Associate Professor Mali ABDOLLAHIAN
Dr Mali Abdollahian is an academic in the School of Science. Her research interests are mainly in the areas of statistical quality control and quality assurance and statistical modelling.
Mali received her Master in Applied Mathematics and Astronomy and PhD in Statistical Quality Control from University College Cardiff in UK. Her research interests are mainly in the area of; univariate and multivariate statistical quality control and quality assurance and Statistical modelling, but also include the design of sampling strategy for compliance testing and benchmarking, performance analysis and quality control monitoring of health and environment trends.
Much of her research involved developing optimal quality control and quality assurance procedures for monitoring and improving the quality of products and services in a cost effective manner. She has been extensively involved in consulting projects and delivery of short courses to different industries. The refereed publications in the area of her research are listed on Google Scholar.
Selected list of postgraduate thesis supervised
- Performance Analysis of Non-Normal Data
- Process capability estimation for multivariate non normal processes
- Identifying Bird Species as biodiversity indicators for terrestrial ecosystem management
- Statistical Process control Schemes
- Classifying some of the Victorian local government areas based on population, education, income, occupation, industry of employment, motor vehicle and labour force status
- Statistical quality control and process capability analysis in the manufacturing of tinplate crown seals
- Estimating probability of non-conformance of Skewed Cervical cancer data
- Steps procedure for Maximum Likelihood estimation with Mathematica Classifying some of the Victorian suburbs based on income, education, industry of employment, occupation and labour force
- Process capability estimation for non-normal quality characteristics
- Quality Control in Industry
- Development of empirical relationship for metallurgical design of hot-rolled steel products for New Zealand steel limited
- Statistical quality control to monitor biological testing
- Univariate and multivariate Statistical quality control in clinical area
- The Elliott Wave Principle
- Analysis of univariate and multivariate process control procedures in the automotive industry
- Statistical quality control for Water quality database
- Quality Control in Banking system
- Forecasting Air Quality in victoria
- Univaraite and multivariate process control procedures in a steel plant
- Development of empirical relationship for metallurgical design of hot-rolled steel products for New Zealand steel limited
Selected list of recent PhD thesis examined
- Statistical control charts for automated and high quality manufacturing
- Statistical Process control Schemes
- Controlling processes with reference to costs, item price and process evolution
- Development of a quality evaluation model and its application in the economic design of process adjustment and economic design of production quality
- Managing Real Information Flow between Distributed Discrete Event Simulation Models
- The development of inventory control systems for incoming and outgoing manufacturing logistics and decision rules for the stocking position in a two stage inventory system
- Process capability estimation for multivariate non normal processes
- The development of inventory control systems for incoming and outgoing manufacturing logistics and decision rules for the stocking position in a two stage inventory system
- A mathematical model for process adjustment of quality selection problem and optimisation using a novel genetic algorithm
- Synamic Request-Driven Scheme for Data Collectors in Sensor Networks
- An Algebraic Framework for Multimodal Image Fusion
- Simulation-based Learning for control of complex conveyor networks
- Longitudinal data modelling using penalized splines and ranked set sampling
- Senior Lecturer
- Member of System modelling and Optimisation discipline
Current research projects
- Application of Multivariate quality control in clinical area.
- Performance Analysis/Process Capability estimation for Clinical data.
- Performance Analysis/Process Capability estimation for linear and non linear profiles.
- Performance Analysis/Process Capability estimation for multivariate non normal processes.
- Statistical process control for multistream processes monitoring variability.
- Developing multivariate process control models for air pollution monitoring.
- Developing multivariate performance control models for Cancer prevention.
- Developing multivariate process control models for Medical data.
Past research projects
- Statistical Quality Assurance for Air Monitoring Data.
- Statistical Quality Control for Food Manufacturing.
- Application of Statistical Quality Control in banking system, and steel industry.
- Modelling water pollution.
- Developing statistical Forecasting models for air pollution and Ozone control.
- Application of Multivariate quality control in clinical area.
