Stage A
Doctoral/PhD graduates
Stage B
School of Economics, Finance & Marketing
Stage C
Bachelor of Business
Stage D
School of Management, Graduate Certificate in Workplace Transformation, Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing Leadership, Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Business Professional Practice
Stage E
School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain
Stage F
School of Accounting, Information Systems & Supply Chain, Graduate School of Business and Law
Stage G
College of Vocational Education
Stage H
College of Vocational Education, School of Property, Construction and Project Management
Stage J
School of Property, Construction and Project Management, School of Architecture and Urban Design
Stage K
School of Design
Stage L
School of Design, School of Fashion and Textiles
Stage M
School of Global, Urban and Social Studies
Stage N
School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, School of Art, School of Education
Stage P
School of Art, School of Media and Communication
Stage Q
School of Health and Biomedical Sciences
Stage R
School of Health and Biomedical Sciences
Stage S
School of Science
Stage T
School of Computing Technologies
Stage U
School of Computing Technologies, School of Engineering, RMIT Aviation Academy, School of Science
Stage V
School of Engineering, School of Science
Stage W
School of Engineering