Dr Stevens is a full-time researcher in urban design, with strong transdisciplinary links to landscape architecture, public art, urban planning, urban geography, sociology and history. His particular research interests are people’s perception and behaviour in urban open spaces, commemorative landscapes, and urban waterfronts. His work has been funded by major competitive grants from the Australian Research Council, Germany’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Taiwan’s Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, the Academy of Korean Studies and the British Academy. He has previously taught and researched at Humboldt University Berlin, University College London and the University of Queensland. He holds professional degrees in architecture and urban planning and completed his PhD in urban design in 2002.
Dr Stevens has delivered over fifty invited lectures in twelve countries, including numerous conference keynotes, the majority of which were to audiences in other disciplines, particularly public art, digital media, and urban sociology. He has published eight books with leading international academic publisher Routledge, 25 additional book chapters, and almost sixty peer-reviewed papers. This includes interdisciplinary co-authoring with 30 collaborators across Architecture, Urban Planning, Public Art, Game Design, Geography, Sociology, and Environmental Psychology.
Dr Stevens is also a peer reviewer for fifty leading international journals across the disciplines of Architecture, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Urban Geography, and Public Art. He has field research experience in Germany, Britain, the United States, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, France, Canada, Mexico and Hungary.
View Quentin Stevens’s publications on Google Scholar, ResearchGate and ORCID.
Industry Experience
2004–2005 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (UK), Monitoring and evaluation of the design coding programme (with M. Carmona, R. Blum, L. Hammond & Tibbalds Urban Design).
2004 Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (UK), The development and use of design codes in England (with M. Carmona, S. Marshall & Tibbalds Urban Design).
Peer review experience
Editorial Board member, Urban Design International (since 2009)
Editorial Board member, Journal of Urban Design (since 2016)
Referee for 48 other journals across several disciplines:
Urban Planning and Design:
Environment and Planning A, Environment and Planning B, Environment and Planning C, Urban Studies, Town Planning Review, Planning Theory, Planning Theory and Practice, Planning Practice and Research, Australian Planner, Urban Policy and Research, European Planning Studies, International Planning Studies, Land Use Policy, Planning Perspectives, Progress in Planning, Journal of Planning History, Journal of Urban History, Journal of Urbanism, Urban Planning and Design, City, Cities, Journal of Urban Affairs, Habitat International
Architecture and Landscape Architecture:
Journal of Architecture, Architectural Theory Review, OASE architectural journal, Interstices, Landscape Research, Landscape Journal, Journal of Landscape Architecture
Urban Geography:
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Antipode, Area, Urban Geography, Progress in Human Geography, Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, Geographical Research, Geography Compass, Bulletin of Geography, Space and Culture, Emotion Space and Society
Public Art Dialogue, Social Dynamics
Memory Studies, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, International Journal of Play, The London Journal, Public Health
Reviewer for book proposals: Routledge, MIT Press, Palgrave McMillan, Ashgate, Polity Press
Reviewer for research grant proposals and research assessment exercises:
European Research Council 2020
Swiss National Science Foundation 2020
Australian Research Council - since 2016 - Discovery, Linkage, Future Fellowship and DECRA programs and ERA 2015
Leverhulme Trust (UK) 2014
Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) 2011
German Research Council (DFG) 2011
Promotion case, King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia 2019