Dr. Alena Golyagina
Lecturer - Accounting
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
COBL|Accounting, Info Sys & Supply Chain
City Campus
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Research supervision
- Golyagina, A. (2021). Importing a management accounting concept into the Russian language: a case of resistance from Russian academics In: Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 11, 449 - 476
- Golyagina, A. (2020). Competing logics in university accounting education in post-revolutionary Russia In: Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 69, 1 - 21
- Golyagina, A.,Valuckas, D. (2020). Boundary-work in management accounting: The case of hybrid professionalism In: The British Accounting Review, 52, 1 - 12
- Golyagina, A. (2020). The complexity of globalisation in Russian higher education: a case of the accounting discipline In: Globalisation, Societies and Education, 18, 464 - 479
- Golyagina, A.,Valuckas, D. (2016). Representation of knowledge on some management accounting techniques in textbooks In: Accounting Education, 25, 479 - 501
Accounting professionalisation, Accounting education, Accounting history, Accounting and linguistics, Management accounting