Dr. Neng Zhang
Research Assistant
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Engineering
Bundoora East
Dr Neng Zhang received his PhD from RMIT University, Australia in 2021. He is currently a Research Assistant at RMIT University. His fields of specialisation include human factors, driver behaviour, ergonomics, and vehicle NVH.
Leadership/Professional Achievements:
- Experienced in project management collaborating with various companies, including BMW Group Germany, NHK Spring Japan, and Metro Trains Melbourne, Excellent outcomes achieved with high-quality papers published (see publications section).
- A significant international media (TV, Radio, and Newspapers) coverage in Australia, Europe, Asia, and North America, such as:
- The Age: Bad vibration: how our cars coud be lulling us to deadly sleep
- Canadian Broadcast Cooperation: Your car might be trying to kill you by lulling you with sleep-inducing vibrations
- The relevant paper published in the Ergonomics journal, "The Effects of Physical Vibration on Heart Rate Variability as a Measure of Drowsiness" (DOI 10.1080/00140139.2018.1482373) was chosen as "article of the month" in July 2018. This paper has received a very high Altmetric Attention Score. It is the top paper in the Ergonomics journal and is ranked in the top 0.2% of all research outputs ever tracked by Altmetric in all disciplines.
2020-23 RMIT School of Engineering Residential Visit for offshore students from both Singapore and Hong Kong (2 weeks learning program for more than 100 students)
- Main Coordinator
Kaplan Singapore students return to RMIT after three years - RMIT news article
2019 Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Presentation Competition
- Finalist (Top 10 Presenter) in Asia-Pacific Competition.
- Winner and People's Choice in School of Engineering RMIT Competition
2019 BHI-ECP Symposium
- Recipient of the Health and Innovation Award for best oral presentation
2019 EFI Impact Competition
- Second Prize Winner
2018 IMCRC Impact Prize
- Prize Winner
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, RMIT University, Australia, 2021.
- Measured workload to predict performance degradation of fatigued drivers (Collaboration with Metro Trains Melbourne).
- Human-automation interaction in conditionally/highly automated driving (Collaboration with BMW Group, Germany).
- The Influence of Brake System Performance on Riding Comfort for Melbourne's High-Capacity Metro Train (Collaboration with CRRC Changchun Australia Rail Pty Ltd).
- Suppression of Seat Structural Vibration for Enhancement of Riding Comfort (Collaboration with NHK Spring, Japan).
- Xu, J.,FARD, M.,Zhang, N.,Davy, J.,Robinson, S. (2024). Interrelatedness of steering and lateral position parameters: Recommendations for the assessment of driving performance In: Journal of Safety Research, 88, 275 - 284
- Zhang, N.,FARD, M.,Xu, J.,Davy, J.,Robinson, S. (2023). Influence of non-driving related tasks on driving performance after takeover transition in conditionally automated driving In: Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 96, 248 - 264
- Zhang, N.,Fard, M.,Davy, J.,Parida, S.,Robinson, S. (2023). Is driving experience all that matters? Drivers’ takeover performance in conditionally automated driving In: Journal of Safety Research, 87, 323 - 331
- Xu, J.,Zhang, N.,Robinson, S.,Davy, J.,FARD, M. (2023). Effects of vehicle vibration on driver alertness: a pilot study In: Inter-noise 2023, Chiba, Greater Tokyo, Japan, 20/8/2023 - 23/8/2023
- Zhang, N.,FARD, M.,Davy, J.,Xu, A. (2023). Road Safety: the influence of vibration frequency on driver drowsiness and reaction time In: Applied Ergonomics, , 1 - 11
- Yang, C.,Yan, H.,Chen, Q.,Liu, Y.,Zhang, N. (2022). On the Impact of Surface Morphology and Transfer Film on Brake System Performance of High-Capacity Metro Train In: Coatings, 12, 1 - 11
- Zhang, N.,Yang, C.,Fard, M. (2022). Measured increases in steering entropy may predict when performance will degrade: A driving simulator study In: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 91, 87 - 94
- Xu, J.,Robinson, S.,Zhang, N.,Davy, J.,FARD, M. (2022). Comparison of Four Steering Angle and Lateral Position Measures of Driving Performance In: Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 03/10/2022–05/10/2022
- Zhang, N.,Fard, M.,Davy, J.,John, S.,Kato, K. (2021). Advanced seating comfort: suppression of vibration using multi-mode piezoelectric shunt damping In: International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 17, 221 - 236
- Yang, C.,Abanteriba, S.,Zhang, N.,Becker, A. (2018). Design and analysis of thermally actuated flaps with em- bedded shape memory alloys In: Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research, 4, 191 - 196