Professor Joe Jiang
Head of Department - MBA
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
COBL|Graduate School of Business & Law
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Jones, J.,Manoharan, A.,Jiang, Z.,Singal, M. (2024). A Framework of Facilitators and Barriers to Career Adaptability: Migrant Hotel Workers During COVID-19 In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 48, 483 - 500
- Di Milia, L.,Jiang, Z. (2024). Linking leader-member exchange and work–nonwork balance: the mediating role of thriving at work and the moderating role of gender In: Personnel Review, 53, 155 - 172
- Jiang, Z.,Hu, X.,Wang, Z.,Griffin, M. (2024). Enabling workplace thriving: A multilevel model of positive affect, team cohesion, and task interdependence In: Applied Psychology, 73, 323 - 350
- Wang, Z.,Jiang, Z.,Blackman, A. (2024). Why and when do emotionally intelligent employees perform safely? The roles of thriving at work and career adaptability In: Applied Psychology, 73, 723 - 747
- Jiang, Z.,Zhao, X.,Wang, Z.,Herbert, K. (2024). Safety leadership: A bibliometric literature review and future research directions In: Journal of Business Research, 172, 1 - 20
- Jiang, Z.,Wu, C.,Wang, Y.,Peng, K.,Li, W. (2023). Moving forward: Diverse conceptual and theoretical perspectives to advance career proactivity research In: Applied Psychology, 72, 205 - 210
- Alothmany, R.,Jiang, Z.,Manoharan, A. (2023). Linking high-performance work systems to affective commitment, job satisfaction, and career satisfaction: Thriving as a mediator and wasta as a moderator In: International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34, 3787 - 3824
- Huo, M.,Jiang, Z. (2023). Work-role overload, work–life conflict, and perceived career plateau: The moderating role of emotional stability In: Human Resource Management, 62, 867 - 882
- Huo, M.,Jiang, Z. (2023). Work–life conflict and job performance: The mediating role of employee wellbeing and the moderating role of trait extraversion In: Personality and Individual Differences, 205, 1 - 6
- Hu, X.,Yan, H.,Jiang, Z.,Yeo, G. (2023). An examination of the link between job content plateau and knowledge hiding from a moral perspective: The mediating role of distrust and perceived exploitation In: Journal of Vocational Behavior, 145, 1 - 14
3 PhD Current Supervisions
- Expanding the STEM Talent Pipeline for Australian Defence Workforce. Funded by: Department of Defence Strategic Policy Grants from (2024 to 2027)