Read and Publish agreements

Details of agreements the Library has signed with a number of scholarly publishers to support open access publishing.

About the Read and Publish agreements

The Library has transformative agreements in place with publishers to support open access publishing.

When publishing in journals covered by these agreements, you may be able to publish directly to open access with no transactional Article Processing Charges (APCs).  Submit your publications following the criteria for the publisher. If the Library has an agreement in place, the publisher will alert you to an open access option on acceptance of the eligible article. Exclusions and caps apply to some journals.

Eligible submissions must be ‘accepted’ during the current agreement year by authors from institutions with a Read and Publish agreement. To access an APC waiver ensure you are the corresponding author, submit using your RMIT email address, and where applicable, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University as your affiliated institution.

Authors may have the option to select different Creative Commons (CC) licenses for their publications. For more information on open access publishing, including Creative Commons licenses and read and publish frequently asked questions, please see our Open Access Publishing guide.


Publish via a Read and Publish Agreement

RMIT author, Anh Le, who has published an Open Access Article via one of our Read and Publish Agreements shares her experience and thoughts.

Journals covered by APC waivers

This list has been compiled by the Library to assist RMIT authors.

Q1 journals rank among top 25% of journals in the same area of research. Publishing in a Q1 journal may result in higher impact for your article. Individual researchers are in the best position to make the decision where to publish their content.

RMIT Read and Publish Agreements Title List also includes discounted journal titles. Please read carefully the 'Waiver/Discount' column to determine if an APC will be waived or a discount will be applied.

There are separate versions of the same list available for staff and students. For further information, please contact

Current agreements

The following is a brief outline of each agreement for 2024, which the RMIT community will be eligible to participate in. Agreements are negotiated by the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL).

After reading the publisher information below, but before submitting your article, check the details of individual agreements in the Read & Publish Agreements Negotiated by CAUL guide.

This agreement covers approximately 20 hybrid journals. There is a cap of 375 articles that can be published across the participating CAUL institutions in 2024. The total availability pool and approval process will be managed by CAUL on a “first come, first served” basis. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: communication, conference article, contributed paper, fast track, invited paper, letter, method, note, perspective, research article, research update, review articles, roadmap and tutorial.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY.
  • The publishing cap is 367 articles shared across all participating institutions.
  • Gold open access journals are excluded from this agreement. 2 journals that do not offer open access publishing are excluded from this agreement. 4 titles that require an additional subscription to be eligible are not included for RMIT authors.

How to access this agreement:

  • Corresponding authors will be identified by the individual institutes Ringgold ID (RMIT University 5376).
  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.
  • Assign a CC-BY license.

Before submitting, please read:

Capped agreement usage

Year to date (YTD) information on the number of articles approved and predicted information on when the cap will be reached. When a cap is close to being reached, please consider waiting for a new agreement year before submitting your article for review. The cap will reset.

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This agreement covers over 85 hybrid journals published by APA, including specialty journals and those by the Canadian Psychological Association. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  •  Eligible article types: research articles (including brief reports) and review articles.
  •  Creative commons license: CC-BY (default).
  •  No publishing limit, uncapped.
  •  Gold open access and Hogrefe published journals are excluded from this agreement. 
  •  Colour page charges will apply to authors if publication appears in a print journal.

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.

Before submitting, please read:

Covering over 30 hybrid journals and one gold open access journal, the agreement allows RMIT authors to submit unlimited publications throughout the agreement year. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: all accepted.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.

How to access this agreement:

  • Submit your publication via ASME’s Journal Tool.
  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.

Before submitting, please read:

Approximately 70 titles are included in this agreement. RMIT researchers will have an unlimited capacity to publish across the gold and hybrid journal titles. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: conference or proceeding papers, interview, note, research article, review article, short paper, survey, technical note and tutorial.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY (default).
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible.
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.

Before submitting, please read:

In 2024, the Cambridge collection allows authors to publish in approximately 400 journals, 95% of which are hybrid or gold open access. RMIT researchers will have an unlimited capacity to publish across the gold and hybrid journal titles included in the agreement. Article approvals are managed by the Council of Australian University Libraries (CAUL).

  • Publishing will default to creative commons CC-BY, however, authors are able to choose CC-BY derivative licences should they prefer.
  • Researchers can publish research articles, case reports, brief reports, review articles and rapid communications (RRR) format articles. 
  • Page and colour charges are not included and may apply to print journals.
  • Non-eligible articles include abstracts, addendums, article commentary, book reviews, books received, calendars, collections, commentaries, contents, correction, corrigendum, discussion, editorial, erratum, in brief, introduction, letter, meeting report, news, obituary, oration, product review, reply, retraction.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.

How to access this agreement:

  • Follow CUP’s usual article submission process via the journal’s homepage on Cambridge Core.
  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible.
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.
  • On acceptance of the article, CUP will ask the corresponding author to complete a form (publishing agreement).
  • The corresponding author selects Gold Open Access and confirms the licence type (i.e. CC-BY).

