Video message from Vice-Chancellor Martin Bean
In this video, Martin welcomes everyone to 2020 – the beginning of a new decade and an exciting year at RMIT.
[Start of Transcript]
RMIT Vice-Chancellor Martin Bean sits and talks directly into camera:
Womin Djeka everyone and welcome to 2020, the beginning of a new decade and an exciting year at RMIT.
I often say we work in the most wonderful sector. What a privilege it is to be part of the world of contemporary education.
We educate the change makers of the future.
Our research shapes the world and improves lives.
And our strategic insight has an impact at all levels of government enterprise and community.
We make all this happen because of you - the people of RMIT.
Our University is an extraordinary community and I'm so appreciative of the passion and purpose you bring to what you do every day.
Of course, being embedded in the communities we serve, means that we share the good times and the bad.
Already this year we've stood - and continue to stand - shoulder to shoulder in support of our staff and students affected in many ways by the devastating Australian bushfires.
And we will do the same as our global community responds, with the greatest care, to the novel coronavirus situation.
As you know, it continues to evolve and WorkLife will be updated regularly so you can stay up to date.
Guided by our values, I ask that you be sensitive and respectful to the many ways in which members of the RMIT community might be experiencing this from home and afar.
Today and every day, as you go about your work and lean into the many opportunities ahead, let's remember what matters most.
Life is busy, work is busy, but there's simply nothing more important than caring for each other. The wellbeing of our staff and students must be a priority.
Just as our spirit of reconciliation and inclusion continues to grow, so should a culture of care.
Noon gudgin – thank you – and take care.
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