Professor Sandra Jones
Emeritus Professor
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
City Campus
Contact me about:
Research supervision
- Evidence-Based Benchmarking Framework for a Distributed Leadership Approach to Capacity Building in Learning and Teaching. Funded by: Australian Learning & Teaching Council from (2011 to 2013)
- Lessons Learnt: Identifying Synergies in Distributed Leadership Projects (Leadership for Excellence). Funded by: Australian Learning & Teaching Council from (2009 to 2011)
- Developing multi-level leadership in the use of student feedback to enhance student learning and teaching practice. Funded by: The Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Grant pre-2014 from (2006 to 2009)
4 PhD Completions and 1 Masters by Research Completions
Employment relations, knowledge management, negotiation, mediation and advocacy, communities of practice, community industrial relations.
- Harvey, M.,Jones, S. (2022). Challenge accepted: Women claiming leadership in higher education learning and teaching In: Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 19, 68 - 91
- Harvey, M.,Jones, S. (2021). Enabling leadership capacity for higher education scholarship in learning and teaching (SOTL) through action research In: Educational Action Research, 29, 173 - 190
- Harvey, M.,Jones, S. (2020). Leading educational transformation with sessional staff In: Delivering Educational Change in Higher Education, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK
- Ryan, J.,Jones, S.,Hayes, P.,Turner, M. (2019). Building Student Resilience for Graduate Work Readiness In: Employability via Higher Education: Sustainability as Scholarship, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland
- Jones, S. (2018). Blended leadership: from conceptualization to practice In: Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education, Meteor-Springer, Singapore
- Parrott, S.,Jones, S. (2018). Virtual mobility: flipping the global classroom for a blended learning opportunity In: The Globalisation of Higher Education, Springer International, Cham, Switzerland
- Collins, N.,Jones, S.,Nguyen, T.,Stanton, P. (2018). Human Capital issues and government responses to climate change in Mekong Delta, Vietnam In: Social Aspects of Asian Economic Growth, Taylor and Francis, United Kingdom
- Collins, N.,Jones, S.,Nguyen, T.,Stanton, P. (2017). The contribution of human capital to a holistic response to climate change: learning from and for the Mekong Delta, Vietnam In: Asia Pacific Business Review, 23, 230 - 242
- Jones, S. (2017). Academic Leadership In: Pedagogic Frailty and Resilience in the University, Sense, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Jones, S. (2017). Leading the academy: Distributed leadership in higher education, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Hammondville, Australia