- Optimal Statistical Models for Forecasting Pollution Ozone Modelling and Forecasting.
- Improved Output Control.
- Cost Effective Sampling Plans.
- New Ways of learning-Teaching and Assessment in large classes.
- Building Leadership Capacity in the use of Student Feedback to Enhance Student Learning and Teaching Practices in Large Classes.
- Developing univariate and multivariate time series models for forecasting ground level Ozone
- Quality Control and Sampling Theory
- Mathematics and Statistics for Engineering
- Mathematics and Statistics for Science
- Statistics for Quality and Productivity in Industry
- Mathematics and Statistics for Industrial Engineering
- Questionnaire and Research Design
- BSc (First Class Hons) in Mathematics
- Master of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy
- PhD in Statistical Quality Control University College Cardiff UK.
- Member of Australian and New Zealand Statistical Society
- International Technical committee member for many International conferences (IEEE)
- Alazwari, A.,Johnstone, A.,Tafakori, L.,Akhavan-Abdollahian, M.,AIEidan, A.,AIfuhigi, K.,Alghofialy, M.,Albunyan, A.,Al Abbad, H.,AlEssa, M.,Alareefy, A.,Alshamrani, M. (2023). Predicting the development of T1D and identifying its Key Performance Indicators in children; a case-control study in Saudi Arabia In: Plos One, 18, 1 - 18
- Raza, S.,Amjad, M.,Ishfaq, K.,Ahmad, S.,Akhavan-Abdollahian, M. (2023). Effect of Three-Dimensional (3D) Scanning Factors on Minimizing the Scanning Errors Using a White LED Light 3D Scanner In: applied Sciences, 13, 1 - 20
- Lee, K.,ABDOLLAHIAN, M.,Schreider, S.,Taheri, S. (2023). Supply Chain Demand Forecasting and Price Optimisation Models with Substitution Effect In: Mathematics, 11, 1 - 28
- Bashir, Z.,Amjad, M.,Raza, S.,Ahmad, S.,Abdollahian, M.,Farooq, M. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Shifting the Brick Kiln Industry from Conventional to Zigzag Technology for a Sustainable Environment In: Sustainability, 15, 1 - 16
- Altaf, S.,Asad, R.,Ahmad, S.,Ahmed, I.,Akhavan-Abdollahian, M. (2023). A Hybrid Framework of Deep Learning Techniques to Predict Online Performance of Learners during COVID-19 Pandemic In: Sustainability (Switzerland), 15, 1 - 24
- Butt, T.,Amjad, M.,Raza, S.,Riaz, F.,Ahmad, S.,Abdollahian, M. (2023). (In Press) Gas Leakage Identification and Prevention by Pressure Profiling for Sustainable Supply of Natural Gas In: Sustainability, , 1 - 15
- Gunaratne, N.,Akhavan-Abdollahian, M.,Huda, S.,Ali, M.,Fortino, G. (2022). An edge tier task offloading to identify sources of variance shifts in smart grid using a hybrid of wrapper and filter approaches In: IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 6, 329 - 340
- Alazwari, A.,Akhavan-Abdollahian, M.,Tafakori, L.,Johnstone, A.,Alkhaldi, A. R., et al, . (2022). Predicting age at onset of type 1 diabetes in children using regression, artificial neural network and Random Forest: A case study in Saudi Arabia In: PLoS One, 17, 1 - 30
- Anggraini, D.,Akhavan-Abdollahian, M.,Lestia, A.,Armanza, F.,Rahkmawati, Y.,Hayah, N.,Mehta, W. (2022). Development of Local Birth Weight Reference Based on Gestational Age and Sex in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia In: International Journal of General Medicine, 2022, 4101 - 4121
- Ahmad, S.,Ahmad, F.,Alam, I.,Sayed, A.,Akhavan-Abdollahian, M. (2022). Modeling and Optimizing the System Reliability Using Bounded Geometric Programming Approach In: Mathematics, 10, 1 - 19
8 PhD Current Supervisions9 PhD Completions