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement covers approximately 5 hybrid and gold open access titles. RMIT researchers will have an unlimited capacity to publish across all the journal titles. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: original research paper article.
  • CC-BY License: Author choice (CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-ND, CC-BY-NC, CC-BY-NC-SA & CC-BY-NC-ND).
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.

How to access this agreement:

  • Submit your article using Bench>Press submission system.
  • Use your RMIT affiliation and email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible.
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement covers approximately 25 journals. Researchers have unlimited open access publishing while still retaining copyright to their works. Authors will receive a PDF of final publication once published. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Does not include colour pages or reprints.
  • Creative Commons license: CC BY, CC BY-ND, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-ND.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.

How to access this agreement:

Before submitting, please read:

RMIT’s agreement includes APC waivers for approximately 5 hybrid De Gruyter journals. The agreement allows RMIT authors to submit unlimited publications throughout the agreement year to the included journals. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: original paper, review paper, brief communication, continuing education or case reports.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY (default).
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.
  • Colour-in-print, reprints and poster charges are included in the agreement with authors not required to pay.

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible.
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.
  • Ringgold (RMIT University 5376), ORCID or other recognised institutional identifier may also be used in conjunction with RMIT email or institutional name.

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement allows authors to publish in a selection of Elsevier’s core hybrid journals. There is a cap of 10,440 articles that can be published each year. The total availability pool and approval process will be managed by CAUL on a “first come, first served” basis. The list of eligible titles includes over 1,600 core hybrid titles for 2024. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: research articles (full length article) and review articles, micro articles, protocols, short communications, case reports, original software publications, short surveys, data, practice guidelines, replication studies and video articles.
  • Creative Commons license: CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND.
  • The publishing cap is 10,440 articles shared across all participating institutions.
  • A small number of journals (mostly in the Economics field) have submission charges that are not covered by the agreement.
  • Check individual journal home pages for up-to-date information on page and colour charges which are not included in the agreement.
  • Subscription Lancet titles, Hybrid Cell Press titles, gold open access titles and some society and clinical titles are excluded from the agreement.
  • Core hybrid titles beyond the 1,600 plus titles and gold open access titles are eligible for a 15% APC discount. You will find further information under the 'Journals covered by APC discounts' heading below.

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University

Before submitting, please read:

Capped agreement usage

Year to date (YTD) information on the number of articles approved and predicted information on when the cap will be reached. When a cap is close to being reached, please consider waiting for a new agreement year before submitting your article for review. The cap will reset.

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The agreement includes APC waivers for over 15 hybrid journals from Future Science, Future Medicine and Newlands Press. The agreement allows RMIT authors to submit unlimited publications throughout the agreement year.The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: original paper, review, brief communication, correction, additions, perspective, special report, editorial or interview.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY (default) or CC-BY-SA.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.
  • Gold open access journals are not included in the agreement.
  • Colour-in-print, reprints and poster charges are included in the agreement with authors not required to pay.

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement enables authors to publish open access in over 75 hybrid and gold open access titles. RMIT authors will have an unlimited capacity to publish across the eligible journal titles. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Only one corresponding author per submission.
  • Eligible article types: research articles, special issue articles, review articles and letter.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.
  • Charges outside of the APC may still be payable by the corresponding author (e.g. page charges).

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement enables authors to publish open access in the over 10 journals published by IWA Publishing. RMIT authors will have an unlimited capacity to publish across titles. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Creative commons license:  CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-ND, CC-BY-NC, CC-BY-NC-SA, CC-BY-NC-ND.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.
  • IWA is also offering a 25% discount on open access book publishing charges.

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible.
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.
  • Ringgold (RMIT University 5376), ORCID or other recognised institutional identifier may also be used in conjunction with RMIT email or institutional name.

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement allows authors to publish open access in Microbiology Society’s approximately 5 journals. There is no limit on the number of articles that can be published under the agreement. The specific agreement entitlements include:  

  • Creative commons license: CC-BY or CC-BY-SA.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.
  • Microbiology Society will not charge authors service fees (eg. color-inprint, reprints, posters).

How to access this agreement:

  • Submit your article via the publisher’s submission system Editorial Manager
  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.
  • Ringgold (RMIT University 5376), ORCID or other recognised institutional identifier may also be used in conjunction with RMIT email or institutional name.

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement covers over 360 Oxford journals. There is a cap of 1,101 articles that can be published across the participating CAUL institutions in 2024. The total availability pool and approval process will be managed by CAUL on a “first come, first served” basis. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: research article, review articles, brief reports and case reports.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY, and for some journals CC-BY-NC and CC-BY-NC-ND
  • The publishing cap is 1,101 articles shared across all participating institutions.
  • Charges outside of the APC may still be payable by the corresponding author (e.g. page charges). 

