Navaneetham Subramaniam
Honorary Professor
City Campus
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Research supervision
- Subramaniam, N.,Akbar, S.,Situ, H.,Ji, S.,Parikh, N. (2023). Sustainable development goal reporting: Contrasting effects of institutional and organisational factors In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 411, 1 - 14
- Hay, D.,Kend, M.,Sierra Garcia, L.,Subramaniam, N. (2023). Sustainability assurance and provider choice: a meta-regression analysis In: Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14, 1183 - 1208
- Gong, Z.,Vesty, G.,Subramaniam, N. (2022). Risk as opportunity in schools: An economies of worth perspective In: Public Money and Management, 42, 371 - 378
- Raman, R.,Subramaniam, N.,Nair, V.,Shivdas, A.,Achuthan, K.,Nedungadi, P. (2022). Women Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: Bibliometric Analysis and Emerging Research Trends In: Sustainability, 14, 1 - 31
- Rentschler, R.,Lee, B.,Subramaniam, N. (2021). Calculative practices and socio-political tensions: A historical analysis of entertainment, arts and accounting in a government agency In: Accounting History, 26, 80 - 101
- Jain, A.,Courvisanos, J.,Subramaniam, N. (2021). Localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals in an emerging nation In: Public Administration and Development, 41, 231 - 243
- Mori Junior, R.,Akbar, S.,Ji, H.,Situ, H.,Subramaniam, N. (2021). SDG Measurement and Disclosure 3.0: A study of ASX150 companies In: CPA Australia Melbourne, Australia
- Akbar, S.,Subramaniam, N. (2020). Linking Frugal Innovation and Sustainable Development: Leveraging Corporate Accountability Mechanisms In: Frugal Innovation: A Global Research Companion, Taylor & Francis , United Kingdom
- Subramaniam, N.,Mori Junior, R.,Akbar, S.,Ji, H.,Situ, H. (2020). SDG MEASUREMENT AND DISCLOSURE 2.0 A study of ASX150 companies In: United Nations Association of Australia Melbourne, Australia
- Subramaniam, N.,Kansal, M.,Mihret, D.,Babu, S. (2019). Outsourcing mandated corporate social responsibility in India: risks and performance In: Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, 15, 453 - 472
- SDG Governance in Australian Firms: Developing an Innovative SDG Reporting Framework. Funded by: CPA Australia Global Research Perspectives Program 2018 onwards from (2020 to 2021)
- Policy landscape on sustainability policies in Vietnam and initial recommendations on a conducive policy environment. Funded by: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Research Grant 2017 onwards from (2017 to 2017)
- Risk Management Systems and Implications for Carbon Emission Reporting and Reduction - A study of Australian Carbon Intensive Firms. Funded by: ARC Linkage Project 2011 Round 1 from (2011 to 2015)
1 PhD Current Supervisions6 PhD Completions
Auditing, Corporate social responsibility, Internal audit, Enterprise risk management, Corporate governance, Accounting education, Management accounting controls