A video message from Vice-Chancellor Martin Bean: Keep well in unpredictable times
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VISUAL: RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President Martin Bean addresses the camera.
Womindjeka everyone.
I hope you’re keeping well in these unpredictable times.
With Stage 3 restrictions back in place for metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire and most state borders closed to Victorians, it’s a stark reminder of the fragility of progress with COVID-19.
I wanted to check in with you all and let you know that I’m thinking of you and your families as we face the next wave of challenges ahead.
Since this pandemic came to our shores, you’ve responded at pace, moved mountains and kept RMIT humming. I’ve never been prouder of a community in my working life.
You continue to impress me with your meticulous execution of our COVIDSafe plan to keep our people and our students safe and the way you adapt to ever changing government advice. Despite all the challenges, you have never lost sight of our core purpose – to deliver transformative learning and teaching experiences and research that impacts the world - this is nothing short of incredible.
My heartfelt thanks to you all.
As we face into the next few weeks and months, we need to be realistic that it will be tough going for a while as we all do our best to help stem the spread of COVID-19.
We all know what Stage 3 restrictions mean, we’ve been here before, but this time COVID feels so much closer.
It’s near our campuses, our homes, and we have members of our own community impacted who we are wrapping our arms around to support.
These new and very necessary restrictions affecting most of us, are more than disappointing, they’re a huge strain for many of our people.
Whether it’s home-schooling; or managing the safe care of at-risk people; or handling the challenge of renewed social isolation.
So, I just want to remind everyone, once again, that we are a community. Please, reach out to people you know who could be struggling, and remember it’s not always obvious.
Make time to talk, use all those digital channels that feel so normal now, and slow down long enough to listen.
I’m sure I don’t need to remind you this is going to be a marathon, with sudden dips and steep rises, and shifts in conditions. But we will make it through to the other side if we all play our part.
If you need help, or you think someone else does, we have wonderful support services and I encourage you to use them.
Take care of yourselves, your loved ones and each other.
Noon Gudgin.