Emeritus Professor Margaret Jackson
Emeritus Professor
College / Portfolio:
College of Business
School / Department:
Graduate School of Business and Law
+61 3 9925 0127
Melbourne City campus
Professor Margaret Jackson is the University’s Professor in Computer Law.
She lectures at postgraduate level in the Juris Doctor in the areas of Internet Law and Introduction to the Australian Legal System.Margaret conducts research in the areas of computer law, protection of information, data protection and privacy, and copyright. She is a member of the User Centred Design Group located in the Co-operative Research Centre for Smart Internet Technology.
Margaret is the author of Hughes on Data Protection in Australia, LawBook Co 2001, A Practical Guide to Protecting Confidential Business Information, LawBookCo, 2003, and co-author of Electronic Information and the Law, Thomson Reuters, 2011.
- Bachelor of Law (Melb)
- Graduate Diploma of Continuing Education (UNE)
- Master of Business by thesis (RMIT)
Thesis topic : Computer Misuse Law and its Implications for Australian Company Managers - PhD (Melb)
Thesis topic: The Development of Australian Law to Protect Undisclosed Business Information
Recent book chapters
- M Jackson and M Shelly, ‘Identifying the Factors that Lead to a Successful Intermediary in Electronic Commerce’, in Lee (eds) The Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy, 2010, IGI Global.
- M Jackson, ‘Data Breaches’, in B Rosenberg (eds), Handbook of Financial Cryptograph and Security, Taylor and Francis, pp 521-554, 2010.
- M Jackson and M Shelly, 'Search engines and Australian law: Commercial fair dealing or copyright infringement?' in R. Grimm, B. Hass and J. Nutzel (eds) Virtual goods: Technology, economy, and legal aspects, 2008, Nova Publishers, New York, 125-147.
- S Singh, M Jackson and J Beekhuyzen, ‘The Bank and I: Privacy, Banking and Life Stage’ in Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Liabilities in Information Security, 2008 ICI Global,161-174.
Recent monographs
- Blake, Meredith., Singh, Supriya., Jackson, Margaret, and Daniel, Vinod. (Eds). Casting the Net Symposium: A joint Smart Services CRC/ RMIT/ Australian Museum forum exploring issues of intellectual property and traditional knowledge in digital cultural collections, Sydney, 17 September 2010. Casting the Net Symposium - September 2010 (accessed 20 June 2011)
- Jackson, M., Watty, K. Yu, L. and Lowe, L., (2006) Assessing Students Unfamiliar with Assessment Practices in Australian Universities. Prepared for The Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Ltd.
- Jackson, M., Watty, K. Yu, L. and Lowe, L., (2006) Inclusive Assessment: Improving Learning for All. Prepared for The Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Ltd.
Recent refereed articles
- M Shelly and M Jackson, ‘Copyright and Contracts: the Use of Electronic Resources Provided by University Libraries’, (2012) 12 Legal Information Management 124.
- M Jackson, ‘Wikileaks: Why no laws were broken’, Law Institute Journal, March 2012.
- K Watty, M Jackson and L Yu, ‘Students’ Approaches to Assessment in Accounting Education: The Unique Student Perspective’ (2010) 19 (3) Accounting Education: an international journal 219.
- K Treloar and M Jackson, ‘Well done is better than well said: a thematic analysis of strategy and planning in AUQA Cycle 1 audits 2002-2007’, (2009) 9 International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, pp111-128.
- M Jackson,‘The ALRC Proposal for a Data Breach Notification Law’, (2009) 83 Law Institute Journal, May, pp34-37.
- M Shelly and M Jackson, ‘Consumers Online’, [2009] 17 International Journal of Law and Information Technology 180.
- M Jackson, J Ligertwood, M Shelly and J O'Donnell, 'Killing the Cheque' (2008) 5 Journal of Internet Business 27
- M Jackson and M Shelly, ‘Sub-Prime Lending, its Deficiencies and the Government Responses’ [2008] 23 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 523.
- J O’Donnell and M Jackson, ‘Australian Case Studies in Mobile Commerce’, [2007] 2 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 1-18.
- M Jackson and M Shelly, Authorisation of Copyright Infringement: New Developments in the Online Environment, [2007] 2Commercial Law Journal 26-39.
- C Gould, M Jackson, R Van Schyndel, and J O’Donnell, ‘Mapping the mobile landscape in Australia’, First Monday, volume 11, number 11 (November 2006), URL:
- M Jackson and J Ligertwood, ‘Identity management: Is an identity card the solution for Australia?’, [2006] 24 Prometheus 379.
- M Jackson, C Morley and R O’Connor, ‘Culture and attitudes fostering entrepreneurship: how does Australia compare?’ [2006] 5 International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 89.
- M Jackson and K Treloar, ‘Participation of Women in the Knowledge Economy: Entrepreneurial Activities and Inventions’,[2006] 5 International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management.
- M Jackson and M Shelly, ‘Black Hats and White Hats: Authorisation of Copyright Infringement in Australia and the United States’, [2006] 14 International Journal of Law and Information Technology 28.
- M Jackson, 'Information Privacy Management by Digital Rights Management Systems', [2005] 55 Telecommunications Journal of Australia 52.
- M Jackson, ‘Board Confidentiality’, [2005] LAWASIA Journal 109.
- Simple Privacy, $75,000, CRC Smart Services(2011-2012)
- Online vaults, $55,000, CRC Smart Services (2010-11)
- Virtual Safes. $10,000, State Trustees, (2010).
- Museum Online Collections, $35,000, CRC Smart Services, with Paul Coghlin (2009-2010).
- Research paper on Identity and Privacy, CardLink Pty Ltd, $15,000 (2009-10)
- Graduate Entry Professional Masters Programs in Accounting and Law: Academic Standards, (project leader, with Rosalind Mason, QUT and Glennda Scully, Curtin University, $209,000, Australian Teaching and Learning Committee (2009-2010).
- Small Business and Use of Online Media Channels, $50,000, CRC Smart Services (2008-9), with Marita Shelly, Jonathan O’Donnell and Ben Leong.
- Mortgage Fraud Report, The Distillery Ltd, $7500 (2007), with Marita Shelly and Julian Ligertwood.
- Enhancing the Professional Standing of Postgraduate Accounting Programs in Offshore Locations: Building Relationships to Enhance the Employability of Graduates, $56, 800 (2006-2007), AVCC, with Kim Watty (team leader), Eveline Fallshaw, Kate Fremantle (CPA).
- Towards the ‘Semantic Web’: Standards and Interoperability across Document Management and Publishing Supply Chains, $180,000 (2006-2008) ARC Linkage Grant, with Mary Kalanztis (Chief Investigator), Bill Cope, Bill Martin, Fuji-Xerox.
- Assessing Students Unfamiliar with Assessment Practices in Australian Higher Education, $100,000, Carrick Institute for Teaching and Learning (2005-2006), with Kim Watty, Eveline Fallshaw and CPA Australia.
- Impact of Changing Roles in E-Commerce and M-Commerce, $80,000 (2005-2007), CRC Smart Internet Technology