Professor Brant Gibson
Deputy Dean, Research and Innovation
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Science
City Campus
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Research supervision
Professor Brant Gibson is an experimentalist with wide-ranging research interests in the areas of diamond, fluorescent nanoprobes, wide band gap materials, single photon sources, quantum information, hybrid integration, fibre optics, photonics, biophotonics, optical, confocal and atomic force microscopy.
Professor Brant Gibson is the RMIT Node Leader and Deputy Director, of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics.
B Elect Eng Opt (Hons) La Trobe, PhD La Trobe
- Eldemrdash, S.,Thalassinos, G.,Alzahrani, A.,Sun, Q.,Greaves, T.,Greentree, A.,Bryant, G.,Gibson, B.,Reineck, P., et al, . (2023). Fluorescent HPHT nanodiamonds have disk- and rod-like shapes In: Carbon, 206, 268 - 276
- Mukherjee, S.,Zhang, Z.,Oblinsky, D.,De Vries, M.,Johnson, B.,Gibson, B.,Mayes, E.,Stacey, A.,Reineck, P., et al, . (2023). A Telecom O-Band Emitter in Diamond In: Nano Letters, 23, 2557 - 2562
- Abrahams, G.,Ellul, E.,Robertson, I.,Khalid, A.,Greentree, A.,Gibson, B.,Tetienne, J. (2023). Handheld Device for Noncontact Thermometry via Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance of Proximate Diamond Sensors In: Physical Review Applied, 19, 1 - 17
- Styles, R.,Candini, A.,Guarino, V.,Robertson, I.,Singh, P.,Abraham, A.,Broadway, D.,Greentree, A.,Gibson, B.,Tetienne, J.,Reineck, P., et al, . (2023). Quantum Sensing and Light Guiding with Fluorescent Nanodiamond-Doped PVA Fibers In: Advanced Optical Materials, , 1 - 9
- Capelli, M.,Lindner, L.,Johnson, B.,Stacey, A.,Reineck, P.,Gibson, B.,Greentree, A. D., et al, . (2022). Proximal nitrogen reduces the fluorescence quantum yield of nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond In: New Journal of Physics, 24, 2 - 10
- Fard, M.,Reineck, P.,Ohshima, T.,Gibson, B. C., et al, . (2022). Targeting cell surface glycans with lectin-coated fluorescent nanodiamonds In: Nanoscale Advances, 4, 1551 - 1564
- Hahl, F.,Luo, T.,Vidal, X.,Ohshima, T.,Capelli, M.,Gibson, B.,Greentree, A.,Jeske, J., et al, . (2022). Magnetic-field-dependent stimulated emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond In: Science Advances, 8, 1 - 9
- H. Yagoub, S.,Thompson, J.,Antony, A.,Dholakia, K.,Gibson, B.,Dunning, K. (2022). Fabrication on the microscale: a two-photon polymerized device for oocyte microinjection In: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 39, 1503 - 1513
- H. Yagoub, S.,Lim, M.,Tan, T.,Gibson, B. C., et al, . (2022). Vitrification within a nanoliter volume: oocyte and embryo cryopreservation within a 3D photopolymerized device In: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 39, 1997 - 2014
- Sato, S.,Li, S.,Greentree, A.,Deki, M.,Nishimura, T.,Watanabe, H.,Nitta, S.,Honda, Y.,Amano, H.,Gibson, B.,Ohshima, T. (2022). Photon extraction enhancement of praseodymium ions in gallium nitride nanopillars In: Scientific Reports, 12, 1 - 11
- Next generation quantum magnetic sensors for undersea surveillance and navigation [Led by Phasor Innovation] (Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG)). Funded by: Department of Defence Contract from (2024 to 2026)
- Embedded Quantum Diamond Measurement Systems. Funded by: Army Research Scheme (AARC02/2024) from (2024 to 2025)
- Development of Mini-LiDAR for Low Altitude Gust Measurements. Funded by: Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research from (2024 to 2025)
- NDNC2024 conference support - 17th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2024. Funded by: Air Force Defense Research Sciences Conference and Workshop Support from (2024 to 2024)
- Dual-comb Hyperspectral Imaging Facility. Funded by: ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) Grant from (2023 to 2024)
Note: Supervision projects since 2004
14 PhD Current Supervisions4 PhD Completions and 1 Masters by Research Completions
Diamond, Fluroescent nanoprobes, Wide band gap materials, Single photon sources, Quantum information, Hybrid integration, Fibre optics, Photonics, Biophotonics, Optical, Confocal and atomic force microscopy