Associate Professor Kamrul Ahsan
Associate Professor
College / Portfolio:
College of Business and Law
School / Department:
COBL|Accounting, Info Sys & Supply Chain
City Campus
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Research supervision
- Ahsan, K.,Ho, M. (2024). Analysis of Agile project manager competencies from recruitment signals In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 3892 - 3905
- Paul, S.,Moktadir, M.,Ahsan, K. (2023). Key supply chain strategies for the post-COVID-19 era: implications for resilience and sustainability In: International Journal of Logistics Management, 34, 1165 - 1187
- Ahsan, M.,Akbar, S.,Kam, B.,Abdulrahman, M. (2023). Implementation of micro-credentials in higher education: A systematic literature review In: Education and Information Technologies, 28, 13505 - 13540
- Aghajani, M.,Ahsan, M.,Whiteside, N. (2023). When Agility Meets a Project Portfolio: A Study of Success Factors in Large Organisations In: Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 27, 1 - 48
- Ahsan, K.,Akbar, S.,Kam, B. (2022). Contract cheating in higher education: a systematic literature review and future research agenda In: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 47, 523 - 539
- Ahsan, K.,Rahman, S. (2022). A systematic review of e-tail product returns and an agenda for future research In: Industrial Management and Data Systems, 122, 137 - 166
- Paul, S.,Chowdhury, P.,Ahsan, K.,Ali, S.,Kabir, G. (2022). An Advanced Decision-Making Model for Evaluating Manufacturing Plant using Fuzzy Inference System In: Expert Systems with Applications, 191, 1 - 15
- Jadhav, A.,Rahman, S.,Ahsan, K. (2022). Sustainability practices disclosure of top logistics firms in Australia In: The International Journal of Logistics Management, 33, 244 - 277
- Akbar, S.,Ahsan, K. (2021). Investigation of the challenges of implementing social sustainability initiatives: a case study of the apparel industry In: Social Responsibility Journal, 17, 343 - 366
- Shumon, R.,Halim, Z.,Rahman, S.,Ahsan, K. (2019). How do suppliers address stringent environmental requirements from buyers? An exploratory study in the Bangladesh ready-made garment industry In: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 49, 921 - 944
4 PhD Current Supervisions5 PhD Completions
Sustainable supply chain, Operations and logistics issues in product returns and recalls, Retail and e-tail logistics, 3PL, Procurement in project and supply chain, Project performance issues, Disaster logistics
- RACE for 2030 CRC: Energy Upgrades for Australian Homes (22.H2.S.0365). Funded by: Race for 2030 Limited CRC - Competitive from (2023 to 2026)