Professor Gillian Palmer
Emeritus Professor
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
City Campus
- Palmer, G. (2007). Socio-political theory and ethics in HRM In: Human Resource Management: Ethics and Employment, Oxford University Press, New York USA
- MCLOUGHLIN, I.,BADHAM, R.,Palmer, G. (2005). Cultures of ambiguity: Design, emergence and ambivalence in the introduction of normative control In: Work, Employment and Society, 19, 67 - 90
- Sarros, J.,WILLIS, R.,Palmer, G. (2005). The nature and purpose of the DBA: A case for clarity and quality control In: Education and Training, 47, 40 - 52
- Palmer, G. (2003). Diverisity management, past, present and future In: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 41, 13 - 24
- RIMMER, M.,Palmer, G. (2003). Future research in managing human diversity: an overview In: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 41, 6 - 12
- Gardner AO, M.,Palmer, G. (1992). Employment relations : industrial relations and human resource management in Australia, Macmillian, Melbourne, Australia
- Gardner AO, M.,Palmer, G.,Quinlan, M. (1988). The industrial democracy debate In: Australian personnel management: a reader, Macmillan, South Melbourne, Australia
- Gardner AO, M.,Littler, C.,Palmer, G.,Quinlan, M. (1986). Management and industrial democracy : structure and strategies, AGPS, Canberra, Australia