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible. 
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University if required.
  • Select: 
    • ‘Australia and New Zealand Institutions (CAUL affiliated)’, 
    • ‘Refer charge box’ 
    • Click ‘refer charges’.

Instructions on how to complete a submission can be found in the Oxford University Press author guide also listed below.

Before submitting, please read:

Capped agreement usage

Year to date (YTD) information on the number of articles approved and predicted information on when the cap will be reached. When a cap is close to being reached, please consider waiting for a new agreement year before submitting your article for review. The cap will reset.

Please note: this table is not accessible to keyboard and assistive technologies. For assistance, please contact

This agreement enables authors to publish open access in approximately 10 titles published by the Royal Society. There is no limit on the number of articles that can be published under the agreement. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • Eligible article types: all accepted.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY.
  • No publishing limit, uncapped.

How to access this agreement:

  • Submit your article via the publisher’s submission system.
  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible.
  • List institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University.
  • Ringgold (RMIT University 5376), ORCID or other recognised institutional identifier may also be used in conjunction with RMIT email or institutional name.

Before submitting, please read:

This agreement allows researchers to publish open access in over 950 SAGE journals. RMIT authors will have an unlimited capacity to publish across hybrid journal titles. The specific agreement entitlements include:

  • No publishing limit, uncapped.
  • Eligible article types: original research papers, review papers, brief communications, short reports and case reports.
  • Non-eligible articles: articles published as part of commercially sponsored supplements, errata, book reviews, editorials, published abstracts, call for papers, news items or similar.
  • Creative commons license: CC-BY or CC-BY-NC (default).
  • Gold open access journals are excluded from the agreement but are eligible for a 20% APC discount. You will find further information under the 'Journals covered by APC discounts' heading below.

How to access this agreement:

  • Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, to be accepted as eligible.
  • List institution as ‘RMIT University’.
  • RinggoldID (RMIT University 5376) may also be used in conjunction with RMIT email or institutional name.
  • Authors are required to sign an Open Access license with SAGE.

Before submitting, please read:


The Springer Agreement APC waiver cap of 3,511 articles has been reached. Until the new agreement is ready, you will need to pay the APC to publish open access.

Please check back in 2025 for updated agreement details. For information on article caps, go to the Springer agreement website:

The Taylor and Francis Agreement APC waiver cap of 3,850 articles has been reached. Until the new agreement is ready, you will need to pay the APC to publish open access. Please check back in 2025 for updated agreement details. For information on article caps, go to the Taylor and Francis agreement website:

The Wiley and Hindawi Agreement APC waiver cap of 6,900 articles has been reached. Until the new agreement is ready, you will need to pay the APC to publish open access. Please check back in 2025 for updated agreement details. For information on article caps, go to the Wiley and Hindawi Agreement website:

Journals covered by APC discount agreements

This list has been compiled by the Library to assist RMIT authors. Please check the discount applied for each publisher.

Q1 journals rank among top 25% of journals in the same area of research. Publishing in a Q1 journal may result in higher impact for your article. Individual researchers are in the best position to decide where to publish their content.

The list also includes APC waiver and discounted journal titles. Please carefully check the 'Waiver/Discount’ column to determine if an APC will be waived or a discount will be applied.

There are separate versions of the same list available for staff and students. For further information, please contact

Open access articles published in Elsevier core hybrid journals and Gold Open Access journals may be eligible to benefit from a 15% APC discount on the list price. This excludes the selected titles available for full APC waivers. 

In addition to the hybrid journals included for a full APC waiver, the De Gruyter agreement offers a 20% discount on over 60 gold ejournals during 2024. 

Authors will be automatically recognised via your RMIT email (e.g., or, when submitting an article. If accepted for publication, authors will receive an invoice for the 80% balance of the APC.

In addition to open access publishing in over 10 journals, the agreement with IWA offers a 25% discount on open access book publishing charges.

Visit IWA Publishing Open Access Books for more information.

For 2024, the RSC is offering a 15% discount on APCs for all journals. The discount is automatically applied to the APCs upon acceptance of an article where the corresponding author uses their institution’s email domain.

Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, and list your institution as Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology or RMIT University to be accepted as eligible.

In addition to open access publishing in SAGE hybrid journals, the 2024 agreement with SAGE offers a 20% discount on APCs in gold open access journals.

Use your RMIT email (e.g., or, and list your institution as RMIT University to be accepted as eligible. Authors will be offered an appropriate creative commons licence. By default, the offered licence will be CC-BY-NC.

Authors are required to sign an Open Access license with SAGE.

In addition to open access publishing in a selection of Taylor and Francis hybrid journals, the 2023 agreement with Taylor and Francis offers a 10% APC discount for publishing in Open Select (hybrid) journals excluded from publishing eligibility. Refer to the Taylor and Francis section under the Current agreements heading on this page for details.

The 10% APC discount will not apply to hybrid journals included in the agreement after the publication cap is used in full. 

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.