Dr. Cecilia Power
Research Assistant
College / Portfolio:
STEM College
School / Department:
STEM|School of Science
Bundoora West
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Research supervision
- Carabott, M.,Power, C.,Widdicombe, M.,Rough, K.,Nowak, B.,Bott, N. (2023). Dynamics of Cardicola spp. Infection in Ranched Southern Bluefin Tuna: First Observation of C. orientalis at Transfer In: Pathogens, 12, 1 - 13
- Coff, L.,Abrahams, J.,Collett, S.,Power, C.,Nowak, B.,Kolarich, D.,Bott, N.,Ramsland, P. (2022). Profiling the glycome of Cardicola forsteri, a blood fluke parasitic to bluefin tuna In: International Journal for Parasitology, 52, 1 - 12
- Norbury, L.,Shirakashi, S.,Power, C.,Nowak, B.,Bott, N. (2022). Praziquantel use in aquaculture – Current status and emerging issues In: International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance, 18, 87 - 102
- Power, C.,Evenden, S.,Rough, K.,Webber, C.,Widdicombe, M.,Nowak, B.,Bott, N. (2021). Prevalence and intensity of cardicola spp. Infection in ranched southern bluefin tuna and a comparison of diagnostic methods In: Pathogens, 10, 1 - 15
- Power, C.,Nowak, B.,Cribb, T.,Bott, N. (2020). Bloody flukes: a review of aporocotylids as parasites of cultured marine fishes In: International Journal for Parasitology, 50, 743 - 753
- Widdicombe, M.,Power, C.,Van Gelderen, R.,Nowak, B.,Bott, N. (2020). Relationship between Southern Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, melanomacrophage centres and Cardicola spp. (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae) infection In: Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 106, 859 - 865
- Minich, J.,Power, C.,Melanson, M.,Knight, R.,Webber, C.,Rough, K.,Bott, N.,Nowak, B.,Allen, E. (2020). The Southern Bluefin Tuna Mucosal Microbiome Is Influenced by Husbandry Method, Net Pen Location, and Anti-parasite Treatment In: Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 1 - 16
- Power, C.,Garza, J.,Evans, D.,Nowak, B.,Bridle, A.,Bott, N. (2019). Detection of Miamiensis avidus (Ciliophora: Scuticociliatia) and Cardicola spp. (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae) DNA in biofouling from Southern Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus maccoyii pontoons off Port Lincoln, South Australia In: Aquaculture, 502, 128 - 133
- Power, C.,Webber, C.,Rough, K.,Robin Staunton, R.,Nowak, B.,Bott, N. (2019). The effect of different treatment strategies on Cardicola spp. (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae) infection in ranched Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) from Port Lincoln, South Australia In: Aquaculture, 513, 1 - 7
1 PhD Current Supervisions