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- John Storey, John Storey Junior Memorial Scholarships Fund
- Leonie Boxtel, Director, Alumni and Philanthropy, RMIT University
- Dr Shefton Parker, researcher, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University
- Sue Carr, Founder, Carr Design Group
- Samuel Marks, Founder, Vivid Technologies
TEXT ON SCREEN: Storey Scholarships by John Storey Junior Memorial fund
AUDIO: Ambient music
VISUAL ON SCREEN: RMIT students walking past Storey Hall, intercut with shots of John Storey and his wife walking down Swanston Street
JOHN STOREY VOICEOVER: The Storey Scholarship was created in the mid-1950s in memorial of John Storey Junior, by his father Sir John.
VISUAL:John Storey is being interviewed in the old courtrooms in Building 1. He sits looking toward the camera.
TEXT ON SCREEN: John Storey, Grandson of Sir John Storey.
JOHN STOREY SPEAKS: The intention was to bring more education and richer educational experiences at RMIT, the college which John Junior loved.
VISUAL: Archive photo of John Storey Junior
TEXT ON SCREEN: John Storey Junior, 1924-1947.
VISUAL: Leonie Boxtel is being interviewed in the old courtrooms in Building 1. She sits looking toward the camera.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Leonie Boxtel, Director, Alumni and Philanthropy, RMIT University
LEONIE BOXTEL SPEAKS: The Storey Scholarships have created over 600 opportunities for students that have fundamentally changed their lives.We have generations of alumni who have chosen to give themselves and we have many, many individuals who've gone on to be entrepreneurial and most of all, who've seen themselves as leaders in the work that they do.
VISUAL: Archive photos of RMIT students on international exchange. A large group of students from the 1970s or 80s is pictured, followed by a group of students who have hiked a mountain.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Since 1958.
VISUAL: Photos of students on international exchange continue, with three students posing in front of letters spelling RMIT, followed by students in traditional Mexican dress holding handmade signs celebrating Mexico.
TEXT ON SCREEN: 30 countries.
VISUAL: Photos of students on international exchange continue, with one young man pictured in historic ruins in the mountains, followed by a young woman learning old fashioned weaving techniques.
VISUAL:Dr Shefton Parker is being interviewed in the Future Social Service Institute building. He sits looking toward the camera.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Dr Shefton Parker, RMIT Alumnus, Project Developer and Educator, Future Social Service Institute.
DR SHEFTON PARKER SPEAKS: I was in my second year of my undergraduate, to be honest was a bit of a surprise. At the time, you know, I didn't have a lot of money. I'd come from, I guess, a lower socioeconomic background. So, for me it really provided an opportunity that I wouldn't have had otherwise.
VISUAL: Dr Shefton Parker lectures to his students about careers in social services.
VISUAL:Sue Carr is being interviewed in the Carr Design offices. She sits looking toward the camera.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Sue Carr, RMIT Alumnus, Principal, Carr.
SUE CARR SPEAKS: that initial influence through the scholarship allowed me to get, I feel, an edge or have an edge when I started my own business. I'd never travelled before on my own, but I just took off. And I took off to Milan the greatest design centre in the world. And that was the start of my love affair with Milan and design, and learning about the world of design.
VISUAL: Overview of Carr Design offices with staff sitting at computers. Sue Carr and colleague discuss a projects they are working on. Staff review plans and swatches for design projects.
VISUAL: Samuel Marks is being interviewed in the Vivid Technologies offices. He sits looking toward the camera.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Samuel Marks, RMIT Alumnus, Managing Director, Vivid Technologies.
SAMUEL MARKS SPEAKS: I think the opportunity to get a scholarship and then travel is, I couldn't speak more highly of it. You know, probably one of the biggest things, actually, for me was not just the network of people I met, but the different lectures. So, I was in the US in the year 2000 when the doc com boom was taking off and that was my first real touch on entrepreneurship. And I met the guys who literally were building the first ever online supermarket. And that's 20 years ago. It definitely gave me a very different perspective than what I would have had if I’d just stayed at home.
VISUAL: Samuel Marks works on his laptop on a presentation about market dynamics. Samuel discusses work with a colleague on the phone before hosting a staff meeting to discuss their latest technology and its efficiency compared to competitors.
VISUAL: Sue Carr discussed a design project with a female employee. Designers work on various projects at their computers.
SUE CARR SPEAKS: Any young person on their journey to be who they are, it's all about external influence. Young people need experiences to help them find their path.
VISUAL: Dr Shefton Parker lectures to his students about careers in social services.
DR SHEFTON PARKER SPEAKS:It shaped me. It shaped my career. It definitely had influence over my values, my morals. Put a little bit of responsibility back on me to also give back and advocate for others as well.
VISUAL: Sped up footage of pedestrians and tram travelling down Swanston Street outside the Swanston Academic Building. Sped up footage of students at RMIT Connect and in the New Academic Street precinct. Footage of students studying in various areas across the City Campus.
JOHN STOREY SPEAKS: There are hundreds of applications that come in, and this year we can only send seven overseas. We need to be bigger and we need to be broader in our perspective. And so, making a contribution to the scholarships enables us to reach out to more students and change their future so that they can change ours.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Create more global experiences today.
AUDIO: Ambient music fades out
[End of Transcript]