joseohs Primary School Hawthorn. ($25,000)