Professor Marco Amati
Marco Amati is an Associate Professor in International Planning. He teaches and coordinates “The Urban Age” course (HUSO2341), for the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies.
While mainly focusing on trees and green spaces within urban environments, Marco is also interested in e-planning, urban agriculture, planning history and Asian cities.
Current research
Marco is currently Chief Investigator with Rob Freestone on an ARC Discovery Grant: DP120101732. $152,000 Exhibitionism: codifying and communicating planning culture in Australia 1913–1951.
Research supervision
Marco is registered for research supervision in the following areas:
urban green spaces
planning and health
peri-urban regions and food
planning history
land reform in developing countries
East Asian cities
internet and public participation.
He has supervised 4 Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students to completion and has been involved in the supervision of many other students. He was in charge of the administration of the ~70 HDR student experience for students in the Department of Environment and Geography (Macquarie University) 2009–2013.
PhD, University of Tsukuba, 2005
Master of Environmental Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, 1998
Bachelor of Environmental Sciences (Energy Option) Honours, Leeds University, 1996
Professional interests
Member of the Planning Institute of Australia (Environmental Planning Chapter)
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- Kirk, H.,Soanes, K.,Amati, M.,Bekessy, S.,Harrison, L.,Parris, K.,Ramalho, C.,Van de Ree, R.,Threlfall, C. (2023). Ecological connectivity as a planning tool for the conservation of wildlife in cities In: MethodsX, 10, 1 - 12
- Amati, M.,Stevens, Q.,Rueda, S. (2023). Taking Play Seriously in Urban Design: The Evolution of Barcelona’s Superblocks In: Space and Culture, , 1 - 16
- Bush, J.,Oke, C.,Dickey, A.,Humphrey, J.,Harrison, L.,Amati, M.,Fornari, G.,Soanes, K.,Callow, D.,Van de Ree, R. (2023). A decade of nature: Evolving approaches to Melbourne's ‘nature in the city’ In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 235, 1 - 9
- Wang, S.,Sun, Q.,Martin, C.,Cai, W.,Liu, Y.,Duckham, M.,Hurley, J.,Amati, M.,Choy, S. (2023). Tracking the settlement patterns of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations in Australia: A census-based study from 2001 to 2021 In: Cities, 141, 1 - 13
- Amati, M.,Tiede, J.,Sun, Q.,Deilami, K.,Hurley, J.,Fox, A.,Dickson, J. (2023). Using machine learning to identify urban forest crown bounding boxes (CBB): Exploring a new method to develop urban forest policy In: Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 85, 1 - 11
- Hernandez Santin, C.,Amati, M.,Bekessy, S.,Desha, C. (2023). Integrating biodiversity as a non-human stakeholder within urban development In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 232, 1 - 13
- Amati, M.,Buchanan, R. (2023). The social psychologist as planner: the pioneering work of Oscar Oeser in urban and rural communities in mid-twentieth century Australia In: Planning Perspectives, 38, 1281 - 1300
- Wang, S.,Cai, W.,Sun, Q.,Martin, C.,Tewari, S.,Hurley, J.,Amati, M.,Duckham, M.,Choy, S. (2023). Landscape of multiculturalism in Australia: Tracking ethnic diversity and its relation with neighbourhood features in 2001–2021 In: Applied Geography, 160, 1 - 12
- Deilami, K.,Shooshtarian, S.,Rudner, J.,Butt, A.,Amati, M. (2022). Resilience and Adaptation Strategies for Urban Heat at Regional, City and Local Scales In: Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience, Springer, Switzerland
- Sun, Q.,das, s.,Wang, K.,Tao, Y.,Amati, M.,Hurley, J.,Choy, S.,Duckham, M. (2022). iHVI: AN OPEN-SOURCE TOOLKIT FOR CONSTRUCTING INTEGRATED HEAT VULNERABILITY INDEX IN AUSTRALIA In: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, Sydney, Australia, 19–21 October 2022
- Extinction Imaginaries: Mapping Affective Visual Cultures in Australasia. Funded by: ARC-Linkage Project from (2023 to 2026)
- Why is (re)development hot?: Measuring cumulative heat in Australian cities (externally led by UWA). Funded by: ARC Discovery Projects 2023 via Other University from (2023 to 2026)
- Nationwide longitudinal database for emerging CALD Communities and social-environmental inequalities. Funded by: Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) Grant from (2022 to 2023)
- Greener Neighbourhoods – Urban Canopy Study (City of Paramatta Council (NSW)). Funded by: City of Parramatta Council - Contract from (2022 to 2023)
- Integrated Heat Vulnerability Assessment Toolkit for Australian Cities (Administered by University of Melbourne). Funded by: Australian Government Department of Education and Training - Competitive from (2021 to 2022)
4 PhD Completions5 PhD Current Supervisions