Dr. Lily van Eeden
Lecturer, Environmental Science
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Science
City Campus
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Research supervision
Dr Lily van Eeden is an interdisciplinary scientist with expertise in conservation biology and human behaviour. She's interested in how people interact with nature, and what factors cause them to act in ways that protect or harm the natural environment. She takes a "big picture" approach to nature conservation, drawing on her expertise in natural and social sciences to understand socio-ecological systems. She has diverse industry experience working in, or in partnership with, government, NGOs, and the private sector and prioritises impact-focused, applied research.
- PhD in the human dimensions of wildlife conservation and management (University of Sydney, 2020)
- Masters of biodiversity conservation and management (University of Oxford, 2015)
Lily gained almost a decade of experience as a field ecologist, conducting environmental impacts as a consultant in Melbourne as well as environmental research and monitoring experience in China and the United States. After her PhD, she completed a government-based postdoc at the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research where she conducted research on human behaviour change interventions to achieve nature conservation objectives as part of the Victorian state government conservation plan (Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2037).
- van Eeden, L.,Geschke, A.,Hames, F.,Squires, Z.,Weston, M. (2023). The leashing behavior of dog owners in different types of natural areas In: Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 28, 356 - 371
- van Eeden, L.,Francis, L.,Squires, Z.,Hames, F.,Bekessy, S.,Smith, L.,Hatty, M. (2023). Demographic and spatial variables associated with spending time in nature during COVID-19 lockdowns In: Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 82, 1 - 9
- van Eeden, L.,Hames, F.,Faulkner, R.,Geschke, A.,Squires, Z.,McLeod, E. (2021). Putting the cat before the wildlife: Exploring cat owners' beliefs about cat containment as predictors of owner behavior In: Conservation Science and Practice, 3, 1 - 12
1 PhD Current Supervisions