
2020 Publications

2019 Publications

  • Asefi, H., Shahparvari, S., Chhetri, P. (2019). Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management under uncertainty: A tri-echelon city logistics and transportation context In: Sustainable Cities and Society, 50, 1 – 25
  • Choi, J., Tay, R., Kim, S., Jeong, S. (2019). Behaviors of older pedestrians at crosswalks in South Korea In: Accident Analysis and Prevention, 127, 231 – 235
  • Choi, J., Tay, R., Kim, S., Jeong, S., Kim, J., Heo, T. (2019). Safety effects of freeway hard shoulder running In: Applied Sciences, 9, 1 – 10
  • Dehghani, M., Abbasi, B., Oliveira, F. (2019). Proactive transshipment in the blood supply chain: A stochastic programming approach In: Omega (United Kingdom), 1 – 16
  • Gekara, V., Molla, A., Snell, D., Karanasios, S., Thomas, A. (2019). Skilling the Australian workforce for the digital economy In: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) Adelaide, Australia
  • Hosseinifard, Z., Abbasi, B., Fadaki, M., Clay, N. (2019). (In Press) Post-disaster volatility of blood donations in an unsteady blood supply chain In: Decision Sciences, 1 – 27
  • Karanasios, S., Gekara, V., Molla, A., Snell, D. (2019). Skilling the Australian workforce for the digital economy, Support document 1: a review of digital skills frameworks literature In: National Centre for Vocational Education and Training (NCVER) Adelaide, Australia
  • Mohammadian, I., Abareshi, A.,Abbasi, B.,Goh, M. (2019). Airline capacity decisions under supply-demand equilibrium of Australia's domestic aviation market In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 119, 108 – 121
  • Nasirian, A., Arashpour, M., Abbasi, B., Akbarnezhad, A. (2019). Optimal work assignment to multiskilled resources in prefabricated construction In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145, 1 - 11
  • Rifaat, S., Pasha, M., Tay, R., De Barros, A. (2019). Effect of community road infrastructure, socio-demographic and street pattern in promoting walking as sustainable transportation mode In: The Open Transportation Journal, 13, 25 – 34
  • Ruan, X., Bandara, Y., Lee, J., Lee, P., Chhetri, P. (2019). Impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative in the Indian subcontinent under future port development scenarios In: Maritime Policy and Management, 46, 905 – 919
  • Shahparvari, S., Abbasi, B., Chhetri, P., Abareshi, A. (2019). Fleet routing and scheduling in bushfire emergency evacuation: A regional case study of the Black Saturday bushfires in Australia In: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 67, 703 – 722
  • Shiwakoti, N., Tay, R., Stasinopoulos, P. (2019). (In Press) Development, testing, and evaluation of road safety poster to reduce jaywalking behavior at intersections In: Cognition, Technology & Work, 1 – 9
  • Unsworth, C., Rawat, V., O'Sullivan, J., Tay, R., Naweed, A., Gudimetla, P. (2019). "I'm very visible but seldom seen": consumer choice and use of mobility aids on public transport In: Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 14, 122 – 132
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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Sentient' by Hollie Johnson, Gunaikurnai and Monero Ngarigo.