Drivers of Change - Innovation
Transcript: Drivers of Change – Innovation
Description: This video features a presentation by RMIT’s Executive Director of Policy, Strategy and Engagement, Tom Bentley. In it, he presents to an audience, and slides appear on screen to illustrate his point.
AUDIO: Ambient music plays
VISUAL: RMIT Logo appears and fades away to reveal an Infographic with the various “Drivers of Change” the innovation section is enlarged, while the rest fade away.
VISUAL: A slide appears saying “Innovation: How finance, scientific discovery and technology influence urban clusters, services and design.
TOM BENTLEY SPEAKS: Innovation is no longer a question of scientific research and basic discovery, technological R and D, and then commercialization and marketization through some kind of linear process.
VISUAL: Tom Bentley is shown on stage, addressing a crowd.
TOM BENTLEY SPEAKS: It happens through urban clusters. I mean, we are part or whole series of really important urban clusters.
VISUAL: Text reading: “Innovation flows through clusters of a specialised knowledge, technology and investment” is layered over footage of an office building.
TOM BENTLEY SPEAKS: RMIT is one of the institutions with world-class depth in its design expertise. We've got to think about how we apply that through our innovation processes alongside everything else we do
VISUAL: A graph is shown on which demonstrates the increase of the number of news headlines on ‘Design Thinking’ since 2005.
TOM BENTLEY SPEAKS: How we develop our strategy in order to maximise our cumulative impact.
VISUAL: Text reading: “Companies generating radical innovations have dedicated processes, cultures and leaders” is layered over footage of two women working in an office.
VISUAL: Three slides appear in a row. The first reads “Challenges…”
“How should RMIT generate and apply innovation to the different parts of our own system”
“How can we harness and adapt to disruptive business models and use big data to enable service innovation?”
VISUAL: An infographic appears with RMIT’s three pillars on it. Life Changing Experiences, Passion with Purpose and Shaping the World.
VISUAL: The RMIT logo appears.
AUDIO: Ambient Music Fades
[End Transcript]
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