Move well in lockdown: hip exercises
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VISUAL: RMIT Fitness Personal Trainer David Nicolle sits at a desk in his living room and addresses the camera.
Welcome to the move well live well series from the health safety and well-being team I'm David I'm a PT from RMIT Staff Fitness.
I'm here today to help you with your hip back and glute issues that you get from sitting in the desk all day getting a bit tight and achy.
So the best thing to do is get up and move regularly and then having some targeted exercise is really good.
I'm gonna do two exercises today all you gotta do is get your chair out the way if you can grab a cushion or if you've got a nice
comfortable carpet it's really good.
VISUAL: RMIT Fitness Personal Trainer David Nicolle stands up, picks up a cushion off his chair and places it on the floor.
He kneels in a lunge position, with his left knee on the cushion and his right foot on the floor in front of him so that knee is at a right angle.
Put your cushion down put your knee on there I got my left knee down my right leg bent at about 90 degrees and really nice and tall.
Keep myself up with my hands on my knees to keep myself tall.
You can use a chair that helps with stability and what we're going to do is focus on pushing my hips forward trying to tuck my pelvis underneath and back up
towards my ribcage get my bum underneath push forward and
hold that position so I feel the stretch through here.
VISUAL: RMIT Fitness Personal Trainer David Nicolle is still kneeling in a lunge position. He moves his bum forwardsand bends his front knee a bit more.
If you're bit more flexible you can move forward and through a little bit more as you hold that position get a little bit more of a
stretch. Once you've done thirty seconds on each it's a great start then what you
VISUAL: RMIT Fitness Personal Trainer David Nicolle stands up and faces the camera. He demonstrates standing straight with his feet shoulder width apart,
and his feet and knees facing forwards.
can do is move to doing a squat so make sure your cushion's out of the way and for the squat what we're gonna do is get our shoulders
and legs just aligned a little bit outside is fine make sure your knees follow your toes use your hands as a
VISUAL: RMIT Fitness Personal Trainer David Nicolle reaches his arms straight out in front of him.
counterbalance out front so you can keep them up like this helps with your stability you're going to push your bottom backwards as you're pushing your
knees forward so start with your bottom pushing backwards and push your knees
VISUAL: RMIT Fitness Personal Trainer David Nicolle bends his knees and slowly lowers himself down in a squat then stands straight again.
forward come through as you're coming up push through the floor squeeze your bottom as you're coming through at the
end so I'll show you from the side
VISUAL: RMIT Fitness Personal Trainer David Nicolle turns and stands sideways. He demonstrates a squat again, bending his knees and slowly lowering
himself down and standing straight again. He turns and faces the camera.
so you can go down as deep as you can go you can also use the chair to touch with your bottom if that makes you feel a bit more stable and safe.
Doing ten reps of this will take about five minutes for the hour on every hour will be really good to get you moving through the hips through here
as well as some stretches that the health and well-being team have for you.
Have a great day if you need any more help contact and we can help you out from there.